BAD Worst skybox company in Trinidad and Tobago CSF Courier - Customer Service First

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Plese select this tag if the thread you are about to post is about Bad Customer service recieved.
I was at csf chaguanas when cnc3 business news came to film it, hope I was not taken out, but this was since last week Thursday.
I'm just imaging those poor people who don't know any better. Hopefully they catch a vaps and do things right for the holidays!
UPDATE: As of 12/17/14

I was contacted by the Upper Management of CSF based on this review i have written here. They invited me to meet with them yesterday in which I agreed. It came to the conclusion that :

1. Yes they are in fact aware of the problems that are being addressed and taking place withing their organization. They responded by saying that they are continuously working hard to upgrade their business and it takes time to make these changes. I understand that totally .

2. They are trying their best to hire and train staff so they can satisfy the customers.

3. They are implementing new manual measures in the near future which will allow customers to log in themselves and change settings to their accounts, pre-alert packages and many more. The pre-alert feature is already implemented and can solve problems of overcharging, miscommunication etc. They are hoping this will ease up the phone lines so that they can deal with queries

4. They apologized for the problems caused and we exchanged our thoughts on how CSF can be improved. I gave some advice on sending out frequent updates on their business through the use of Social Media via status updates, tweets or direct youtube videos. This will help alot and customers will feel as if they 'in the know' with the latest news on CSF . This will also build trust and a strong customer-service relationship.

5. I want to commend both members of the Upper Management for taking the time to invite me to speak with them. I am happy to hear that these problems will be mostly rectified in the future, however, i would have to experience to believe this. With all the bad service in the past, i really do hope CSF improves
That's great news Admin! Hope they follow through; positive, honest customer feedback is always great for any business!
Good news to hear. But I always ask the question:

WHY do Trinidad companies ALWAYS wait till someone embarrasses them publicly before they even acknowledge they made a mistake?

(Of course, they probably only called admin to that meeting because they know he runs this site.)

I hope they at least post an apology on their site and Facebook pages as part of their damage repair process... Like how KFC dealt with the price increase backlash
I think I agree with saxman642. They probably only acknowledged because it was the owner of the site since many of the other posters here indicated they themselves were csf members previously and they received no attention what so ever.
UPDATE: As of 12/17/14

I was contacted by the Upper Management of CSF based on this review i have written here. They invited me to meet with them yesterday in which I agreed. It came to the conclusion that :

1. Yes they are in fact aware of the problems that are being addressed and taking place withing their organization. They responded by saying that they are continuously working hard to upgrade their business and it takes time to make these changes. I understand that totally .

2. They are trying their best to hire and train staff so they can satisfy the customers.

3. They are implementing new manual measures in the near future which will allow customers to log in themselves and change settings to their accounts, pre-alert packages and many more. The pre-alert feature is already implemented and can solve problems of overcharging, miscommunication etc. They are hoping this will ease up the phone lines so that they can deal with queries

4. They apologized for the problems caused and we exchanged our thoughts on how CSF can be improved. I gave some advice on sending out frequent updates on their business through the use of Social Media via status updates, tweets or direct youtube videos. This will help alot and customers will feel as if they 'in the know' with the latest news on CSF . This will also build trust and a strong customer-service relationship.

5. I want to commend both members of the Upper Management for taking the time to invite me to speak with them. I am happy to hear that these problems will be mostly rectified in the future, however, i would have to experience to believe this. With all the bad service in the past, i really do hope CSF improves

At least their management contacted you and tried to resolve your issues. I wasn't so lucky. They dropped me as a customer after I called them out on their shady business practices. Take a look:

Richard Gobin
November 4, 2013 ? Port of Spain

I've been having some serious problems with CSF Couriers Ltd and I decided to write directly to the owners/management on 29/Oct. It's amazing that no one has contacted me since then.

This is the original letter:

Dear CSF Couriers,

Normally, I'm not usually in the habit of complaining but when I'm a paying customer receiving poor customer service not once, not twice but at least three times in the space of two weeks, I have to say something.

