How to know if someone is in love with you

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and he has this weird thing about him like once i was walking home with my friends and he was a distance infront with his friends and he happened to turn around and he saw me, so i was on the right of my friend and he was in the middle so he move to the right, i saw this and i moved to the left then he turn back and he saw me then moved to the left and i stopped walking by the corner then when he notice that we weren't coming he left :icon_eek:
n u dont evn kare :( he gonna take me away frm u n still b laughin at me :icon_cry2: lol
Huh he going to take you away huh if its then this think serious, if you were living in Trinidad you could call the trinispice clip we would bash him, Btw is it a white dude or a trini dude
Candy 8998 , are u sure yuh not doing something to get his attention...Normaly If a guy not getting back the attention he giving he would stop ( i think) Have u tried ignoring him...not looking at him at all... no talking.... anything to stop getting him attention to u!!!!
I dont kno his name, i nvr had classes wit him i nvr talked 2 him he isnt friends wit any of my close friends i dont c how i can b attractin him bcuZ i nvr made eye contact wit him n wen hes walkin i dont evn acknowledge him but i did notice him followin me but if he tries sumtin id shank him wit my knife, however i did hav my meetin wit d people so dey took his description down n wat he does so if sumtin was 2 happen 2 me dey wood look 4 him 1st

By their actions period!..Anyone can say "I love you"..As a matter of fact , I think it's way too overused anyway ..People say I love you when they don't even like you :Confused:
When i read Period i was like wtf lol i taught something else, but i continued reading i was what you mean, their are alot of people being fooled by other people whos telling them they love them
well yeah i know people who dated for 5yrs and broke up to find they were not for eachother so my choice is take the risk
Well I know something can't be with someone you've only known for minus 5 mins . Like admin said and my friend had told me before dont get into something unless your sure of it. So i say i dont care how hot a girl is if i dont know her.. it aint worth it. Cuz it wont be true love.. true love requires enough of an understanding of the person.
If that person knows you well enough then it would be easy to tell if they have your interests at heart. Of course that doesn't mean people cant be genuinely interested.. but i think for the most part its just hormones or first impressions. Getting closer to someone shouldn't be such i risky thing.. i think it mostly happens cuz people expect the relationship to mature the way they want. The force it into places its not ready for yet. Thats why they get hurt so much when it fails. Thats why they cant walk away after having so much invested prematurely. I think if you follow the rules you can have a clean breakup.. it may hurt emotionally but you wont be damaged goods by the end of your ordeal.
Rau cous for a person who's not in a relationship, u know so much.......... There are people who take risk while others like urself take ur time to exam the situation.....I can say personnally that I took a risk and never regret it at all........ Some risk are worth it while others fail.... The thing about taking risk is really knowing urself and the situation...
dats tru resha .... i took a change n it's gd. first analyse the person.....get 2 knw dem as friends and if u click as friends things cud work out gd in the end.
guys (LOVE) love is a fleck up thing,
but u must knw by there actions ,body language , the simple things dey do for u
the lengths thet wud go to to see u happy
the sacrifices thet wud make u can probably tell by there kiss and touch,
de way they hold u and make u feel safe in there arms. communication, and about takin risks it should be both ways and not assume the other is willin as u
Topcat said:
if a man says that he is in love with a woman before she says it is that good does that mean he really loves her.
Not really..People say things that they might think you want to hear if it benefits them somehow..While I don't know you or your man so he might truly love you, I just think a person's actions speak so much louder than their words when it comes to love..
Love is just a word anyone can say it, its how you treat or show and express the feelings for another person is what should matter not the mere words i love you
Well for meI agree with kingfish, i does tell my Gf i love her (you can say i love you even if your a man too eh) but i know its not by saying it she will know i love her its what i do!