Share a coke meh foot

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Grinchypuff Clause
Sep 15, 2014
:frusty: me and coca- cola go have some damn issues is only ah set ah DWAYNE, TRICIA, RUSSELL, SUMINTRA, VIDYA, VIDESH,AND KIM WHO THE HELL IS KIM I SEEING it is nonsense it doh have nobody name so in trinidad let them try a CATHY-ANNE STEUPS I NOT BUYING A COKE TILL I FIND MEH NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You could check the website it has a list of names
The list was done by a idiot...don't even have Kent
Oh yea saw my DJ padna get his own done by coca cola
So I think u should be able to call and order yours

Funny thing is I don't even drunk coca cola just wanted to see my name written some where
Lmao. But two alyuh not easy.
Nobody says you have to buy Coca Cola Cathy-anne.

Alyuh rel totin lol.
Lmao. But two alyuh not easy.
Nobody says you have to buy Coca Cola Cathy-anne.

Alyuh rel totin lol.

it is Cathy-ANNE and yes i toting i should have shares in the company by now plus i have a superstar name why it cant be on a coke bottle
Lol u didn't brother hood she wanted you to emphasize on the 'ANNE'
LOL! I never even waste my time to look for these ! But then again i know i am not going to see my name. So sorry Kent & Cathy-Anne lol.
anybody find meh name yet? Share a coke with Adesh , pleaseeeeeeee
Noooo adesh but i got a taste of anthony today hmmmmmm i had my lips alll over himmmmm
Hahahaha that's one coke you not willing to share with anyone else lmao

Today I heard someone found my name on a coke bottle!

I must find it.

Today I heard someone found my name on a coke bottle!

I must find it.
I thought u were my friend how could you be so mean and tell me this kind of hurtful news and while i sit here hurting and being neglected. By coca cola ((crying with coke bottle in hand ))
I heard my name as well is out there too ..THE SEARCH IS ORNN!
Quick question? has anyone found the name Amelia yet? seriously need to find that

apparently she found my name, so i have to find hers..

the competition is ON!