If you had a superpower, what would it be?


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lol As i said the ability that peter from heros has the ability to absorb every one's powers ahhaha
NA i want it to be permanent or it could have a limit like if you cross 10 superpowers the oldest one would get removed or you can remove which on lol
what if there is a poweroverload and your spontaneously combust :icon_eek:

that Maxima chick has some really great powers too!

Powers and abilities

As a scion of the Blood Royale of Almerac, Maxima commands a vast array of powers that come from selective breeding and years of gene therapy. In her first face to face encounter with Superman[9] she displayed a high level of psionic powers, such as psychokinesis and seemingly hypnotic mind control. Maxima possesses superhuman strength, enhanced stamina, and incredible durability, as well as some degree of superhuman speed.[9] Through skillful application of her psionic powers Maxima has been shown to emit powerful optical beams that can stagger even Superman, and she can create nearly impervious force fields. She is also able to channel her psionic powers internally to boost her physical strength (to a level approaching Wonder Woman and Superman). In the first battle with Doomsday in Adventures of Superman #498, Maxima is the only one in that incarnation of the Justice League that was able to actually hurt and withstand blows from Doomsday, besides Superman.
the power to understand women.....lol.........no offence to women ofcourse.....
odinson said:
the power to understand women.....lol.........no offence to women ofcourse.....

that power and superman in a catwoman outfit you will never see :icon_mrgreen:
Splash said:
odinson said:
the power to understand women.....lol.........no offence to women ofcourse.....

that power and superman in a catwoman outfit you will never see :icon_mrgreen:
Hopefully not!!! :icon_cheesygrin:
Oh yes i forgot about this one shapeshifting turning into anyone you like, like the usa president obama
lol....wolverine......yuh forget one ting.....d most ridiculous dialog ah comic character could hav........and d worse is dey does put d man to fight magneto......

I want d power to make ppl laugh........shucks, already hav dat one....lol....