Kiss bread is 11 dollars wtf

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ayy i still get doubles for 2 dollars yaaaaaaaaaaaaa. lol 2 usd's lolzzzz. and i getting the same small bara. lol owage
boy once flour goes dwn doubles ppl wud reduce the cost 4 dey customers.....wel bread jus goin dwn by .50c lol which is non.......but NFM say once the cost of wheat goes dwn dey send dwn d prices
hmmm plzz, things hardly ever go down when they supposed to go down, lol flour is gayy, drink water XD
Well the bread price went down... It was $9.00 and now KISS cut it down by a whole twenty-five cent(.25) but the doubles people yet to change there prices!!!!
just imagine look how long dis happened an we does still support Kiss an buy dey bread an todate no price reduction on dat same bread!!! don't u tink by now d price should b reduced or r we just comfortable wit wats going on wit prices
Hmmm at the end of the day, people still buying bread.The demand is high, nobody want to eat rice everyday or make roti. Sad but true. Trinis like convenience more than money in their wallet.
did u all notice dat at present Kiss gread is now $12.00 an we still buyin every day....dey know we will buy it coz we need it an dem only laughin all d way to d bank!!!
if is one thing we does buy bakery bread yess its tha best
Now tell me this...How somebody making $300. a week could face the grocery when just buying a loaf a bread an a $20...nearly done..Doh talk about if this person have children in school, rent and all the other expenses that come with living..Pressure!!
ah does buy hops coz it's still $ stop buyin kiss bread plz!!!
hilo hops is $8.50... But i think its jus the slice bread from kiss that raised.
niceeee...... i love home made bread and cheese when it hot ..its tha bomb!
well ppl using wrap a dap as roti kiss go make Channa an aloo just it would b bread an Channa or sada roti an Channa!!! lol
Lool ahahahahahahahaha i feel so..anywho i bought two kiss corn bread and when i opened it they were spoiling and the expiry date was dated for 9 Aug..what really goin on Kiss! My money gone down the drain there