Questioning your faith

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New Member
Nov 26, 2008
Have you ever wondered if what you believe is true? I know having faith can be a good thing for some ppl and it's what keeps them going, but i'm one of those ppl who likes to question everything and try and find reason.

My mom's side of the family is made up of mostly hindus, some christians and a few muslims. My dad's side.....well i dunno :icon_eek:

Anyways, i used to go to church when i was younger with my mom. Only for like less than a year :icon_confused:

But now that i can think for myself i question Christianity. I think over the centuries it was molded into what the church wants ppl to believe and the entire thing is just man-made and confusing. For all i know the church came up with the idea of heaven and hell as a means of scaring ppl to obey the rules they wanted them to do.

And what about the way women were treated back then? The way they were told to act, their role in the family is to cook, clean, make babies and shut up. Couldn't even vote or have an opinion.

Maybe a tiny part of me thinks that there is something/someone/some kinda being that is bigger than all of us. But i don't accept the church's version of god. As a matter of fact, why does the pope act like he is all that?

Why the heck doesn't the church just stop judging ppl and telling them how to live and deal with the pervert priests and pastors and whoever are sexually abusing little children!!! :icon_frown:

....more to come...
Look at the different religions worldwide....alot of the fighting and hate between ppl are because of religion in some kinda way. Sad.

So if i'm living a good life and i'm not hurting anyone but i'm not religious, do christians still think ppl like me end up in hell or heaven?
Number one is their is no hell, hell is not a literal place, and not every one goes to heaven only 144000
Read the revelation, i don't know what those pasters and priest are teaching but its not from the bible.
The the rest will b the great crowd that will be in the paradise in earth.

Oh god has a name and he said to sanctify his name
If Any one knows post it because i can prove it.
144000? what is that about? :icon_eek:

so why only that number? the rest of us are spam? :icon_cheesygrin:
Splash said:
Look at the different religions worldwide....alot of the fighting and hate between ppl are because of religion in some kinda way. Sad.
its because people are stupid.. they break their own religious laws to fight and kill.. its more of them not believing than of their belief system causing them to fight... of course people believe what they want to so they'd chose religions with the most benefits, not nessesarily ones with most credibility.
admin said:
Number one is their is no hell, hell is not a literal place, and not every one goes to heaven only 144000
Read the revelation, i don't know what those pasters and priest are teaching but its not from the bible.
The the rest will b the great crowd that will be in the paradise in earth.

Oh god has a name and he said to sanctify his name
If Any one knows post it because i can prove it.
I believe in hell as a place/time/event that ends existence, not a punishment for the evils of free will, more like the alternative to a place where you live forever... cuz some people choose not too and a benevolent God wont keep people alive against their will... not that he kills them either.
Splash said:
Have you ever wondered if what you believe is true? I know having faith can be a good thing for some ppl and it's what keeps them going, but i'm one of those ppl who likes to question everything and try and find reason.

My mom's side of the family is made up of mostly hindus, some christians and a few muslims. My dad's side.....well i dunno :icon_eek:

Anyways, i used to go to church when i was younger with my mom. Only for like less than a year :icon_confused:

But now that i can think for myself i question Christianity. I think over the centuries it was molded into what the church wants ppl to believe and the entire thing is just man-made and confusing. For all i know the church came up with the idea of heaven and hell as a means of scaring ppl to obey the rules they wanted them to do.

And what about the way women were treated back then? The way they were told to act, their role in the family is to cook, clean, make babies and shut up. Couldn't even vote or have an opinion.

Maybe a tiny part of me thinks that there is something/someone/some kinda being that is bigger than all of us. But i don't accept the church's version of god. As a matter of fact, why does the pope act like he is all that?

Why the heck doesn't the church just stop judging ppl and telling them how to live and deal with the pervert priests and pastors and whoever are sexually abusing little children!!! :icon_frown:

....more to come...
Your right but why would you allow others shortcomings to determine what you believe? Human beings are extremely fallible, using them as an excuse not to believe isnt very sound.
Splash said:
144000? what is that about? :icon_eek:

so why only that number? the rest of us are spam? :icon_cheesygrin:
Short answer no. there is a difference between the 144 000 and the great multitude.

Splash said:
Can you not be spiritual without being religious?
You have to define those words most people like me have no idea what they mean. :icon_cheesygrin:
^lol lol

what i mean is that i cant believe in God but not follow the path or rules of one particular religion.

i can pray and just live life happy. i dont necessarily have to go to church or live my life according to what the church or anybody tells me. :icon_lol:
Splash said:
^lol lol

what i mean is that i cant believe in God but not follow the path or rules of one particular religion.

i can pray and just live life happy. i dont necessarily have to go to church or live my life according to what the church or anybody tells me. :icon_lol:
Pray? why? isnt that just another mandate? :icon_neutral:
i dunno lol

but it don't look like ppl get their prayers answered much because the world is full of shit right now
hear what right ... God exist ... Thats a fact .

Other than that all regs all f#@%in bull shit plain and simple ... Its a group of people trying to control the masses ... Usually well connected politically .

The history of most religions are that the more people following or forced to follow your reg. The more power you have and therefore more political power and therefore more money and power ...
Splash said:
i dunno lol

but it don't look like ppl get their prayers answered much because the world is full of shit right now
I think if everyone got their prays answered the world might be far off worst than it is.
^true lol

I like when ppl are open-minded.

I don't like when they are blinded by religion and can never open their minds to the idea that religion may be interpreted wrong.
I know some people like that...Egs Some Christians still believe in the cross and stuff

Look in the Bible have u ever saw the wor cross in the bible u only see a "tree" or a "stake"

The next thing God say not to represent him in the form of graven images...Why do people see that
The evidence is right there and they refuse to believe it
I tink all rivers lead to d sea........same wit religion.........basically tellin us how to live ah good life........the fault wit religion is man's interpretation.....
again it boils down to man's interpretation..........and probally man's choices......any which way religion is man made......
Yup religion is man made I AM A BELIEVER IN CHRIST :icon_cheesygrin: