First "Start Up" Car

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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
Hey guys, what was the first car you ever had or learned to drive in ??

Learnt to drive at age 15 with my family's Fielder Wagon and before i got my manual license i used to practice with a Navara. That was four years ago. Now my start up car is a VW
Re: First

The first car I learnt to drive in was a car me and my dad built when I was 5 , it was a manual car with a 120y engine, rear wheel drive, with a datsun 720 gearbox and transmission if I remember correctly, I learnt to drive that all over the country when I was 5-7


Then I learnt to drive in a Ford Cortina that my dad had for drag racing , had a RB26DETT I think, was manual and lots of fun I was 10-13

Now going up for my license at 17 and looking to buy a nice little project car to run against my dads Mazda RX7 3rd gen ,I'm currently thinking about buying a laurel and putting a RB25DET in it and make it a street car, but I would like to make it a drifting car as well so if I have to go that way I would need a bigger budget lol!
First car I learnt to drive was my dad's 144 Volvo. Then when I actually started driving (as a teen) moved up to a 264 Volvo. Driving instructor had an older rwd corolla with no power steering so that's what I did most of my turns in. Got my license and started driving 740turbo Volvo. My first car is a 1990 corolla but before that transferred the s80 to my name. Want another car though but trying for euro.
hahah no worries , you arent that old man , but experienced drivers are what is needed in this thread to offer the advice that the "newbies" like me need lol!
Wow i feeling shame! Yall have so much experience! For a female i don't know all the specs about cars but i know alot too keep me in a conversation LOL
Re: First "Start Up" Car

LadyDeath said:
Wow i feeling shame! Yall have so much experience! For a female i don't know all the specs about cars but i know alot too keep me in a conversation LOL
Hahaha trust me you can impress a car guy if you know some stuff about cars!
Re: First "Start Up" Car

LadyDeath said:
Wow i feeling shame! Yall have so much experience! For a female i don't know all the specs about cars but i know alot too keep me in a conversation LOL
You shouldn't feel shame. I've only had my license for about 9yrs. Could drive since I was in my teens but as usual not legally. Jus bought my own car last year actually and looking to upgrade already. Among my peeps I'm a novice at best. It takes time to learn and once I have a car and google I'll learn fast lol.
hahah driving is the best way to learn and get experience !! but lately the roadways becoming so dangerous with bad driving eh!
anthonemorris said:
wait am i like one of the older persons here?

i think i'm the oldest so far. I learn to drive an old bedford truck..You know those old ones with the big red cab. The amount of muscles i gained turning that steering lol. :mrgreen: After awhile i started with the usual Toyota Crown and then my family moved up to a Toyota Corolla. My VW is my fist car that i bought myself in 2004.
my first car was a Toyota Corolla AE92......then i moved on....buh dat was my bess car....learn to drive and got experience wit that.....PAY......
So my car is down for the last few months and i'm telling you, i love driving a high vehicle. Whenever i drive my bf or brother's car, i feel so low down like i can't see the road lmao
First vehicle. Mazda 323 BJ. That car did wonders for a stock car. That same car almost killed me.
Brotherhood, Story time bro! lets hear it ! i wanna hear this, apparently rell ppl have near death experiences with a Mazda car lmao
Brotherhood, Story time bro! lets hear it ! i wanna hear this, apparently rell ppl have near death experiences with a Mazda car lmao


I was heading south, Penal to be exact on a Saturday afternoon, three and a half years ago. Was going for some parts for my Mazda 323. I was not over doing with but I was over the speed limit. Upon reaching the vicinity of Freeport flyover, a Mitsubishi L200 clipped by rear left fender. I felt the back of the car become loose. That was the last thing I was fully aware of. After that I wake up in Freeport Medical Center the next day.
Yea, scary eh...

Apparently, the driver side door post slammed and cleared away a T&TEC light pole. Not hit or bend the pole eh. The pole was flat on the ground. Thank God for Full Comp. insurance yes. Car write off.
Wow that's scary man! I'm really sorry to hear! God was in the car with you there man! For a car to have an impact like that and write off, and you come out alive.

That's a good day.

Father had the same experience in an old Mazda 626 with an upgraded engine, I think it was an SR20 swap

Coming down the road in the back of piarco airport there before the new roads were built, around 12 am in the morning, and we doing real numbers coming down, when a car was coming in the opposite direction, so we slowed down a bit. The other driver fell asleep at the wheel, and drifted onto our lane, to avoid the driver and the 2 kids in the other car, my dad slammed brakes and swerved, our car rolled 4 times until it slammed into a tree and wrapped around it. I remember coming out the car with a few scratches and a bloody hand.

My dad broke a few ribs and his hand when he was holding me down,

Car was written off but thankfully we both lived to race another day