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  1. topcat

    Do you believe in first sparks?

    if i met any of my ex i would feel something inside but i would remember why they became my ex in the first place and just walk away, baby
  2. topcat

    How to know if someone is in love with you

    i know for a fact that if i love someone i would go all out to make sure that all is well with that person, i know that everyone is different but everyone who say that they are in love should show some type of caring and affection at least.
  3. topcat

    Are Woman As Horny As Men?

    Yes i agree that women are more horny than men and yes they have ways of not showing any signs i think it is because of the fact that we consider ourselves to be more in control of our actions and personally for me it looks bad on our part to behave horny animals, and i think women take a while...
  4. topcat

    Is using a condom a way of telling your partner something

    I know someone that says that she does not use a condom with her boyfriend because he does not want to use it and she feels that is a way of showing him that she loves and trust him enough to not take precautions. tell me what you think.
  5. topcat

    How to know if someone is in love with you

    if a man says that he is in love with a woman before she says it is that good does that mean he really loves her.
  6. topcat

    How to know if someone is in love with you

    i want to know how can a person in my case a girl tell if a man is really in love with her. i am very confuse because saying it is one thing but actually doing it is another.
  7. topcat


    i think if a young man has to use viagra something is wrong and that he should see a professional doctor who deals in that field and i also suggest a psychologist as well because most times the problem may very well lie in some inner issues that needs to be dealt with. i think viagra is like...
  8. topcat

    Love Guru

    i think that is the nicest thing i have ever heard, i wish all men could be like you any who, i think you should play hard to get, ignore her for some days, dont call, chat with other people, let her see that you could be interested i a other things i think that would make her come around. but...
  9. topcat


    She sits in a corner all alone and cry, Praying, begging and asking God why. Why did he have to come into her life, Oh how it pains, it cuts like a knife. What made him come and take everyting away, Why was she so afraid to speck up and say. What could she have done to make him leave, Was it...
  10. topcat


    I HATE YOU i hate you, you stupid brute, don't speak to me am mute. You left me full of tears, You left and you did not care. I hate you i wish you were dead, i pray you that you fall and hit your head. I hate you because you stole my heart, you stupid man you would feel my wrath. How dare you...
  11. topcat


    roucous you are very deep and thats very sweet but are you depressed or hurting/. the poem was awesome but it was so sad it souned as if someone hurt you and you can't get over it. anyway keep up the good work and write something more cheerful this time
  12. topcat

    making a lime cooking counch

    Re: making a lime cooking conkse I think entertainment for me is cooking and liming also beach limes i love to jus go by the beach with lots of friends and have a good time eating and drinking, and i love to go to any sporting event especially when i get to take part
  13. topcat


    i have been asking him to answer me that question i guess he does not even know he probably made it up to hear what we would come up with but am blank i could only say what!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. topcat

    What Is Best And Worst About Trini Women?

    I think resha is correct why do you only comment on the outwardness, i personally think trini women are good cooks at least most of them of course me, i think most of them are straight foward and get to the point, i dont think they are so freaky well not yet at least since we are adopting...
  15. topcat

    Is Masturbation A Sin lol ?

    Masturbation is healty, but as always to much of anything is not good. It was proven that the more a man ejaculate the less his risk of getting prostate cancer so i would say it is good to do especially if you can not get sex as often as you would like but as i said before do not over do.
  16. topcat


    why dont you jus answer the questions strait and stop beating me around the bush and give a proper view of my issue, weirdo
  17. topcat


    what the hell is a pansexual are you some kind of freak something, this one i got to hear!!
  18. topcat


    I think a person may watch porn for different reasons, mostly out of curiosity, since most people may never get to experience some of those things that they see on thoses pornos, some people watch it to learn new moves to spice up things and other people watch it just to get horny when no one is...
  19. topcat

    Homosexuality In Trinidad

    I think it is good and also it is bad. The good part is that they could come clean and stop going through society fooling people and that the society can see for themselves what it has come to but in another case when they start comming out from their hidding place and exposing themselves they...
  20. topcat


    He does everything like a man walk, talk etc. she says he works a lot and dont see her much but when he gets time off he spends some with her but he also spends time with his male friend he says that they are not best friends but he seems to know where he is when she does not. I told her that...