What Happen WASA???


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New Member
Jun 29, 2008
hey babes and fellas i just postin this to talk bout d cruel water situation in Point Fortin and environs..For the longest while we have not recieved pipe borne water for some reason...which leaves us to beg for it...our tanks have run dry and stand pipes are not very poular in Point...wtf is goin on i dont understand why ppl have to bo so cruel, dont they think about the ppl, apparently not because most ppl cant afford to buy water from fire trucks and so on...plz WASA we're beggin u..plz restore the water for us!!! :icon_sad:
I know they are doing a total restoration of the pipe lines but they should not let people go with out water. Thats the most necessary need of a human been and its not like they care about anyone because they does dig up the roads and don't patch it up well.
yea well if thats the case when they restore it i shud get water for bout a month straight and rel pressure
Well again they slow and they always have something to say justifying why it happened, Wasa needs a new board of management seriously
yea boy....fuh real a new board of management..not even from this country because i wonder who cud do a better job???!!!!!
Shaquille said:
yea boy....fuh real a new board of management..not even from this country because i wonder who cud do a better job???!!!!!
It would be impossible to set up a new board of management outside this country for WASA because then we may need to privatize it and this would certainly put more people on the povertyline.The government runs both WASA and TTEC and to me TTEC has improved alot in terms of response time to outages and also in the speed they do upgrades and repairs and long ago they were really bad in the sense that it might take the whole night to get back current long ago whereby now it would take just a matter of minutes to an hour.Maybe the Regulated Industries Commission can help WASA improve its operation just like TTEC.
Yes i agree with cool3ni their and about the part that t&tec improvements, current some times goes anytime lighting flashing lol but next 10 min to 30 for the max current does come back.

But Wasa needs alot of improvements because their service is crappy even i live like 2 miles from the navet dam and still we does get water from time to time which is alot of shit
yea i didnt tink about it like that but is a serious ting....T&TEC have no competition yet they doin a gr8 job compared to previous times....u dont hear them makin up excuses like how wasa blamin it on something or someone...appearantly in t&tec each employee takes the balme equally and that is wat makes them so much better...maybe wasa shud learn a ting or two from them!!!
i living right next to the dam and water going on and of this whole week wtf wrong to wasa They getting mad
Lol i heard in the night sometimes they turn off the filters and leave the water to run cuz i really did believe that cuz like 1 a month or so we get dirty. brown, fresh smelling water
every saturday night the main on the road where i live does leak. i wonder if thats why. But still it annoying lol to see water flowing down the street and not having it in your house. wasa is one set ah hmmm... i doh even know what dey is. Wasa really need lessons from ttec lol, my house only 30 feet from the road.
paying $1000.00 and more .... No water for weeks and if it do come, only in the night for two three hours one day.... Complaints go invain.....
Yes that happening to ryan and them..Tabaquite is close to the damn and for two days straight they have no water
WASA suspend 2 workers....
2 WASA employees at Navet Reservoir in Tabaquite have been suspended as investigations continue into Saturday’s boating accident which claimed the lives of Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) staff member, Anthony Warrick 54 yrs and retired WASA Estate Constable, Basdeo Ramlal 52 yrs.....
The Authority also expressed its heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Warrick and Ramlal.....Saying it “takes comfort in the knowledge that relatives of the men can now get some closure and undertake funeral arrangements in accordance with their beliefs".....
WASA in the release also thanked and acknowledged the efforts of the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard, the Fire Services Land and Rescue Unit, Police Officers and Defence Force personnel who were involved in the search and rescue effort......