What do you all think about abortion in T n T?


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It is a shame to see kids HAVING kids….I thinks parents need to be more involved in their teen’s lives. I think the more parents are involved in their kids lives, the more they will be able to keep up open lines of communication about tough issues like teen pregnancy…I also think abortion is wrong….they’re like killing their own flesh and blood, it makes me sick to see and hear how they just killed it like it was nothing…if you don’t want to have kids then take the necessary precautions!!!!! For crying out loud it’s a human life.
d sad part is, dat kid coodve been d nex president or multimillionaire and dey robbin dat from d child by ab0rtin dem
Seeing that nearly all schools have at least one pregnant student, I think the school systems need to put things in place for them.... By saying that, I mean that the students should be put out of school when this happens... By having a pregnant student in school sets a bad example fro other teenage girls....I don't mean to be harsh but measures MUST be put in place to avoid teenage pregnancy or abortion....Parents, other family members, role models and friends are jus not enough to help solve these problems....
hmmm it is a tough decision but is how u get it.......and if u cld take care of it..............and alot of abortion are doin right here in trinidad daily........
i guess now it's like saying "everyone can think for themselves" bull-SH** i mean if the kids live in your house then you have the right to say, "Hey!! you can't have sex until your ready and is able to face the consequences!!!" then set consequences like if pregnancy should occur they threaten them with something dangerous, i.e kicking them out the house or something you know just to scare them and be like this is my house and can't do anything you want but if you must then you should leave right?
By kicking them out after the fact of being pregnant would not help.... Its teaching them of the consequences before the fact of being pregnant..... If things are in place at home, school, society for abortion and pregnancy, them things like this would be avoided.... But when it happens, no one wants the responsibilities.... who suffers?????
d baby, yes i know but i didnt mean to actually kick them out but i remember once when i was younger my father was yelling at my sis for something then he came to me and was like if i get pregnant he would put me out the house, but that was baq in the day now its a wholeeeeeeee different world
i think in this world now allota young girls saying they rather pay to learn...in this world now when you "pay" to learn you and you realize what u have done it will be too late
Educating girls about abortion is not the problem....sex is not the problem....pregnancy is not the problem...

It's the indivdual themselves and the decision they make in life is the problem... Im sure by the age of ten, a girl nows about sex.... the consequences of it...everything...so educating them could not be the problem... Its the decision you make by having sex, the consequences of having sex which will lead to pregnancy then abortion...
10 Is joke resha Now i hearing some stupid saying after 8 is lunch wtf is that
yup i heard that saying too but not after 8 i heard after 12 how can any one over the age of 20 have sex with a 12 year old or a 13 year old much less for under that age
There was this email where a thirteen years boy had a kid with a fifteeen year old girl...If yuh see the pics on them...The boy looks so innocent but the girl ...lawd ...i don't see what he would want with she... but they didn't consider abortion even though both of there parents can't afford to mine the child... I try to post that article
The article is up check in the latest events section
Thanks Admin....

Is abortion record in any public reports....???
Their are nurses who are doing abortion under the scope, i understand for victims of rape but for people especially Young people who just want to have sex with out contraceptive measures should not be granted abortion,
yes ppl everybody against abortion..yes its ah bad ting....its takin a life yes yes yes.....but if i end up in a position where i'm pregnant..while im still in skool....still under my parents house i wud differently consider an abortion.....

and ppl wud ask y i'm hvin sex in d first place.....every teenage person is havin sex....ppl get wit d tends....dats society....dis is 2day life....teens are hvin sex n unprotected sex aswel....yes dey are nt educated properly.....n even if dey are...WE ARE ALL CURIOUS.....

U cant stop dem frm doin dat....dey hormones are high....every TV show hv sex....

Mosts persons wud consider abortion becuz dey are uneducated bout d situation, nt financially stable, etc.....

I'm not sexually active and just because everyone is doing it does not mean that you or anyone should follow suite, Its a trend to steal rob and kill people does that mean that we should follow no if you let you emotions block you judgments and get your self pregnant its all your fault ( not your i'm talking about its generally speaking)
admin said:
I'm not sexually active and just because everyone is doing it does not mean that you or anyone should follow suite, Its a trend to steal rob and kill people does that mean that we should follow no if you let you emotions block you judgments and get your self pregnant its all your fault ( not your i'm talking about its generally speaking)

Thats what i am trying to say as well..It have plenty stupid teens out there and yes i will say that some really SUPER DOTISH that only like fashion so that everything in style they follow. what happen to being a unique person ..what happen to having your own say and standing out from the others. It all comes back to self control if your hormones high , its just an excuse everyone can control it . And i can tell you it was in the papers and most abortion decisions have been made las year by Teenagers because they had sexual intercourse and never studied the consequences after. Stupid Stupid Stupid!
so take u 4 instance jus say jus say dat u ahppen 2 get pregnant nt wat decision would u make.....n dont say u wudnt hv sex jus put yr self in dat position
Will Devil Child If its me for instance...I would keep the baby because I LOVE ADMIN and i will never abort our child. I will come out clean and tell my parents and we will do whatever we can to take care of him/her because we are not cruel people and its our fault. Ever watch a baby and what do you feel? Yes happiness and innocence and love and warmth! do you wanna throw that away? How will you feel if two persons had sex and made you but because they going to school they wanna throw you away? Yes i thought so