Guilty Or Not Guilty?

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ever talk an noones around to hear?
Yes always when i angry

ever hate something so much u end up liking it
guilty.. doenst that happen to everyone? lol

ever tell someone to meet u somewhere an u dont show ?
guiltyYea i does real do that

Every bitch slapped someone
Guilty Alot of times you know how much you make me cry lol

Ever fart in a room full with people and blame some one else?
ever spoiled sometin rel important or expensive and replace, fix b4 u got caught or blame it on some one else?
I fed up do that yes lol guilty

Every steal somebody duck or chicken or goat and cook it lol?

Ever took in a stray dog and take it as a pet ?
guilty Yes out first dog ever

Every spy on somebody naked?
Tired toooo lol i was small and curious lol

Ever fall for one of ur family members ?
not guilty.
Thank God.
Ever had one of the following... please specify: psychotic episode, bout of intrusive thoughts, delusion of voices, flashback of things that never happened, stigmata, or loss of volantary control of you left hand?
Guilty>>>>>delusion of voices, flashback of things that never happened

Ever Lied over a big senario that happened
No but scraped...wasn't his fault neither mines

Ever walked down the road and a passer by gives you the "i kno u from somewhere" look
Yea actually every time i go out lol but serious it true

Yuh mother ever catch you with a condom lol?