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Jun 9, 2008
I Wanna Say Yall Something.................What People Does Get Out Of Watching Porn?? Plz Answer me i wanted to know this long time
Well teens as they say wanna learn to try it on their gf and its like a manual instruction to learn new things but i think NOT cuz making love not suppose to be abt the fun but the love people share with eachother and that bond and connection that is made from it..Married couples also watch it to bring back sexual pleasure and something interesting in their relationship btw

SEX- And Act that has no feelings wat so ever jus sexual pleasure and excitement

Making Love- Everythin the sparks the feelings usually shared betweem two couples that love eachother and concerntrating on sharing a connection and bond while making love they let everything go smoothe and actually feeling like they are one.

well thats my thoughts
hmm what a question =\
i took a class this summer called philosophy of sex and gender
and lawdd i could write an essay on porn LOL

uhmm its complicated cuz its different for everyone; different people have different reasons for watching it. Also, you can't say porn is just sex that has no feelings involved, because there are couples who make porn while theyre making love (according to the definition above)

personally though, i dont think you should use porn as an instruction manual =\ ... if its between you and someone you have a connection with, sex should be unique.. not a porn remake
fully agree wit sekzietrini =]
i dont think its any other reasonn
although, sadly people are known for using it as a "instructional manual"
but what can we do.. its a think that people seem to enjoy an its what keeps this world going
hmm porn ....

you see porn is an escape into a fantasy world , yes its sexual but also whatever u want from it : sexual release / freedom (sexual) : the woman / man dont want to do what u want them to do 2 u or 4 u .

you want indian girls (lesbian) you have that , u want whites (yeah) what ever u want u have it .

ps. fetish porn like dominatrix / rape / feet / etc is not sexual but mostly bout power
I dont see point in porn beyond fueling our sexual addictions. Sure it gets you interested in sex, but sex with who? If you weren't all that interested in your partner you probably never will be, what porn does is get you horny but it cant provide the (emotional, physical or spiritual) needs fulfilled by true intimacy. Couples dependant on external stimuli to initiate, engage in or maintain sexual interests clearly has issues. People dont need porn, yeah they dont, what they need is to love each other and actually care enough to put effort into pleasing their partner instead of getting their own self gratification. Yeah if we kept it as more about pleasing our partners than pleasing ourselves there would be no need for porn. Porn is pretty boring until someone has an orgasm, then its done. You'd've figured they'd be more to sex, well there is, dont ever confuse porn for real sex. Dont confuse an intense need to orgasm with a desire to convey how you feel towards your mate.
AHHAHAHH death i know you would say that, well i serious used to real watch porn as death said thats really true, 3 years agao when i was going to school they used to call me the porn supplier, And my moto at the time was girls are meant to be used and abused. Thats the image i got from watching porn. lolbut i'm really committed now so their is no reason to go back and watch those things
^ oh snap i now see what death wrote... (do i really type that slowly) but its true, porn is sex applied to whatever fantsy you may have its that simple. The catch is when you begin to expect certain things in real life lol. You can prettty much think of anything and make it into porn to suit your taste, if you like delivering pizza, there's porn for that lol, if you like anime, there is hentai lol. Sometimes you realise that if it wasnt for the sex it would be a very strange thing you'be watching lol... as if it wasnt strange enough.
They're even non explicitly sexual porn, like death porn or pet porn, who knows what some people take pleasure in.
LOL There are really some sick people out there who really take porning as a hobby i find that so sad *sigh*
You know porn is just like a movie its very interesting very eye catching, Action like that lol, romance, comedy with all the sound effects lol. The whole Blockbuster in one lol
:icon_twisted: Well porn wit a story is shyt!!! Jus jump in d damn action shockz man
Yeah lantern everything else is a waste of tape (or all of it is a waste) . . .Why not cut straight to the ten second orgasm scene... thats the payload. lol. Just kiddin. Lenghty scenes are the only way they can squeeze meaning or relevance to real life into it.
But seriously... if you're not into sex ... what else could you be watching porn for?
I think the fake acting wouldn't suffice for some if it had no nudity or sex.
hey dis is a male ting. We see potential for new moves. women on the other hand find it dull and boring because they don't like to try new tings
Not all woman may feel that way!!!!! New moves are new stuff to spice up the relationship..... But watching porn is a waste of valuable time....
Yeah dude not all women are saints- and not all men are into porn. lol. I see lots of girls who can teach a man a thing or two... not that them knowing what they do is a good thing. Maybe you were talking about some kind of of fetishism cuz standard porn gets boring really fast... well to some anyway.
I think a person may watch porn for different reasons, mostly out of curiosity, since most people may never get to experience some of those things that they see on thoses pornos, some people watch it to learn new moves to spice up things and other people watch it just to get horny when no one is around or to get them into the mood. i think personally that when you watch porn when your mind is tender you would become very absorbed with what you see and you may want to try everything especially if you dont no better, and i think this is the causes of sex addiction, bisexuallity, homosexuality and other immorallity.You see the mind is very powerful and you can retain a lot of information in it hence some people's may of thinking becomes distorted.
lantern said:
:icon_twisted: Well porn wit a story is shyt!!! Jus jump in d damn action shockz man

Lol where lantern does come up with these things to say or does it natrually happen?? :icon_idea: :icon_question:
:icon_twisted: Newbie join so ah flexing mih wings lil bit! lol..well hmm watching porn..well as others have said, everyone has their reasons. Me, personally..I do watch truth i like porn. My reason is simple. Fantasy! Hear me out. The thought of just seeing people engaging in jus raw unbridal, no strings attached sex is just so temptin to me. I'm no pervert. I know when to draw the line. I understand that the difference between fantasy and reality. Just looking at these gorgeous and exotic women engaging in highly erotic activities turns me on alot. Its a world where none of the real world "ills" are present. eg. unwanted pregnancies, STDs. Just pure animal (lol) sex with very sexy women. that's my reason. :icon_cool: