Love Guru

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New Member
Jul 2, 2008
Answer my question first then ask for advice

Ok so after abt 3 or 4 years of thinking I know what love is I believe that i've encountered the real thing. Turns out when what I say really matters I screw up....BIG TIME

She doesnt want to be with me cuz she and her[my] friends think that im too close to her...she also told me that i take being in a relationship too seriously but I honestly cant help the way I feel and I love being around hurts wen im away too long

I seriously need to know what to do cuz I really love this girl...and I dont wanna lose her to some other guy that will jus hurt her....being just a friend is not really working out
i think that is the nicest thing i have ever heard, i wish all men could be like you any who, i think you should play hard to get, ignore her for some days, dont call, chat with other people, let her see that you could be interested i a other things i think that would make her come around.
but one more thing if she does not she likes someone one else so jus be her friend it might work out from there.
.....I've tried the ignore thing.....doesnt work on my part because I just cant, I honestly CANT do without her for too long...

She says that she "loves" me too but she apparently "loves" someone else at the same time :(
And about the friend thing.....i've been her best friend since i know her

I've tried giving up but it doesnt work ):
seriously .....

seriously .....

its still 12 : 1 in trinidad you know ....

find another "thing" to get she jelous ++++++

turn the tables on her
I CANT.....i dont want to get her jealous

Wha u doh understand by I LOVE THIS GIRL...
Your score is 54. Congratulations, you are in the early stages of love. Your emotions are running high and everythig feels electric. This is an exhilarating time! But be careful not to get too swept away, enjoy the love without rushing in to anything too intense. Nothing kills blossoming love faster than smothering pressure. Relax and enjoy and all will be wonderful!

:icon_confused: :icon_confused: :icon_confused: :icon_confused:
Cool cuz i'm the obsessed kind i got a 69 or so. lol. At least this way you can be sure.
Do you think she's afraid of the commitment? I mean she might be freaking out because she wouldn't know whats expected of her.
^^^thats a possibility but she was with a guy b4 and well i think she broke up with him cuz of me
lol i just realised i gave a different link to the one i did. on the one you did i got 50. in this ... vequiz.htm i got the result that i'm. obsessive lol. It was different girls though. lol.
What could she possibly mean you guys are too close? Is it that she finds it hard to think of you as a BOY-friend? Is it that she doesnt wanna risk blowing it with you? Is it that she just cant take another break up?
I dont see being close a problem, maybe she needs to feel the process of romance needs someone new. I mean some people think of romance needs to begin with meeting the "perfect stranger" . I have no idea. i'm so not qualified for this. Especially considering the fact that i've never been in a relationship.
The only way i see to know is discuss it with her make it EVER SO ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that you need answers- and be willing to listen.
Your score is 122. This is the real deal - love baby, LOVE!

:icon_cry2: :icon_cry2:
....Well we had a big fight sumtime ago and well later that night we strangely started back talkin REALLY GOOD......our relationship kinda weird, wenever we fight we end up being closer rite after.

So we great now.....i was liming wit her this afternoon and im going UWI in the morning to do sum studies with her for the day so YAY
thats good news really good 2 hear gudluck with "STUDYING"
lol. speaking of studyin i hada do some of my own. damn customs exam comin up :(
so empireking how d relationship goin now? u hada keep we updated. lol
lol....everything gud...still friends but I willing to wait, I wanted to go the REO concert thingy saturday with her but i ended up in tobago :(
lol how u end up in tobago. neways doe rush things.daz d worst thing to do. den again waitin too long isnt a gud idea either.
ok well that was a waste :(

......ADMIN....delete this crap nah...i will get vex if I see it again
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