Homosexuality In Trinidad


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Made gay by choice.. They way I see it you have a choice to fight it or give in. Like some people born with the potential to be killers cuz the have weak emotions but they wont kill if the dont want to. Even if a man tink he gay i dont think he has to stay that way. Some just indulge in the gayness... is a show off thing.
I agree People say they are born gay but thats shit you don't born gay you make your self gay so if you can do that you can change you just like man bottom lol
I think its a hormone thing....They are born with less male hormones and more female hormones... :icon_neutral:
I dont think thats much of a factor, ciara the singer has more male hormones than female ones (i hope its not a myth lol) and she's not all mannish. It could affect the way you act to a certain degree at least on an emotional or neurological level but society would form alot of their charateristics and habits... Outside of that aren't that much differences between the sexes except when it comes to gender roles and thats determined by the sex organs/physiology which exist in the way the do solely because of the sex hormones. i dont understand how it would affect thier sexual identity or preference without changing them physically. Sexual persuasion is a matter of choice just some choose to work against nature, which is of course unnatural. Thats why they tend to emphasise choice and rights but basically they're claiming the right to do the wrong/unnatural thing.
What's the youngest age that anyone seen a gay boy....

The youngest I have seen is about 15years....
Well remember you can really be sure a male is gay if he's under the age of 14, remember puberty now starts and even so pre teens tend more to be around boys like in groups in school. So to safely say one is gay you have to check after 14
Is there a possibility that a boy at age nine or ten could be gay?
so ur saying that being gay is a matter of the individual choice... No matter what age they are...
its not a hormone inbalance.... it has to do with the environment...right???
Yes resha i does not matter about the homones their is not genes linked to homosexuality, and not one partt of out body could every be linked to that.
Yes as i was explaining their is and will never be any genes linking homosexuality none at all
So now I understand its not a hormorne thing... So what causes a guy to turn gay??? Beside abuse
Well hmm let me see its just like how some one can rape and kill people its their mentality, Being around alot of guys for their whole entire lives can have an impact on this, All them all male schools has alot of them and make them into what we are talking about
All you have to "do" to be homosexual is to have a sexual attraction to members of your own sex. You don't have to have sex with them, or put on lipstick, or call the "girlfriend" with a lisp; you just have to have a sexual physiological response to them (and not to women). (Check the dictionary).
Now, people can choose how they wish to behave. There is simply no question about that. People who have same-sex attractions do not have to act on them--and a good many do not, especially in places like Trinidad where it can be dangerous or expose one to ridicule etc.
Others do not for religious reasons.
But some choose to act on their feelings.
The feelings really do exist. You will not voluntarily choose to do something you are not already inclined in some way to do.
You can choose how you act; but you often cannot choose your motivations (I did not say "motives" eh two different words).
-Karina said:
Homos are a blasphemy...and i dont support them...but i know that they should hav rights like anyother citizen of the country...I know eh Resha some of them quite are nice but they are Gay STRAINT PLAIN GAY lawd my friend did like one but she neva knew he was gay she went to talk to him and he asked her if she had a bro ROTFL
In Trinidad and Tobago?
The vast majority of people with same-sex attractions in this country are not this brave. Your friend met the one, honestly.

No gays have ever bothered me in life in this country. You all must be passing in some shady places at some late hours!

Also some people here (not you Karina, I am just too lazy to quote again) talk about long hair and long nails. Lemme address that:

It could be that they, being in a group and all done-up, were trying to case a ruckus. It has nothing to do with the length of your hair. Heaven alone knows why this sometimes happens, but it does. In the same way groups of men suit ladies; some of the cross-dressing creatures that come out at night in some places do the same thing. Probably makes them feel liberated I dunno...

Maybe if you looked tougher they might have left you alone.

Trust me, the ones that really like you don't say squat.

This is assuming you aren't ugly eh. Some people have some illusions that they're good-looking--or want to be good-looking-- and so after they are ignored by the women they claim some men are after them...lol!
You really have to get away from this "Long hair is gay!", "Tight pants are gay!" stuff if you're serious.

None of that is in the dictionary, and there is no one style people with same-sex attractions follow. For the most part they dress just like you (which is all-how).
Resha said:
(Admin)Smile its a better a day....

Gay guys are starting to come out in the open now-a-days..... Recently a male friend( not gay) of mines told me that he was awaiting transport on the taxi stand where a male guy make a tackle on him within the space of three minutes... However that gay guy show no signs that he was gay until my friend told me what happen... So men or boys be aware ...
Seriously what really happened, and where/what time of day are these things occurring?
Maybe it was a misunderstanding? Maybe the guy was being friendly? I find it hard to believe it was a downright proposition in full public.

And for the guy who was suited, I really want to know what time of day that was and if it wasn't one of those cross-dressers out on the prowl in Curepe or something. Suiting is a whole different game again.