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Sep 5, 2008
Are you Staying Home Monday. :icon_question:

I gave it thought the idea of a nation coming together to fight for what they believe in,fighting against the crime situation,high food prices ,increasing inflation rates,but think about how can staying away from work solve these problems ,the government obviously doesn't know what to do,not to mention dirty cops,and the food crisis is an international problem.
Don't forget the people who are afraid of losing a day's pay,Yes the union's say they will back them but that assurance is only for those who are members.So where does that leave us.

SO WHAT IS YOUR POSITION :icon_question:
Stay home and support the fight!!!!!!! Yes we know it may go in vein but atleast we know in your minds this is the right thing.... Somebody must hear our voices... We would have to lose a day work or a day at school but compare that to foood prices, crime etc..... I think they should have more shut downs just to show the governement how serious we are...
lol i'd boycott the food people but i'm one of those people who think crime should not affect my daily routine. If i am to be affected by it i'd rather join my neighbourhood crime watch or join a protective service. My reasoning is crime and criminals dont stop for my benefit and it'll continue unless i stop it myself. My protest change nothing about criminal behaviour however my action does.
I dont particularly like the effect this will have on our collective productivity. I just seems counter intuitive for a poor man like i to miss a days pay doing something that has no chance of changing anyones heart.
If only people had this interest in actually preventing crime... not just protesting it.
I feel every one should stay home and support this move, We as a nation have to stand up as a nation every one must take part. We must air our voices and forcefully take back out nation
I agree with you guys completely but to me this is just some fad. Everyone jumps on the bandwagon thinking that just stating a fact and assuming that its all required of them. One day after they go back to thier lives not caring about anyone and not even lifting a finger to deal with the real everyday problems everyone else faces.
There is no sustained effort into actually takleing the root causes of crime and inflation. It doesn't scare anyone into changing thier ways. What it does is interrupt the flow of the economy. What is does is use up time that would be better spent on more focused efforts like home gardening or youth counselling. People either have too much faith in the goverment or attribute responsibility of things to them that they obviously can't control. They goverment cant make magically make wheat and rice grow, they can't read peoples minds and force them into not committing crime. The cant control the weather and cant control the global economy to our benefit.
I appreciate the groundswell of support for this movement and all the vigour everyone seems to have for it, i just find this attack is misdirected and the goals and intentions misplaced.
Only a personal sustained effort geared to your own life can change your life for the better. Circumstances brought on by the action or inaction of others should never be allowed to determine our quality of life. Only we can control things like that. If we have a problem we should fix it ourselves ( through legal means lol) if we cant what are odds of anyone else being able to. If there's nothing anyone can do to drastically change everyone and everything dealing with things like this will always require greater more sustained direct effort.
Al least its a start but you can't say that every one will not change their ways if its just 20 people change form this move its still a start, and its still an improvement
yea fuh real fellas...and we here at trinispice have to also support this step that the country is tryin to take because who ever organized this is looking to do something for the country but we to have to try to do something for ourselves which in this case will be supporting!!!
Supporting what exactly? If i am to be convinced of this i need to know what it is supposed to accomplish. So tell me what does it mean to you.. if its just a way of venting frustration then i'm not interested... i can do that on my own...
What lead you to that conclusion? Did you even read my posts? You must think i'm some kind of psychopath or something. AND YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION. If you dont have an answer shut up... sorry... but seriously. Stating the obvious wont change anything. People have been doing that for years, politicians and the media has been projecting it into our minds for years- has the crime situation gotten better since we had the great revelation that crime is bad?
Remember the death march? Yeah it was really fancy, full of flair and style and guess what we still have murders to match the days of the year. I'm not saying not to care but if you really do care then your concern should manifest itself in more active ways. Staying home and ruminating on how bad things have become is ridiculously effective- had i done it more often i wouldn't be so depressed, i would've achieved alot more than i already have, could've created world peace by now.
Apparently getting out and dealing with the people and problems just isn't effective anymore. Hey this can be effective, thousands of people can change one mans mind, so can one person which is more effective? This better be signs of things to come because by tuesday morning there'd be enough to report to make a block buster horror movie- if they even report it.
You can stay home you know, hold our country at ransom like everyone else, but please do something that actually helps during that time. Finally call crime stoppers and report your best friend who has been smoking weed and molesting little girls or organise a mailing list promoting personal safety for women and children or you can clothe and feed the homeless or finally sign up for the police force. Yeah do something dont just sit there complaining.
One more thing food boycotts take longer than one day to work, kiss bread wont miss a thing, if we really want to boycott something it has to last at least three weeks or longer- enough to interrupt the business cycle.
this shutdown go be a normal day for me yes...i dont really care....yet it cud make a difference but u feel manning and dem care..steups
this shutdown go be a normal day for me yes...i dont really care....yet it cud make a difference but u feel manning and dem care..steups