Homosexuality In Trinidad


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RauCous said:
Movedtoanswer said:
You see a lot of times people say:

"Why would you go for men when there are all these sweet women in the world?" as if their own sexuality and attractions were conscious, rational thoughts. But then they have to answer:

When did you decide to find women sexually attractive?
What factors went into the decision to do so?
How long did you take to decide women were attractive to you?

There was no "choice". One day, after years of thinking girls had "cooties" and were annoying, you began to like them all of a sudden.
It was not a logical move. You never sat down and said: "Okay, women make babies and if I want to have a family I must take a female sexual partner, so because I want children I will decide to find girls sexually attractive."
You just liked them all of a sudden, and well, if you liked them and they were around maybe you could get to kiss one or something...
When does this happen? Around puberty?

Well in the same way, I believe people with same-sex attractions when they tell me that around puberty when other guys were suddenly beginning to notice girls they were suddenly beginning to look at guys in the same way; and that when they tried to like girls like everyone else they just couldn't respond in the same way. Why? Who knows? But I doubt at that age they ever, ever, ever wanted to be different to their peers in any way--especially when things are going strange with everybody's bodies and stuff.

Now if you believe that homosexual behavior is wrong and you believe this also, then the proper (to me anyway) response is not scorn but pity/sympathy. Here are a bunch of people with feelings they never wanted. What are they supposed to do?
I don't believe they should act on it; but that's just like asking a straight boy/man to be celibate for life. Or like telling them: "Well if you try hard enough you'll find guys attractive."

Some people actually believe that (and this refuse to wear pink...lol). I don't think that is very possible at all. I don't think straight men can just "decide" to get an erection when they see an attractive member of their own sex.
We all know that has a mind of its own.

That's just like asking them to "decide" not to find any other woman but their wife/girlfriend sexually attractive. Now they can decide not to cheat, but they certainly cannot switch off their brain circuits when they go out without their wife.

I'm not disputing that tendencies dont exist, i'm just saying theses tendencies whereever they come from are born of unnatural consequences. I should have said this before but i seriously belive that homosexual behaviour is taught or even thrusted unto some people. And if you buy into it you WILL become gay, erections and all. If I had believed what alot of people told me about my sexual orientation i know i would be gay. Wait does this make me a closet gay? Do i harbour feelings of men inside? Am I in denial of something i cant change?... i doubt that. Like i said before humans inevetably have perverted thoughts, even if they dont see it as such. Its the indulgence or the fact that we entertain these options that determine what we are. And its proven people find pleasure in all kinds of things, including pain... but it dosent mean these things are right.
I know wanting something doesnt alway cause it to happen and i almost went into a spiritual argument but i'll not go there. Thats where we differ on opinion, i belive we are beings of choice, whether those choices are conscious or unconscious, choices based on what we expose ourselves to or what is exposed to us.
Well, it's certainly important to guard your mind and what you are exposed to that is true. But we do differ like you said in that I don't believe one can suddenly (or gradually) "become gay".

But thinking about it, the mind is a strange thing. I do think you can do anything you put your mind to. So in that sense it it theoretically possible; but I don't believe it is common if so.
RauCous said:
Movedtoanswer said:
Now about the killer analogy. A better one would be an alcoholic.
There are many alcoholics who do not drink (having either stopped or not started yet); but as long as they are predisposed to alcohol addiction they will be considered alcoholic.
Even 30 years after your last drink, at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you are considered a "recovering alcoholic" for the rest of your life. The fight never ends.

I think the same applies to homosexuals feelings.
True and drug addicts.. but is it that they don't possess free will? Is the addiction they suffer physical or psychological? If its physical as in a chemical need to like men then explain the mechanisms involved... I'm pretty sure the laws of attraction are the same for everyone... even those who claim to hate everything and everyone have an affinity to something. If its a psychological need then its caused by something in the environment and they're programmed to think this way. If its both then it really is like alcoholism, genetic/environmental/psychological factors conspiring towards a negative result.
You know it could be both too. The mind can trigger changes in the body and how it responds. The brain is the largest sex organ after all as they say.
I don't know if we will ever find out.

So you think that if you desensitize yourself to homosexual behavior (say watching too much MTV) then you could be at some risk to develop gay feelings over time?
admin said:
WOW dude lol Movedtoanswer quote every post thing this thread and replied to it, thats cool lol, 18 post in this thread alone lol this topic have to be a heated one
Well, not every one lol. Trinis like to talk and talk I suppose (although they like to beat around the bush too eh).
I fell you real like this topic it have alot more topics we need a little challenge in lol so what you say, because i feel racous straining him self taking about only homosexuality lol
YEa create some, it have alot of them does be in here on mornings,
Resha said:
They are more public about their ways than before but i have never heard of any association or group that supports them.... But the guys are so so so handsome omg why they change!!!!

