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  1. S

    Who had bad experiences in school

    Too many to mention. From getting beat up to being made fun off because I couldn't afford the latest anything. My mother was a hard working single parent so needless to say, I was never in any style..
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    Old Time Sayings

    Well my mother had so many it's a wonder I'm not still use to say when you come in late at night, come in backward to leave the jumbie outside also doh point at a cemetery and if God forbid you do then you have to bite your finger..ha, ha,.just writing this stuff down here...
  3. S

    Kiss bread is 11 dollars wtf

    Now tell me this...How somebody making $300. a week could face the grocery when just buying a loaf a bread an a $20...nearly done..Doh talk about if this person have children in school, rent and all the other expenses that come with living..Pressure!!
  4. S

    What Did You Macko Today?

    Nothing...Stayed inside all day..It was too hot to macko!
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    School Girl Fighting

    I think these kids needs to focus on getting an education instead of acting like a pack of wild animals, fighting all over the darn place..I read this story today in the Express and was digusted to read what they were fighting for ( who nicer than who) Imagine that stupidness..These kids...
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    Get US$40 Top-up

    If it sounds to good to be true it probably is..Nothing is free!
  7. S

    Is Sherwayne Winchester really gay?

    Who knows?..Long ago it was easy to spot a gay man but now with all these "down low'"brothers, you just don't know :nono: :nono:
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    Anaconda Found In Trini

    Unbelieveable and scary...That's a bigg snake!
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    Words Of Wisdom

    I was shocked, confused, bewildered As I entered Heaven's door, Not by the beauty of it all, Nor the lights or its decor. But it was the folks in Heaven Who made me sputter and gasp-- The thieves, the liars, the sinners, The alcoholics and the trash. There stood the kid from...
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    Mother Stabs Daughter

    Sign of the times..How could someone be so violent towards a child!?..I don't care what that child did she didn't deserve that!
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    O-R-A-L S-E-X

    I think what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedroom (or any room for that matter) is their business but I remember this guy telling me that him and his friends went to a strip club one time and they gave one of the strippers oral sex..wellllllllll, that to me is just straight...
  12. S

    How to know if someone is in love with you

    well said Katrina..I agree!
  13. S

    Wat alyuh having 4 lunch today??

    Saltfish and okra!
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    O-R-A-L S-E-X

    HMMmmm interesting well if thats the case, I think I had 11 last night!
  15. S

    Emails that circulation to frighten young women

    Yes I agree there are some women out there that like that and I don't know if its stingy or its just the norm...Maybe after reading stories like this it will make them more aware of their surroundings and who they accept a drink from..Personally I would not accept a drink from someone i didn't...
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    O-R-A-L S-E-X

    Ha,ha, too!..what is 11?
  17. S

    World Ending Tomorrow May 21st?

    Like you was looking forward to dat boy!..ha,ha
  18. S

    How to know if someone is in love with you

    Not really..People say things that they might think you want to hear if it benefits them somehow..While I don't know you or your man so he might truly love you, I just think a person's actions speak so much louder than their words when it comes to love..
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    I couldn't find the page..It said it no longer exists..I guess that means I'm 100% straight right?..ha,ha,
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    O-R-A-L S-E-X

    Well brother if she could do you, you could do her..fair exchange no?