Karina thats how we assume they would feel... but who doesn't have negative emotions like that. The fact is that people like to have prejudices towards "bastard" children- nothing is wrong with the kid something is wrong with how WE value their life based on how they came about. There are a number of historic figures that were born under questionable circumstances, they couldn't care less about it.
An um admin- bad things happen to everyone, look at the thread karina created with the pics of poverty and suffering. Wouldn't it be better if they had some kind of population control, like abortion for poor families who cant contribute to the economy, why not get rid of homeless and unemployed that would help alot too. ( i'm being sarcarstic lol). I mean where do you draw the line if any as to where the usefulness or convienence of human life begins or ends. Should we feel comfortable killing everyone we see as inconvienient to our progress in life?
Even if you dont see a fetus as a legal entity and just as an impediment look at how many people have disabilities to thier daily functioning and still make a life themselves.
Why must the teen mother take the "easy" way out if it is entirely possible for her to make the most of the situation. I know it asks a lot of her but its not askin the impossible. Essentially what didn't kil her really should make her stronger. People get really crappy hands sometimes but just giving it up achieves nothing. I'm not saying its easy, some things are just the way they are we shouldn't have to resort to cheap shots to dealing with it.
Just note, i'm not telling people what to do, i hate that. I'm reitertating the choices that abortionist tend to trivialise. They tend to make pregnancy such a dark and evil thing- but pregnancy regardless of the circumstances is a wonderful thing.