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  1. S


    lawd dem pics harsh boy....and some ah dem men car drop rel low so even worst for them...they cant move in dat water!!!geez
  2. S

    Child Abuse

    way sah...dat hard eh? Look at these kind of crimes committed by children almost still at the infant stage of their life, u dont even hear big ppl doin dem kinda ting except for Sunil Ali and Hope...Dat was crap but jah...wen will this kind of ting stop??
  3. S


    this shutdown go be a normal day for me yes...i dont really care....yet it cud make a difference but u feel manning and dem care..steups
  4. S


    this shutdown go be a normal day for me yes...i dont really care....yet it cud make a difference but u feel manning and dem care..steups
  5. S


    hmmm alyuh fellas mad...i try my best to not get cut...but alyuh actually cutting up alyuh selves lawd wtf wrong wit alyuh boy????:confused:
  6. S

    Teenage Pregnancy

    true dat admin...couldnt have put it better myself!!
  7. S

    New ambulance number dial 811 EMS Ambulance

    yea true...but that number is kind of weird..wonder why they changed it??
  8. S

    police investigating video on youtube

    yea admin thats right...why did they remove doubting that they now think is a bad video to have on d net degrading ppl and their country on a whole
  9. S

    Shutdown On Monday

    yea they smart..they makin d problem but they still gettin ppl to go they football!!..yuh aint gonna see me there!!
  10. S

    Shutdown On Monday

    What Yall Think?? Vote It Out!!!!!!
  11. S


    well apparently you happy with the shit going on in Trinidad right now or wah??
  12. S

    What Happen WASA???

    yea i didnt tink about it like that but is a serious ting....T&TEC have no competition yet they doin a gr8 job compared to previous times....u dont hear them makin up excuses like how wasa blamin it on something or someone...appearantly in t&tec each employee takes the balme equally and that is...
  13. S

    Trinispice Expansion

    wtf...where did that come out??
  14. S

    Murder In POS

    hmm wtf goin on?
  15. S

    Teenage Pregnancy

    karina youre right about educating them about this kind of thing but i feel that it is because they're educated is why their doin these kind of tings!! :icon_confused:
  16. S


    yea fuh real fellas...and we here at trinispice have to also support this step that the country is tryin to take because who ever organized this is looking to do something for the country but we to have to try to do something for ourselves which in this case will be supporting!!!
  17. S

    What Happen WASA???

    yea boy....fuh real a new board of management..not even from this country because i wonder who cud do a better job???!!!!!
  18. S

    What Happen WASA???

    yea well if thats the case when they restore it i shud get water for bout a month straight and rel pressure
  19. S

    What Happen WASA???

    hey babes and fellas i just postin this to talk bout d cruel water situation in Point Fortin and environs..For the longest while we have not recieved pipe borne water for some reason...which leaves us to beg for it...our tanks have run dry and stand pipes are not very poular in is...
  20. S

    Guilty Or Not Guilty?

    guilty ever was in a car accident??