Guilty Or Not Guilty?

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Nope i'm not that type of girl.......... :icon_wink:

Ever pee in public and got caught?
Guilty hundreds of time lol

Ever rip off somebody for money?
Yea i went in the female wash room alot of time because my head was bad lol

Ever eat food with worms?
Nope. Not guilty (at least i hope not.)

i new so i didnt read all 20 pages so forgive me if this a repost

have you ever walked in on your parents doing it? :icon_eek:
Nope. Never (btw i had the unfortunate experience of hearing and seeing my parents doing it. it scarred me for life!! YUCK!!)

Ever pretended to talk on your cellphone?
Not guilty...

Ever fall down and it hurts so bad and everyone laughs at you but u try to hide ur pain with laughter too?
Not explode but more like melt :icon_mrgreen: does that count? :icon_cool:

Ever chook a jepnest and had to run and hide before u get sting?
lol not guilty

dont think this forum allows it but ever went on a thread rating spree? :icon_rolleyes: ....rate all the threads with 5 stars lol
Not guilty.........Lol

Have u ever think some members in Trinispice Creepy?