What do you all think about abortion in T n T?


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This is a very difficult topic. Rights of the individual and their body vs the rights of the child to live. But it can be decided simply...stop stupid people having procreating. Institute a standard test and all who fail, sorry but you not qualified to have sex. Hmm, if only. I'm tired of hearing these poor, poor people who living in a shack having 10-15 children and can't raise them. That is sad and unfair for the kids. Oh these girls who go around having unprotected sex, or these fellas who so "manly" and have to have sex with everything that moves, but not around for the consequences. Steups.
"i'm an adult an u can't tell me wat to do wit to do" dats d cry from d women now ah days!!! but u know wat, dey r responsible for dat fetus an its easy for doctors to do d procedure now, abortion should b an option, whether rape, incest, unplanned etc sometimes we can't imagine wat ppl goes through nah, women should have dat option an final decision coz we have a different lifestyle in T & T
Hmmm, this is a sticky topic. There are many cases pro or against. The fact of the matter is,one cannot speculate nor cast judgement on individuals who agree with it or disagree. Many pro abortionists use the "rape-victim" case scenario to argue the right to be allowed the "option" of abortion. Not for the whimsical reasons that people are seeking them for. Those on the other side of the fence argue that its a human life, and what-not etc. in my humble opinion, both side have viable reasons for the point of view on the matter. In the end it comes down to the individual.. Whether I'm for or against? I'm on both sides of the fence.
Alot of people who are against abortion, do so from either a religious, moral or most of the time a hypocritical stand point. Many of us are quick to cast judgement. Let's shy away from the "rape-victim" scenario a bit. Imagine your 12yr old daughter has been sexually active and became pregnant. Now at the age of twelve, her body is not quite physically ready to carry a baby. The pregnancy will be very high risk, Which means:-
1. She stands a significantly high chance of a miscarriage.
2. She also has an increse risk of have a premature baby. Seriously underdeveloped.
3. She can suffer great physical damage if she goes through to give birth. She can suffer vaginal tear which leads to excessive bleeding, which in turn leads to haemorraging which leads to death.
Wouldn't you as a parent consider abortion? But then again if you do, then you're considering ending a human life. See the predicament?
I am in no way condoning the careless people that constantly have unprotected s-e-x and repeatedly have abortions.
Just pointing out that it will remain at the mercy of the situation, whether the option of abortion is considered or not. We may think that its wrong or inhumane to do it. And it may very well be so; but unless you're in a situation and have to burden the reprocussions of poor choice, or unforseen or regretable circumstances, we can not really know what people go through that leads them to seriously consider it.

So Lets get something straight ....Yeah in certain times like rape, incest, over too young to be pregnant like 12 or something could be done because of traumatic experiences but if Big Hard back teens and women have abortions because they have sex and they just don't want the child or now isn't a good time or their parents would kill them...who told them not to use protection, who told them not to use morning pill, who told them to have sex if they are young anyway? Its their fault for it and it still have something called ADOPTION FOR MOTHERS WHO ARE NOT BLESSED WITH THE ABILITY AS THEM TO HAVE CHILDREN. So make the right decision The same child you throw away it have dying young want to be mothers that will love and give the best for them. WE ARE HUMANS, NOT MURDERERS...WOULD YOU LIKE SOMEONE TO THROW YOU AWAY?? Come on HAVE SENSE!!!!!!

If in the case of people who care like me and just saying they have sex with their boyfriend who they love and become pregnant..they would keep the child because they know its their fault and its not like if the father is a stranger and if you have no money to support him/her then adoption maybe the best thing
That's a good point. Adoption is a great way to counter the unfortunate circumstances of others, but some people rather have children living in squalor than give them up to a good home.
Can i give you all some info here how it goes:

The procedure used to do the abortion is called suction aspiration

Abortion is an intentional violent act that kills an unborn baby. Without any anesthesia, the baby is dismembered, torn apart, and vacuumed out of the mother. In the case of a near-term or partial-birth abortion, the baby is turned around and pulled partially out with its head still inside the mother. The abortionist then plunges a sharp object into the back of its neck and vacuums out the brain. The baby bones are torn apart by objects that are similar to forceps that made it easier to vacuum. This is not a pleasant subject. It hurts to just imagine the horror. However, we must think about it in order to gather the courage needed to end it.
i was wit ah co-worker wen she did it an i saw wen d doctor collected d baby in ah bucket!!! its sad, horrible, unpleasant, naughty, stink an u will cry yuh heart out den an dere, u talkin bout vacuuming pieces, i saw ah dead baby pulled out, its not easy for ah woman to do dis ok, ah woman can die but its still her choice!!! we r very strong mentally u kno, time heals d hurt but memories still remains, for wat i saw it still hurts me an dat was years ago but still pro abortion
I went to Fatima, and as a catholic school they used to have general meetings with all the students to warn them about the consequences of having sex. I think they focused on abortion because many guys thought that was the easy way out. After I saw the video of a real raw abortion, the one which Karrie described above, it definitely shook us up. I don't know about every one but some of my friends definitely got a new perspective on sex. Sex education is definitely needed in our schools, even if they enlighten one student's mind, that is one less we need to worry about.
ah wonder if this is tru, can any body tell me!!! an issue brought to meh attention by a friend about the consumption of baby fetus' being cooked into a soup for human consumption it was in ah Korean newspaper!!!
Please to God, let that be a hoax. I can't eat for a while now.
Did abortion became LEGAL in the USA?......I heard it from a co-worker so im jus enquiring....
Nope it is still not legal but alot of agencies do it illegally..I heard in one or two states it is but i do not know how sure...

And TFM and Madsuya that is reality....The baby soup is real
They Chinese and them so fuc*ing nasty all they things in the world they will eat a fetus wtf man fuc* them.
Imagine they eat big dogs and anything they can find on the face of the earth so like one of them is nothing....

By the way is mostly girl fetuses they does be eating because of china's one child policy. remember they can have only one child per family so they only want boys to work for them when they get older and mind them. If they have a girl she will just get marry and leave them. I learnt this in geography
That is true. Girls are undervalued in their society, and raising a girl is more costly, especially during their traditional wedding processes, when the girl's family has to pay the boy's family. But I agree, there are so many things in this world to eat, and you're eating a fetus?!?! JAH.
its probably aphrodisiac or a anti-aging medicine Chinese ppl eat anything including rats
They also eat tigers penis and testicles in soups nasty people
They eat all kinda things. they're survivors..lol.. they'll eat each other given the chance.
prob dats y dey live sooo loong!!! we must try eatin everyting too coz we waste too much