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Wtf i will never do that...i am the girl that don't overdo my lifestyle ..however i am atleast i'm myself
Guys nothing is wrong with oral sex between two people in a relationship. Its quite natural and has been done for generations before uso talk ...and you should not be ashamed talk about what you do to please your man/woman (now i never said go into specifics lol)..as for women dressing in revealing clothes, I do not have a problem with my woman wearing a nice dress in public or bathing suit on the beach, I trust her and if other men looking at her then it just confirms that she looks good. If no men was looking at her then only me probably think she looks good lol
If that's your opinion San Fernando well then you must really trust your spouse. too bad trust hard to find...But lemme ask something? Do you trust YOURSELF to let your spouse wear them CLOTHES when you know CRIME is an outbreak here that if she walks by on the beach with everything showing by a group of men AND how TRINI MENTALITY IS TODAY THEM MEN DO SOMETHING TO SHE....Who you gonna blame??? Yourself??? Trust???

Yeah i never say hide and wear ugly clothes ...but dress descent and nice not skimpy and like a punch model ...Girls know better these days nah... You see the crime going on..how many women raped and killed..have a understanding
Lady_Death_Demon said:
If that's your opinion San Fernando well then you must really trust your spouse. too bad trust hard to find...But lemme ask something? Do you trust YOURSELF to let your spouse wear them CLOTHES when you know CRIME is an outbreak here that if she walks by on the beach with everything showing by a group of men AND how TRINI MENTALITY IS TODAY THEM MEN DO SOMETHING TO SHE....Who you gonna blame??? Yourself??? Trust???

Yeah i never say hide and wear ugly clothes ...but dress descent and nice not skimpy and like a punch model ...Girls know better these days nah... You see the crime going on..how many women raped and kill_ed..have a understanding

First of all I do have an understanding of what happens in my society. A man can still want to rape a woman with pajamas on or even a woman wearing four layers of clothes in chaguanas like if she in NY during December. She does not have to dress half naked to be raped. If you check the stats most times women are raped by people they know and they were not dressed half naked when the tragedy occur. My point is I would not want my woman submit to criminals dictating how she should dress. So basically you saying if I take my woman to maracas and she want to wear a bathing suit, then I should say no because we have some men with crazily mentalities in T&T ??
You see thats the mentality people have in Trinidad. I am not bashing you San Fernando but Maybe people like ME grow up differently where do not care about men looking at our bodies and we do not need them to feel GOOD, We only care about our spouses and do anything to get away from crime and care about others and are very cautious. Yeah maybe i hate to see girls in bikinis but its anyone's decision but whatever girls wear is their problem just is them have to face the consequences after.

I went to the beach to camp a couple days ago and i proved my thesis that clothes a woman wear conveys her character and shows her self-respect because i observed all the fights that were taking place and in one fight where a MAN was tracking someone else's girl because she looked like a " sweet thing in a bikini" said to her bf who wanted to fight with him " well tell yuh guyl to doh wear them clothes if she eh want nothing to happen to she like dis" ..So tell me crime is evident ...is it not ?? And yes we have to be careful cuz clothes send wrong messages
Lady_Death_Demon said:
You see thats the mentality people have in Trinidad. I am not bashing you San Fernando but Maybe people like ME grow up differently where do not care about men looking at our bodies and we do not need them to feel GOOD, We only care about our spouses and do anything to get away from crime and care about others and are very cautious. Yeah maybe i hate to see girls in bikinis but its anyone's decision but whatever girls wear is their problem just is them have to face the consequences after.

I went to the beach to camp a couple days ago and i proved my thesis that clothes a woman wear conveys her character and shows her self-respect because i observed all the fights that were taking place and in one fight where a MAN was tracking someone else's girl because she looked like a " sweet thing in a bikini" said to her bf who wanted to fight with him " well tell yuh guyl to doh wear them clothes if she eh want nothing to happen to she like dis" ..So tell me crime is evident ...is it not ?? And yes we have to be careful cuz clothes send wrong messages

Now I understand what you saying but you have the perception that a woman who wear a nice outfit or a bathing suit at the beach is doing it to please her man (or men) or seeking attention, when in fact sometimes that is very not the case. For example My woman (and I know other women too) would just wear a bathing suit at the beach because that is basically what they are comfortable wearing in that enviroment It has nothing to do with men. Another example..hot sun outside so a woman decides to wear a short pants or maybe she is going to a concert or anywhere to have fun with her friends so she dress in a way that would make her comfortable with the weather at that time. It has nothing to do with men. Yes there is a problem with the men who have the mentality that a woman who dress somewhat revealing is seeking them when sometimes that is not true . In fact they (the men) are the ones who need to change their mentality and not women who dress a certain way, when simply some women only dressing towards their comfort. NOW I AM NOT SAYING women should dress like prostitutes and expect men not to think they are prostitutes but i dont agree that a woman who just feel comfortable wearing a bathing suit at the beach should not wear one because of mentality of some men, or she should not wear a nice dress that she likes to a function/party/event simply because of the mentality of some men in society. Finally if i had an incident with some dude tracking my woman verbally that almost turned into a violent scene, It would not be enough for me to ask my woman to stop wearing what makes her comfortable when going certain places..
Isn't it ironic that the male is fighting for the freedom of expression for the females here, while the female is on the opposite end of the spectrum? Feminism is no match for conservatism and tradition I see.

I always say, live and let live. If you don't want to wear certain clothes, by all means don't, but don't judge people who do. Life is full of choices and people might not agree with the ones you make, so will that make you stop doing what you love? No.
Well i am a female and you all are males and you maybe see it in a different way that some of us do but we are all sharing opinions here and well that is mine
RauCous said:
Ya i'm weird i'd not put my mouth down thier but if a girl offer to do me I might take it. I'm bad. :| i aint ever done nothing ever so i dunno why i think like that.
Well brother if she could do you, you could do her..fair exchange no?
admin said:
WHat the hell is 11 huh this is the first time i hearing this one lol, care to share
Ha,ha,ha..me too!..what is 11?
I think Resha has to explain that for you i really don't know either all i know is when the female legs are in the air errected hmmm
HMMmmm interesting well if thats the case, I think I had 11 last night!..lol
people need to be careful these days so many diseases have been passed from oral sex. the world is getting so dangerous
I think what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedroom (or any room for that matter) is their business but I remember this guy telling me that him and his friends went to a strip club one time and they gave one of the strippers oral sex..wellllllllll, that to me is just straight up stank because they don't know this woman from Adam and I'm sure they went straight home to they woman...See that is how all this nastiness does spread !
yEAHHH..Unfaithful people yes..they dont even know what the people have but just for pleasure of maybe 1hr they could risk their whole livess