With all due respect ms. resha that is the dumbest statement i ever read.... "why they change" .... its a bit depressing to think that in this day and age, people still living in ignorance.
Topcat said:
I think that its good that they are comming out so we could be aware of the state at which the world has come to i dont blame most homosexuals for how they turn out but i dont support it and if they are opening up that is good so they would not go around fooling people and that something could be done about it.

tell me topcat.. what do you want done about it... Lynching?
lol how about forced sexual coversion therapy. na jus kiddin.
@ movedtoanswer. All i'll say is by beholding you become changed. Most people are the product of the society they were born in, even if they choose to go against the "norms" of the society they cant help but be influenced by it. All we know is what was always around us. Some things reinforce homosexuality and others reinforce heterosexuality. I happen to think that humans have the capability of committing every or any number of vices in the absense of enforced societal norms and values. It's our nature to be deviant. Kinda like the "Lord of the flies" book showed that human behaviour might possibly change or manifest itself under certain circumstances. I said all that to say there's nothing intrinsically good about humans. Our moral code isn't nessasarily conscience based, it's passed on from generation to generation, through religion and public law or other voices in peoples head.
However most people generally accept most of what is right and wrong and it's fairly relative from culture to culture.
I said all that so say most gay people dont see anything wrong with it. It's not entirely distasteful to them, so no change would occur. Fear of ridicule or disappointment is what might cause modification of behaviour. If they truly found it distasteful they would change.
Is homosexuality revlsion of the opposite sex as much as it attraction to the same one? Is it only a sexual attraction i think it also borders on same sex bonding gone wrong or more of a socio-sexual affixation. I think the original sexual attraction is coupled with a need for companionship or socialising. People need other people but it what ways.
This not all i jus tired... typing on phone nah. lol.
varsha said:
Resha said:
They are more public about their ways than before but i have never heard of any association or group that supports them.... But the guys are so so so handsome omg why they change!!!!

With all due respect ms. resha that is the dumbest statement i ever read.... "why they change" .... its a bit depressing to think that in this day and age, people still living in ignorance.

I seriously don't understand ur statement... I simply said that most gay guys are very good looking Why did they have to change or be gay??? What's so depressing and living in ignorance have to do with that???!!!!
I don't know if the member is trying to say that gay is out here and we should accept it, from what i read i believe thats most likely what she is saying. I will not support any gay person because its not right and because we are human does not mean that we should have the right to change god rules.
I have no problem with gay people what people do should not affect what I am I'm not bothered. My problem is with homosexuality itself. I wont tell people what to do but I will try to get them to see why its wrong. Too many people think gay people are born this way thats a big assumption to make. There's alot that goes wrong in sexual development homosexuality is just one of them. Preoccupation with it and addiction to it is another.
They try to bring the Nature versus nurture theory in this, its a hundred year debate, stating that your genes make your personality versus when you grow you make your own personality.
Hmmm right now there's this protest in california, a gay marrige bill went to the state to vote and it was voted against. The homosexual community there wont accept that the bill is denied, (by the population not the lawmakers) so they're protesting. (So much for democracy lol) What some people dont understand is that a civil union could be arranged to cover same sex unions and provide the same securities marrige does. Marrige is a spiritual concept for most people lol and most deities dont recognise homosexuality. Civil unions are a good idea but they want marrige... whatever marrige is. lol.
I wonder if Trinidad would be like that!!! I could jus imagine how Trinidadian would take that blow...
Waay i did not even check that self any time i see the word gay or homo my eyes does not read it, its it frightening case in T&T and i don't know why people are saying its the 21 century accept it
Yeah true and u know what everyone saying....they say if the pope cud accept it everyone can..i was like wtf thats totally an abomination and u as a FRIGGIN POPE WUD ACCEPT IT..RELIGIONS ARE TOTALLY CHANGING IN TODAYS WORLD F THE POPE I BUH BELIVING THAT
gay men are becoming more open than usaul.... They even have fetes for them right in the heart of port of spain.... But yuh know yuh does hardly hear anything about the lesbians in T&T which i guess is good...
Actually Resha i read an article about Lesbianism today in the Express..Fact is in Trini Girls are turning to it bcuz they said that having a female partner wud not give them aids or anything but little do they know that sex toys are the vehicle for aids and plus u can get serious infections from them