My two main issues are the complete lack of communication from your staff and the dishonest weighing of packages.

Firstly, of ten shipments so far this month, I received no notifications (texts or calls) that they were ready for delivery. Each time, I have to call your offices for confirmation and that, in itself, is a frustrating experience as it’s hard to get a hold of a person within a reasonable time frame. Just today, I attempted calling your offices at least fifteen times over a period of two hours and I was unsuccessful in speaking to someone.

When I first signed up for your service, I was told “before CSF actually delivers you will receive a SMS notification to your mobile contact provided upon registration with further details of that impending delivery”. I have in fact received those notifications but they all stopped since late March of this year – the last text notification (pickup alert) that I received was on 26/Mar 2013.

This is not the first time that I’ve had communication issues with your company. Last December (2012), I spoke to Stevan via email and he apologized for the lack of communication.

Secondly, I'm very concerned that your company is defrauding me by overstating the weights of my packages. This is very dishonest and I wonder if I can continue to maintain the trust that I once had with your company. If this is happening to me, I’m sure that it’s happening to other customers, some of whom may not be checking on the weights of their packages. This amounts to fraud.

In the past, I never had these issues. As a matter of fact, I have recommended your service to numerous colleagues after trying out your service last year based on the recommendation from a business colleague. I browsed some online sites (facebook, etc) just this past week and I realized that other people are having issues with your company as well.

It seems to me that since your operations have expanded, bigger offices and more staff, the overall service has deteriorated!

Bigger is not always better in some cases.

These are the facts:

Five shipments of laptops were received by your Florida offices on 10/Oct (UPS: 1ZW258314243330090). I didn’t receive any notifications that they were ready so I called your offices on 14/Oct to confirm. Subsequently, I arrived at your offices that same day and I was presented with five invoices. Four of them incorrectly stated the weights as compared to the information provided by my shipper, UPS. One of your female counter staff began to argue with me stating that sometimes the original shipper makes mistakes. I protested and another staff member, Jeremy, agreed to re-weigh the disputed packages in my presence. It was found that I was right and the invoices were re-computed to reflect a lower total billable amount. Jeremy apologized and I didn’t make any further complaints since I understand that mistakes do happen. But four mistakes for one customer in one day?

One shipment of labels was received by your Florida offices on 15/Oct (USPS: 9400111201237157903253). Again, I didn’t receive any notification that it was ready so I called your offices on three separate days, 18/Oct, 21/Oct and 22/Oct, to confirm. I arrived at your offices on 22/Oct and collected the shipment. Why did this shipment take so long (one week)?

Two shipments of power adapters were received by your Florida offices on 18/Oct (DHL: 9461215999998910352353 and 9461215999998910352155). Again, I didn’t receive any notifications that they were ready so I asked about them when I visited on 22/Oct to collect a previous shipment (see previous paragraph). I arrived at your offices on 23/Oct and collected the shipment.

Two shipments of laptops were received by your Florida offices on 23/Oct (UPS: 1Z9Y70874263346987) and 25/Oct (UPS: 1Z9Y70874262717177) respectively. Again, I didn’t receive any notifications that they were ready so I called your offices today to confirm. After numerous attempts, I spoke to Caroline, at approximately 9:54AM, who confirmed that the shipment received on 25/Oct was ready and that she had no record for the one received on 23/Oct. I expressed my frustration with respect to the notification system as well as the long wait times to reach a person to speak to. She apologized and stated that your company has been experiencing many problems and that a mass email will be sent out. She took my telephone number and promised to call me with an update. As of this writing, I have not received any call from her or anyone else from your offices today.

Out of curiousity, why has it taken this long for these packages to be ready for delivery? I recall from one of your emails, dated 17/Jun 2013, that “Pompano will continue to be the hub for routine and fast air freight shipping, our specialized staff will often collect and ship out packages to Trinidad as received from your supplier within a day.”

As of today, the package received since 23/Oct has not been accounted for, and it’s almost one week (7 days) and I still don’t have it!

