What do you all think about abortion in T n T?


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To me their should be an option for persons raped or in extreme conditions to be allowed to have an abortions.And i strongly think so and i will battle anyone in here lol who appose that idea lol
I think they should be allowed the option not that abortion has to occur in every single case. It cant be forced on them, that would be being raped twice. They have to be completely confident and clear in conscience. If you believe what they say about post abortion syndrome abortion itself has serious reppurcussions, the person has to weigh the options themselves.
True they shud let it be up to them to decide but in some cases of teens their parents may likely choose for them
Have you all even wonder how parents or friends of a pregnant person don't know that they are pregnant...???? I have heard a girl who was pregnant and her parents nor friends knew she was pregnant until she had the baby, dump it and then she need medical attention so she had to tel her parents what she did.... Surprising to them, they just taught she was getting fat...
Resha said:
Have you all even wonder how parents or friends of a pregnant person don't know that they are pregnant...???? I have heard a girl who was pregnant and her parents nor friends knew she was pregnant until she had the baby, dump it and then she need medical attention so she had to tel her parents what she did.... Surprising to them, they just taught she was getting fat...

HUh thats really hard not to notice a pregnant person, Thats just ridiculous,
It may sound funny but its true..... The gril only wear big clothes so they did not notice and when she gets sick they taught it was normal sickness... Not all women get a big big big belly so i assume she had a small one....
Snowwhite1 said:
Abortion in tnt is getting way out of hand, today there's alot of young females having abortions, i don't think they how dangerous it is when they have abortion,.. when you have an abortion you could damage yourself and to make it even worst, most of the people who do this may can't have children in the future..
Where? Where are they going to do these abortions?

I know ASPIRE is trying to get abortion legalized here, but not if I can help it they won't. Abortion is vile in my opinion; people need to be more responsible.
Yea they are alot of old time methods old people are doing to have abortions plus they hitting up their belly to kill the child and thing i saw some vids of this very disturbing

I wouldn't want to see them...lol

I have heard about the slip and slide ward though, where people claim to have slipped and fallen.
Yea dude its does be online i can't remember where but alot of people do drink alot of stuff and beat up their belly to loose the child
Thats jus plain sad and disgusting..Imagine u had sex and then to beat up what u made to loose it
There are local doctors who do it too.... I think all it takes is a pill to past the feutus out....
But where are they getting the so called pill, that real sad to know you can o out they have unprotected sex get pregnant and then just use a pill to stop the birth.
If you know u can't handle making a child use a condom plz gosh thats jus simple
I think the flushes the inside and everything comes out.... I don't know much about the pill but I heard stories...Its not use for abortion only, its also for other medical purposes....
deers usually a saline injection 2 d stomach or a day after pill, and abortion, where dey vacuum d baby out ewwies usually after d girl has strong cramps, bleeding, an isnt able 2 walk, but over here mostly every1 is against abortion, ive been countin how many pregnant girls i saw walkin around in skool since oct. , so far ive counted 18, 13 of which are under classmen, its my 3rd year in dis skool so d 13 of these girls are either in deer 1st or 2nd yr of high school its a shame cuz dat means deer all 13,14, or 15
OMG DATZ LIKE WORST THAN MY SKOOL...it only have 4 and there are from form 5..its a shame that they can't do anything about it
yea 1 girl had her baby and came baq, and dis 15 yr old girl havin twins, frm d way she act, i say she might lose or both of em, dats jus sad, dis is y ppl need 2 punish deer kids here