How to know if someone is in love with you

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Sep 10, 2008
i want to know how can a person in my case a girl tell if a man is really in love with her. i am very confuse because saying it is one thing but actually doing it is another.
if a man says that he is in love with a woman before she says it is that good does that mean he really loves her.
Topcat said:
if a man says that he is in love with a woman before she says it is that good does that mean he really loves her.
Hell to da NO! Listen, a man tellin a woman he loves her before she does, doesn't mean squat. Hell, anyone can say "I love you". Its just words. No two ppl are alike so there's no definite way to tell if someone truly loves you. Alot of ppl mistake love with infatuation. Infact there's little way to defrentiate in the early stages while courting. Sayin "I love you" is not important..its the actions behind it.. Different ppl may have different concepts of what "LOVE" is. For you it may be one thing, but for him it mite be different.. Only time can tell if he really loves you or not. I say "TIME" because, as time goes by, you will be faced with alot of challenges. Alot of UP's & Down's..Its what you both do in those difficult times, determines if you both are truly in love. Mind you, what i have said here is NOT exhaustive. Like i said, different ppl have different concepts of what love is..If it was standard then it wouldn't be LOVE at all!!! :icon_redface:
Personally...I would become rather shy or just completely energetic....A fella would normally go ALL out....his mood should depend on yours....and he would wait
Unfortunately i think there is a standard. lol. But Wispa's right many people have different views on what "love" is any discussion on it will have alot of differing views... but yeah time and how we react to changing circumstances would determine whether or not this love is true.
True and you should really watch someones reaction towards you if they love u...for eg. Very Caring about your every action like calling you every minute to see if u are okay something like that nah u get d point
i know for a fact that if i love someone i would go all out to make sure that all is well with that person, i know that everyone is different but everyone who say that they are in love should show some type of caring and affection at least.
According to the other guys if a man say I LOVE YOU in the early stages of your relationship its so not true... Some may say its jus words but to some its more than words... I personnaly took at least eight to ten months before i say those words... So it all depends on time and the things you go through with that indivudual...
Yea well for guys it like the hardest words to say to a girl "i love you" but when and if time goes by according to how the dude feels it becomes part of his life. It took me like 6-7 months to say that and trust me those are really hard words to say.

So guys think that when they say this they are hooked and they don't like commitment, thats why you rarely find guys saying them things
Rau Cous why would you say it when you don't mean it.... You like to hurt people's feeelings!!!!!!!!!!!
Saying those words to a girl is (according to Admin ) a commitment.... So be careful with those words......
^^ I wont do that. lol. I was just illustrating how easy it is for someone to say those words without really understanding its implications. I'd only say it if i was completely sure... if i ever become sure of anything. lol. Infact its hard just admitting it to myself much less tell someone.
Rau Cous why would you say those words if you don't mean it!!!!!!!!!! Do you like hurting others feeling !!!!!!!! According to Admin those words should only be said for commitment purposes... So be careful when using it...
i think that in the early stages of a relationship when i love you is said i think the person really means to say i like you a lot that is what i think but it is still sweet to hear a man tell a girl that he loves her early in the relationship it shows that at least he might be thinking about commiting to her. any how i love you should really be said when the person is sure about what they are saying.
Re: How to know if someone is in love with you

All the girls I've told I like haven't spoken to me since.. but thats a good thing cuz I didn't know what I was gettin into. The girls i like and didn't tell still talk to me.. the moral.. i dunno. but i guess if you tell a girl too soon she will feel too pressured and balk. Some guys know this..
Sometimes people broadcast a hell of alot of what they're thinking unconsciously in thier body language. It's fairly easy to read it when you know what to look for.. i had found a good article on it but i lost it. :( but they're countless resources on the internet detailing how t read peoples body stance and facial expressions and stuff like that.
That like everyone said before the guys actions would reveal alot. We just have to learn to observe, disern and do it level headedly
I guess yuh right.. observing people's reaction would tell you if they like or interested in you... Yuh also right when u say telling a girl that u like her too early is very bad....

Knowing if someone loves or likes you all depends of how both individual reacts to one another..
i guess wen some ppl has been in relationships constantly in and out dey sometimes might feel as if deer supposed 2 say "i love you" at any point in d relationship not thinking about how dey really feel or d other person, 2 dem its more routine den meaningful, which wood hurt alot in d end!! but if someone really loves you then i think you'll b able to tell, i mean if he cares bout u more than himself, or he cant stop thinking about u, and if ur ok, or if hes willing to give up anything jus to be with u even if it isnt necessary,tries 2 make u happy no matter how hard dat is, he wood treat u like a princess do anything u tell him 2 do w/o a complain even if u dont need him to do it, and if he suprises u on regular days with little presents or tells u how much u mean 2 him and how grateful he is 4 havin u. hope dis helps :)
wel me on d other hand "love" people just play it like a game . :signlol:
they suppose to do that because it mite break someones heart. :nono:
anyways peace out :bananas
To know i someone loves you she will be looking at you alot of the times,
tries to keep your attention at her
give you the look of seduction
well thats some lol