I’ll be visiting your offices tomorrow to collect those two packages and I’m not going to be surprised if my invoices are dishonestly computed with the incorrect weights. This is the level of confidence that I now hold with your company.

All in all, I’m a fair and reasonable person so this is why I have written to you first for a response rather than running to complain on social media websites such as facebook and TriniTuner. The CSF in CSF Couriers means “Customer Service First”, right? At this point, I don’t feel that I’m being treated with any sort of priority. I’ve lived up to my end of the bargain; I expect the same from you.

I hope that these issues can be resolved and my faith restored in your company.

Richard Gobin


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Termination of Account # T-10885
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 11:33 AM
From: Mohendra Ragbir <>
To: <>

Good afternoon Mr. Gobin,

After listening to your many queries and concerns regarding our service, we have decided that we are not equipped or efficient enough to meet your shipping expectations. CSF has therefore decided to terminate your account with immediate effect, please note that future shipments will not be accepted at our facilities in Pompano and Miami.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your past support and commitment to CSF and wish you a safe and productive Christmas and 2014.

Mohendra Ragbir
Manager, Business Development
Customer Service First (CSF) Couriers Limited
#4 Gaston Street,
Montrose. Chaguanas,
Trinidad. W.I.


My reply (and they never responded further):

So, people, CSF COURIERS LTD wins the award for WORST SERVICE BY A COURIER COMPANY ever! There were so many angry customers there over the last few days and they're committing theft and fraud. Imagine they wrote to me to terminate my account after I made "noise" along with other customers yesterday after they tried to overcharge me. Read on:

To: Mohendra Ragbir <>
CC: Junior Partapsingh <>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 4:49 PM


I'm actually not surprised by this message. Yesterday, numerous customers (including myself) were voicing their dissatisfaction with your service - from overcharging of weights to long delays or missing shipments. One man even went as far as to say "Partapsingh doesn't know how to run his business" and he left angrily. One woman said that she was frustrated and fed up since you all could not locate her item and that communication was poor despite delivery confirmation in Florida 4 weeks ago. At least three other people said that they were overcharged for weights. I can go on and on.

It's really amazing that you all don't answer phones, emails, etc but you suddenly make the time to write to me this morning to notify me that you're terminating my account after yesterday's fiasco with customers.

Just a few days ago, CSF overcharged me again (this has been happening almost every week as you know) by overstating the weight of an item. The UPS label stated 7 lbs and CSF billed me for 8 lbs. After I insisted that the item be re-weighed, your own scale reflected a weight of 6.49 lbs! Instead of an apology, I was treated with disdain as if I was doing CSF a favor by begging them to deliver my packages. I asked to either speak to you or Junior Partapsingh but I was told that both of you were busy. Too busy to listen to my valid customer complaints. I understand from other customers yesterday and last Wednesday (18/Dec), including a well-known company, that you all do the same thing for customs VAT and duties - charging VAT and duties where they were not actually paid due to the volume of items passing through the Customs bond. I had asked for the customs manifest for a particular shipment where I had to pay VAT and duties and CSF made many excuses and never produced the document.

Mohendra, all of these things are theft. CSF is committing fraud. And many of your customers said the same thing yesterday. One of my colleagues who works with me on a government state board is a senior official at Customs and Excise so I be will relaying this information to him so that they can do a proper investigation. I've also spoken to reporters at the Trinidad Guardian and the Trinidad Express and they're waiting on this story to be sent to them as well as to the Bureau of Standards - Metrology Division, Ministry of Legal Affairs - Consumer Affairs, T&T Police Service - Fraud Squad, Fixin' T&T and the other relevant authorities and groups.

CSF must not be able to get away with this. The people of Trinidad and Tobago deserve better.

Terminating my account with your service isn't going to silence me or the other customers. I have the support of many of them and we're going to take this further.

