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  1. Splash

    Questioning your faith

    144000? what is that about? :icon_eek: so why only that number? the rest of us are spam? :icon_cheesygrin:
  2. Splash

    Offical Talk Yuh Talk Old Talk Thread!

    aye what this thread about? *eats popcorn
  3. Splash

    Questioning your faith

    Can you not be spiritual without being religious?
  4. Splash

    Questioning your faith

    Look at the different religions worldwide....alot of the fighting and hate between ppl are because of religion in some kinda way. Sad. So if i'm living a good life and i'm not hurting anyone but i'm not religious, do christians still think ppl like me end up in hell or heaven?
  5. Splash

    Questioning your faith

    Have you ever wondered if what you believe is true? I know having faith can be a good thing for some ppl and it's what keeps them going, but i'm one of those ppl who likes to question everything and try and find reason. My mom's side of the family is made up of mostly hindus, some christians...
  6. Splash

    obama is the anti-christ ???

    i will :icon_biggrin: btw, that site that death got this topic from, i wonder what they would call bin laden, saddam, hitler, robert mugabe if they say obama is the antichrist. :icon_eek:
  7. Splash

    Guilty Or Not Guilty?

    Guilty a few times. Have you ever done it in public?
  8. Splash

    obama is the anti-christ ???

    i vote wtf yuh talking about so for you to vote yes or no then that means you believe in christ etc etc etc? because i'm an agnostic and i think the church is full of shit but that's another topic completely
  9. Splash

    Do Trinis Eat Anything That Moves?

    uh geeed lol noooo i dont lol i am not a fan of wild meat. i will settle for my chicken and sea food. nothing else :icon_mrgreen:
  10. Splash

    Guilty Or Not Guilty?

    Nope. Never (btw i had the unfortunate experience of hearing and seeing my parents doing it. it scarred me for life!! YUCK!!) Ever pretended to talk on your cellphone?
  11. Splash

    Whats your gross out limit ... Foods

    aye deer does taste good i ate rabbit once and it was okish, dunno if i will eat it again. i dont really like wild meat :icon_neutral: it have plenty things i not eating.
  12. Splash

    If God Slapped You?

    first i'd be like WTF!!! :icon_eek: and then i'd be like you really do exist :icon_eek: and then i'd be like WTF! :icon_eek:
  13. Splash

    Whaz d plans for today?

    today i'm trying to figure out how to put exlax in the juice at work and let the boss get shittings :icon_twisted: nobody else does drink it except for him :icon_neutral:
  14. Splash

    DO you think we can be the best forum/website in T&T?

    if it was true maybe you could but it's not and stop spamming the ppl thread
  15. Splash

    DO you think we can be the best forum/website in T&T?

    see what i mean, the truth hurts. *tsk tsk :icon_rolleyes:
  16. Splash

    If you had a superpower, what would it be?

    what if there is a poweroverload and your spontaneously combust :icon_eek: that Maxima chick has some really great powers too! Powers and abilities :icon_eek:
  17. Splash

    Guilty Or Not Guilty?

    Nope. Not guilty (at least i hope not.) i new so i didnt read all 20 pages so forgive me if this a repost have you ever walked in on your parents doing it? :icon_eek:
  18. Splash

    DO you think we can be the best forum/website in T&T?

    thats great :icon_cheesygrin: just look out for ali, he escaped from st. anns a while back and since then they looking for him. :icon_eek: i tell yuh that boy have issues yes. he always hungry and talking nonsense :icon_frown:
  19. Splash

    I Hate When People.................

    ^sometimes that is a good thing, i wish some ppl i know did that and move to the next end of trinidad and leave me alone lol lol lol lol i hate that boss is a bottom
  20. Splash

    What kind of animal would you want to be?

    wda!!! ali you does see lions cleaning and cooking their meat? :icon_eek: