What gets on your nerves?


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Lol i think it happens to all of us ..

When people bad talk my cats and say ewww ..i does want to kick them in the feels sometimes!

Lol. So you're a cat fan? I have seven confirmed....and a few unconfirmed. lol. Two of our cats just made kittens, haven't met one of the mama's little ones as yet. So I'm guessing it's closer to ten. lol. If you want, let me know :)
1- People who drive slow in the fast (right) lane.
2- Pedestrians who cross the roads while their heads head down in the smartphone.
YESSSSSSSSSSS BROTHERHOOD, people who cross the road with their heads down , worst yet if they just walk onto the road, its a good thing my brakes work, otherwise i would be like WHOOPS!!!!

What about people who see you coming , cross the road, you slow down for them and then they tell you to "go ahead and don't bother " and then they cross after you drive off ! WTF IS THAT MANNN! GEEZZ!

@mangaaddict I am an animal rescuer and activist. I rescue especially cats. Please get the female cat spayed so she can't have any more babies. It only costs 200TT. If you cannot handle to raise the kittens put them up for adoption with pictures, location and a phone contact number over facebook. The groups are Feline Adoption Network Group , Trinidad Animal Rescue and Adoption Network (my group) , Animal's Alive , Hope for Pet's Everywhere, Animal Welfare Network & Mustapha Project.

While your at it check out this important topic that was posted to the forum http://www.RealTrini.com/threads/167-Spay-Neuter-Your-Cats-amp-Dogs?highlight=spay
What about people who see you coming , cross the road, you slow down for them and then they tell you to "go ahead and don't bother " and then they cross after you drive off ! WTF IS THAT MANNN! GEEZZ!

@mangaaddict I am an animal rescuer and activist. I rescue especially cats. Please get the female cat spayed so she can't have any more babies. It only costs 200TT. If you cannot handle to raise the kittens put them up for adoption with pictures, location and a phone contact number over facebook. The groups are Feline Adoption Network Group , Trinidad Animal Rescue and Adoption Network (my group) , Animal's Alive , Hope for Pet's Everywhere, Animal Welfare Network & Mustapha Project.

While your at it check out this important topic that was posted to the forum http://www.RealTrini.com/threads/167-Spay-Neuter-Your-Cats-amp-Dogs?highlight=spay

There are two females, and we've been meaning to spay them for sometime now, but my dad rescue a few strays and I think he's really attached to them. Everyday he's like "I have to get rid of these cats...blah blah blah" Then five minutes later, he's on the step or basement hugging them and playing with them, having long conversations with them....I think he loves those cats more than he does me. lol.
when i telling ppl the truth and they don't believe me and making their version sound like the truth....boy that gets on my nerves....
ah forgot to tell alyuh dat wen yuh call a company for an item an they say come in we have in stock an when yuh reach they lazy to look for what u want and give u someting they claim is the same or next to it....or say they say the company stop makeing that....dat does get me on meh nerves
when ppl ignore safety....an don't care if they do....dat gets on my nerves......come on ppl ...health and safety in the envirrnment comes first....
what gets on my nerves , people who over react over the simplest crap! brought a laptop bag into the library today, and the library assistant was overreacting because it was to large to fit on the shelf, and i was told i had to leave it outside?

excuse ? i dare you to leave a laptop bag outside the library nah see if it doesn't go missing!
What gets on my nerves, is people who call the wrong number, sometimes all hours of the night, then giving me attitude and more vex than anything....the words I have for them cannot be mentioned here...
When you have to listen to relatives of someone's family talk that person down and everything come out their mouth towards that person is negativity . LIVING YUH LIFE ONLY TO BRING DOWN PEOPLE IS THE WORST! I hope God show them the right way yes !
When people walk really slow in front of you and walk in such a way that they take up the whole walk way and you have to ask repeatedly to pass, then they give you attitude and/or ignore you.

Hahahahaha i can imagine my friend doing this lmao she would literally command them to get out of her way lmao
Lmao....I need a wand..I would totally do this! Overtook a slow driver once, slowed down, with Move by Ludacris playing, and shouted move bitch get out the way! Lol. He didn't take that too well....
Totally wish I had a wand for those moments! Also when someone talks or makes noise during a song I'm really feeling and I have to stop everything, wait until they're done and start it all over again. Vibes just aren't the same (*cough cough* mike announcers)
Bad drive and more bad drive with the free topping of rotten attitude and road rage.

People driving toward me with high beam or improperly installed HIDs. Those people get my high beam direct in their face most of the time.
Mike announcers are the worst! They interrupt whatever you're doing, but when you finally give up trying to listen to your tv show and actually try to hear what they are saying it's either...."Hi we hadkdkdm kworokefop wmw the dfoeweg" (can't understand wth they're saying)..... "or attention villagers we have been asked".......and then they gone....

It's no longer bad drivers...it's more like stupid drivers. I'm sure they watch the news, seeing how much people are dying daily from road fatalities, yet they continue to drive like a$$holes! It gives me road rage! lol

When someone walks across my just cleaned floor with dirty shoes. *death stare*