As I told your staff yesterday, I've already notified my shippers about a change in address in Florida. All shipments have been ordered to be re-routed to my new address. However, out of my last two shipments which already arrived at your location in Florida since 16/Dec (at the same time, I might add), only one was delivered yesterday at your Chaguanas office. I expect you to notify me for the other one.

Happy Holidays and good luck with business. You're all going to need it.

P.S. Please change the name of your company "Customer Service First" as you all obviously do not treat any of your customers with any form of service whatsoever.

Richard Gobin

WOW i'm really shocked at the Termination notice they send you, Yesterday I've spoken to Mr. Mohendra Ragbir and the owner of Csf Courier. They invited me to a meeting after seeing my post here, The meeting went well and both parties from Csf were very humble and understanding. At no point in time they got frustrated after i told them their staff and they service is very poor. Actually maybe since they do recognize that i'm the Admin/owner of this website and many other websites that it was the basis for the meeting in the first place.
I told them that they are lacking in communication and they should respond to customers who are experiencing difficulties with their services. The meeting lasted over one hour so its a bit too much to write but i requested in the interim that they join Trinimotors and shed some light on these problems that customers are having in this topic. Which they agreed.

Now i wish you richardg1976 posted your post yesterday, if i knew about this i would have brought it up because Terminating your account like that with out any proper answers or investigations is ridiculous.
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Saxman and nirtime are right. I'm absolutely shocked at the extent of their poor service with Richard. It's a very good thing he documented everything so they can't deny it.
It doesn't shock me to hear such a story but the fact that he spent time to go in depth about this experience I hope will further enlighten other members and guests of this forum that it's obvious : stay clear of csf.
Mr. Richard i am very sorry to hear about this experience. Everyone is complaining about CSF and it seems to be gettng worst. This here is the bottom of the barrel CSF have reached. I would of like to hear an indepth explaination of why they terminated your account . AN ACCOUNT THAT YOU HAVE TO PAY AN ANNUAL FEE UNLIKE OTHER SKYBOXES! They should of atleast spoken to you personally and give an explaination. smh! CSF WHY? care to explain?
Admin, CSF doesn't care about their customers, plain and simple. It was only when I started to open my mouth and make noise along with other customers that they decided to drop me as a customer without any proper answers or investigation as you mentioned. I wish I had written to you sooner but I only discovered this post yesterday morning. Perhaps, you can still mention my case when you next speak to them and see/hear their reaction! Haha

I suspect the meeting you had with them was just a farce but I remain cautiously optimistic. It's sad that they offered such a meeting to begin with possibly to you being the owner of this website. They should listen to "all" of their customers regardless of who those customers are. After all, it's the customers who keep them in business.

Shadowhunter, I always keep detailed info about my experiences with companies so they can't deny anything if an issue arises.

nirtime, you're quite right! I urge everyone to stay clear of CSF!

You guys will love this other related story about CSF.

Despite terminating my account last December (22/Dec), I did some "digging up" on their ICT infrastructure and wrote to them regarding security breaches and urging them to fix them (guess what, they never thanked me nor replied). Imagine I had admin access to their internal network and I could have wreaked havoc on it but I sought to help them despite their treatment towards me.

Subject:Protection of private company data
Date:Sun, 22 Dec 2013 18:26:58 -0400
From:Richard Gobin <>
To:Junior Partapsingh - CSF Couriers Ltd <>
CC:Mohendra Ragbir <>, Akilah John - CSF Couriers Ltd <>, Andy Gosine - CSF Couriers Ltd <>, Andy Hamilton - CSF Couriers Ltd <>, Anushka Baulal - CSF Couriers Ltd <>, George Porter-Lee - CSF Couriers Ltd <>, Stevan Bachan - CSF Couriers Ltd <>, Varun Sookdeo - CSF Couriers Ltd <>

As an ICT professional and working as a ICT consultant for many local businesses, companies and government offices, please make sure that when you hire IT people, they protect your company's private and confidential data instead of having it widely out in the open for all to see.

Then again, what can be expected when your company steals from customers and does not know how to treat them with courtesy, respect or proper service (as evidenced by many of them over the last few days). Instead of hiding in your offices yesterday, you could have come out to deal with your customers who were literally shouting at your staff in anger.

If it's easy to access simple information (financial data, employee data) about your company like this (whether it's relevant now or not, or old or not), what does that say about the security of your customers' sensitive data such as address/contact records or transaction data? I'm sure that could be compromised as well. Do you think your employees would like to know that their information is public due to improper ICT measures on your part?

A simple Google search reveals the following:




While I'm very disgusted with the ways in which you manage your company and your company does business, I believe in doing the right thing. Right is right. Please secure your private and confidential data!

Mohendra, I'm disappointed that you allowed this to happen after you studied business and computer science. You need to fix that as soon as possible!

Richard Gobin


I also had a poor customer experience at the local Texas de Brazil, managed by the Chins (who own MovieTowne) and they went out of their way to fix the problems and make me happy. I sought to use this as a case study to Junior Partapsingh at CSF but again, it was ignored.

Here's what I wrote to them:


I'm forwarding you an email message (from one business person to another, as I own several companies) that I received from Ryan Chin, Derek Chin's son, (owners of multimillion-dollar businesses such as MovieTowne and franchises such as Ruby Tuesday, Texas de Brazil, etc) this past week as an example of PROPER COMMUNICATION and GOOD SERVICE from a local company.

You may use this as a case study into the provision of good customer service in Trinidad and Tobago.

You and your staff may be angry at me for voicing my concerns about your terrible service especially in front of your other customers. But right is right.

Instead of doing right and fixing service, you terminate my account. I wouldn't be surprised if you just did that to me or if you did that to other customers who voiced their opinion as they have done so yesterday.

We are paying for a service and we expect good service from you.

I'm actually doing you a favor. I want to see local businesses improve and prosper. So whether you accept my advice and input or not, that's entirely up to you.

I encountered poor service at Texas de Brazil this past Thursday (19/Dec 2013, three days ago). My experience was not unique as other customers complained as well, in person and online (see

I wrote to Texas de Brazil management the next morning on Friday (20/Dec 2013, two days ago) and I received a telephone call and email message from Ryan Chin before the end of the day (please note, all in under 24 hours).

The Chins did not have to respond to me directly as they have their managers to do the work. However, I felt humbled that Ryan took the time to call and email me directly. They have much more duties than yourself but they took time in their busy schedule to deal with each of their customers one-on-one. I'm told that some of their staff was disciplined and paid fines, and he assured me that they will work hard to avoid an incident like this in the future.

Ryan apologised profusely and I believed it was genuine and heartfelt. As a result, I will continue to visit their businesses just because of their prompt response and positive handling of a customer complaint. To top it all off, they also offered a $350 voucher towards a future invoice/receipt. I didn't even expect that.

Please note the "at your service" words at the end of Ryan's email message. That speaks volumes.

You, Mohendra (manager, business development), and your staff could learn a thing or two from that scenario.

Richard Gobin

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Unhappy customer
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2013 17:49:55 -0600
From: Ryan Chin <>
To: Richard Gobin <>
CC: Leah Gangoo <>, Lloyd Rochard <>, Laura Elena Gonzalez <>, Trudianne Aqui <>, daniel luke <>, sherwyn corion <>, Marcus Gonzalez <>
Good evening Mr. Gobin,

Again I apologize that your dining experience was not to the satisfaction that you usually come to expect at Texas de Brazil and I thank you for you comments as this will allow me to improve on our service for future guests to come .

It was a pleasure to speak to you on the phone earlier and I appreciate your understanding. If in future you decide to visit us again, I have a voucher valued at $350.00 that can be collected at the restaurant - you can ask any Manager when you visit as the envelope will be addressed to you.

Once again Mr. Gobin accept my apology and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

At your Service

Sent from Ryan Chin's iPhone

On Dec 20, 2013, at 11:31 AM, "Richard Gobin" <> wrote:

Dear Texas de Brazil Trinidad,

This is my first complaint to your establishment.

