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Some of my Girlfriend's family went this concert and when they reach back home they were soaked lol, Good thing i did not go.
admin said:
Some of my Girlfriend's family went this concert and when they reach back home they were soaked lol, Good thing i did not go.

hehehehe! besides the soaking how was the concert?
They said it was great, well thats what they said! hmmm. Good thing i did not fork out 600 dollars of my money to get wet, its not carnival yet so i prefer to stay dry.
i hear it was wonderful despite the rain. it was like a wet fete
LadyDeathDemon said:
i hear it was wonderful despite the rain. it was like a wet fete

so i am wondering why it is sometimes a student will procrastinate when exams is right around the corner. btw, who finish they examz? i have one more to go for this semester :Yea:
i still have 3 more to go as well..good luck to you! we all are procrastinators in some way or another ;)
Vickie said:
i still have 3 more to go as well..good luck to you! we all are procrastinators in some way or another ;)

thank u and good luck to u too vickie
happy mother's to all the mumz in TnT!!!
Allyuh, anything wrong if yuh doh go clubs or drink and party :icon_question:
oh gadd!!! ah have a neck pain and exam tomorrow - joy!!!
so i need to vent a bit. one of my cousins is getting married. this girl rarely ever speaks to me. but leaves a message on fb for me... "i am printing wedding invitations, how to spell your sister's husband name" wda!!! no formalities nothing. am i chopped liver? wda!!! i have a good mind of not attending that wedding! i don't care to go because all they do is show off and chat with the more affluent cousins. plus i cannot afford to attend that wedding, i have other important financial commitments! i don't know how that girl could be so blasted selfish. her father recently had triple by pass surgery which was done in at a nursing home and the man not fully recovered and she still carrying on with wedding plans. stuepssss!!! :Throw:
Leave people as they are, some people are so self centered in thinking they only care about themselves. I had a really good pander, considered the man as a brother and you know what he did? he sent invitations cards to the rest of his friends and happen to see me on facebook 3 days before his wedding and invite me from facebook. Wtf i never gone yes what kinda of shit is that.
admin said:
Leave people as they are, some people are so self centered in thinking they only care about themselves. I had a really good pander, considered the man as a brother and you know what he did? he sent invitations cards to the rest of his friends and happen to see me on facebook 3 days before his wedding and invite me from facebook. Wtf i never gone yes what kinda of shit is that.

admin u did the right thing by not attending. some people does really forget where they came from!!! in my opinion some people like the damn weather today they good tomorrow is a different story. but on the other hand, life goes on... :Yea:
well today looking like an umbrella (ella, ella) day!! :icon_sad:
Sian have you checked your om messages, i sent you something.
I am liking our new logo...Good job admin!!! pat yuhself on the back
Nice i taught no one would have liked it, does anything need to be adjusted,tweaked or added?
admin said:
Nice i taught no one would have liked it, does anything need to be adjusted,tweaked or added?

in my opinion it's perfect :icon_cool: