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SO guys....... in your opinion , WHAT IS THE BEST MOBILE OPERATING SYSTEM?

  • Microsoft's Windows Mobile OS

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jolla's Sailfish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nokia's Symbian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Linux and Limo's Tizen (Samsung's new line OS)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Canonical's Ubuntu

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Dude flow doesnt care for there customers every time you call its a hit an miss with what they know and how they can help so I spent 1 hour on the phone with two different people trying to figure out how to fix it to realize its a problem on there side because the changing everyone to IPV6!!! Why IPV6 nothing in my house supports that not even my DVR -_- I may go back to blink yo
I think im gonna write em I very long email about there service and them switching to ipv4 without advising the public of what going on nor taking into effect that most people still using ipv4. My DVR (for my cctv) only supports ipv4 along with all the most of the ones I've used since 2012. But then again Ive realized that FLOW doesn't care about there customers! At all to the mere fact that we pay to call em without it being a toll free number I spend hours trying to figure out whats my problem, then when you ask for a rebate its like 12ttd
What that gonna do for hours of waiting and listening to that annoying automated voice!

Also you guy know where I could find the agreement that we signed over when signing up with Flow, I think its time I review and see where I stand as a customer.
So wait they switched to ipv6 and didn't tell customers?

How do I even configure my devices to support that? I'm so accustomed to ipv4
So wait they switched to ipv6 and didn't tell customers?

How do I even configure my devices to support that? I'm so accustomed to ipv4
Thats the thing nirtime! You can't is either you router supports it or not! I have a Cisco M1O Valet which doesnt support it unless I instal WRT with is very unstable on it.
I have to admit that this is a problematic area. More and more routers does support IPv6, like the Apple Airport, D-link routers, Cisco/Linksys and many more. But far from all, and not older ones. As you upgrade, make sure the new one supports IPv6. Many routers can be reprogrammed with new software, like OpenWRT, that supports IPv6.

As for your devices the article I quote below says so
Does my computer support IPv6?
Apple computers, Windows computers, Linux and Android all support IPv6 by default today, so you don’t have to reinstall or change anything if you have a recent system.

So to conclude olny some routers support it,along with some other deivce so to truly find out is too wait and see. I asked for the reason why the switch over was occurring and I was told that there running out of IPV4 so there doing a full switch over. Even though the switch over began back in 2012 worldwide flow seem to have now decided to do (WITHOUT PUBLIC NOTICE)
No man flow really over doing it now. I'm all for development and upgrades but its really unethical to change from ipv4 to ipv6 and not tell customers anything.

Added to that flow is very slow. What do you say we make a rant thread?
lol a rant thread :Cry:
Flow doesnt care! Because if they did they would have said something something but its up too you!
Lol I will make the thread to ease my own frustration just let me gather my points
Ok thanks you alot Mr.Bolloywood after thinking whether or not to buy back a One I did it so Im gonna hold onto it for a while... :D
How ever long it takes this time -_-

Paid like 76$ via Aeropost post so I felt good clearing and not being raped

Think about doing a skybox review thread because we all need a good skybox that cheap and secure
Wow dude $76ttd? That's amazingly cheeeapp
Well! That's the thing they listed it as electronic part, which make me wonder if someone on the inside doing it for
all One plus because my friend ordered 2 separate times and paid almost the same thing a $1 or $2 off

While I just thought they charged cheap for phones :/
That's the thing they didn't ask for the invoice, I sent one nor did they ask for one via email request self

So basic they assumed what the value was and placed it at zero!
I second the skybox review thread. Make it happen sonygoup!