My visit to your restaurant yesterday was very disappointing. Firstly, I made a reservation for myself and one of my employees (whose birthday it was yesterday) earlier in the week - the reservation was booked for Thursday 19 December 2013 at 2:30pm and I received an email confirmation on Wednesday 18 December 2013 at 11:30am (see attached).

We arrived at 2:35pm, checked in, and we were asked to follow the hostess to the dining area. After walking around, no free table could be found so we were asked to return to the front desk area to wait. After a few minutes (approximately 2:38pm), we were asked to return to the dining area where we were seated at the back of the restaurant next to the service entrance/exit.

It is to be noted that the restaurant was filled (or should I say, overfilled) to capacity.

We ordered drinks and waited. A short while later, another waitress asked us if we needed to order drinks. It's obvious the first waitress forgot about us. After another lengthy wait, the second waitress brought our drinks at 3:01pm (almost 21 minutes from placing the order).

During this wait time, we visited the salad area and returned to our table to wait for the serving of meats. Three meats were served during this time and our plates were empty by 3:03pm. By 3:16pm, no one visited us even though we kept looking around for the gauchos. Noticing our plates were empty and we were just sitting there, a waitress asked if we were finished (at 3:19pm). I told her that we were waiting on the gauchos for meats. We continued to wait, all the while looking around (from our seats). At 3:27pm, another waitress visited us to ask if we were alright. Again, I told her that we were still waiting on the gauchos. At this point, I asked to speak with a manager or supervisor and she took our plates and returned with clean ones. Finally, at 3:28pm (almost 25 minutes wait time), one of the gauchos visited us.

It is to be noted that no manager or supervisor met with us.

Subsequently, the gauchos visited us frequently.

During our entire visit and due to the location of our seating next to the service entrance/exit, we were constantly interrupted by staff walking by with dishes and food. At one point, tables were being folded up noisily and chairs were being moved and stacked next to us.

Although the food was delicious and my past visits to your establishment were very pleasant, I was very dissatisfied with everything yesterday - from the long wait times for service to the seating arrangements (despite having a reservation).

I would like my concerns to be addressed.

Thanks for your assistance.

Richard Gobin

This topic will be here on the internet permanently and will be seen whenever someone searches for CSF COURIER as it has all ready been viewed by over 1200 persons.

Mr Richard, The csf Management will indeed see what you have up here because it the main reason why they hosted the meeting with me in the first place. After reading all what you wrote i feel like i walked into a trap in the meeting, i never imagine they had done something like that to you and you do deserve an explanation.
I will personally call Mr Mohendra and talk to him about this and according to his response i will know what to do from there. This places a bad taste in my mouth and i feel the need to expose this even more. Thank you for coming here and sharing your experiences with this company. I really taught i got constant bad service but you got the worst service ever.
Admin, be sure you have legal backing on your next course of actions, just in case they decide to play the defamation card...
If they proceed that way it will show what kind of company they are running ,plus all what we did here in this topic is wrote our reviews on a company that we as customers experience using their service. A review that of which was describing a very poor business service.
Admin i really do hope that CSF improves and they learn alot from this topic. Reviews are constructive criticism and you have to ask yourself "what am i doing wrong & how can i change this" . I am not one to wish someone's livelihood bad but if this continues they might loss alot of customers
As of today 1/8/2015 Csf Couriers are still providing crappy service to their customers, they said it was the Christmas season but Christmas is long gone, So what is the problem CSF?.


This is one of many persons currently experiencing problems from Csf Courier and if you still try to call now you can't get thru.
The CEO and manager did say they will clear the air on the problems they are experiencing and i did made many recommendations and did invited them to post their side to the story. Well it just shows the Customer support are are getting from them.
Don't forget to this date they have made their wall invisible and hide all comments on their photos and posts. CSF still have lines by the doors and people are in the hot sun outside. When will this end?
LadyDeath, ent Trinis like it so? They like to complain but they still take on the bad treatment. I'm happy for them! :D