Treatment Of Women

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Who say prison not good.... Sunday express showed details of what talents the female prisoners have.... Their are flaws in the prison which the media would not have access too but atleast we seeing some goood from prison life.... kudos to u women who better their life....
In this country today some men jus dont have respect for woman, some thing definely needs to be done!
Sometimes I feel women put their self into situation they can't handle and then cannot come out of it.... Men feels or knows that they are the dominant one and they can do as they please... It's in their nature....
^As a man I feel victimised and marginalised. I think its overall human nature to dominate things you have significant control over. Alot of people like control, some like it no matter what they have to do to keep it.
I don't mean to make you feel that way but as far as my views is in the human nature since the age of ape that male feels or have much more dominant rather than female. Even in animals male have much more control over the female.... You should be proud im saying this..... Im not saying women are not dominant too but that only comes in certain situations.... Besides that male are always the breadwinner, always have his say etc
de world is like that today, alot of sychos.. you neva know who is who. you cud watch sum1 walkin an thinks they look so descent an this time they're a serial kiler.. i does wonder for meh self if these ppl have a brain or if they don't know what they're doing, how can u rape or kill sum1..
See for some of them when they do it one time and some one does not stop them they will just continue. Like a man beating his wife, the first time he does it no one stops him he will just continue. And some religions does feel its ok to beat their wife well too me thats totally shit. A human bean is a person be it a man child or a woman. You have no right to beat your gf or wife. And some religion does allows theses things making man feel they is boss of the house. I'm a man and i'm not so darm stupid
Thats what some people dont realise- Isn't religion about the superiority of God over mankind not about mankind over itself? lol. People pervert religion to suit thier twisted intentions and desires - and thats not the bad part the bad part is other PEOPLE FOLLOW THEM. People choose thier beliefs accordding to what they want or what they wish should be, not what they think or know is right. To some people choosing a religion is like pickin ice cream flavours.
And another thing is people confuse culture with morals, with what makes things right, so they assume that because men in the caribbean live a certain way that it is the way it was always meant to be (but only because they gain from it, if they couldn't cheat or beat thier wives they would complain) . Alot of things we, i mean they, do are wrong but because its so common place people assume thats the way it should be, thats not entirely true.
Thats the thing about it and you know some woman actually believe that men should tread them this way. I'm not bad taking anyone religion but i don't like some aspects of some. Why can't people just chill and stop making this country come like Jamaica & America. Where they call women whores and sluts all them rappers them and you know something. The same people who rapping and calling women whores and sluts have a girlfriend and a wife and people following the America people with the style and fashion.
U Kno and one big Influence is CABLE LEMME TELL YALL SOMETHING THE AMERICAN LIFE IS SO TWISTED YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE AND ACTUALLY PEOPLE WANNA BE LIKE THEM...I hate their culture and i doh care if it offensive its too much of Explicity
Ammm,ok plz dont POP a blood vessel ok,we trini somtimes may be leaders but often we are followers thats jus the way it goes ok. So BREATHE ok
"Women have become independant and their is no need for man"

This statement was put to a survey and the results were so astonishing that the women voted against themselves saying that they need the male figure.....
Some resons I can think of for this is a father figure , love, in so cases financial support, and nothing more.... So why do you all think an independant women need a man???????
Thats because some women want it both ways. lol. Do they want to be treated like princesses and be pampered and trophyfied or do they want to be independent, self sufficient and self reliant people. Sound more like selfish to me... just kiddin.
In this post equality movement phase women are finally realising sometimes men aren't at all the problem... or at all the cure. We're social beings we need people but that doesnt mean you are suffering from dependancy syndrome. lol. You dont need a man to be successful but it would be more fullfilling to be in a relationship with someone. Some women can't isolate the two, maybe they see both as the ideal life.
brbk4498 said:
oo girls confuse me.

I guess it takes a real man to figure out a girl or women!!!!!!!!
word? Dude i'd rather be a real man and understand than be confused for the rest of my life. lol. I fail to understand your logic dude. lol. Knowing what a woman wants and how to accomplish it is better than knowing what some man wants.. eww
RauCous said:
word? Dude i'd rather be a real man and understand than be confused for the rest of my life. lol. I fail to understand your logic dude. lol. Knowing what a woman wants and how to accomplish it is better than knowing what some man wants.. eww

errhh i dunno wat u talkin about. lolzz. me logic naww, i say everything gay sooo dont study me. i didnt say i was clueless just sometimes it is like too much stress to deal wit a girl. lol i like gurls yaaa stress i dont like. lolz. but neways life is all good soo, cold rock the mic