Longtime Items that we loved!


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WOW reall missed this kinda of cooking style.
Wowww its been a while since I've seen that method!

I like this one too
:O I've never seen either of those cooking methods used. I feel like I'm missing out on a huge food revelation here. :'(
I've heard people talk about Joe gum before but I don't think I'd actually ever seen it lol

Longtime favourite since my mother was small. This have been around a very long time and still existing. I find this to be very addictive. As soon as i'm finished with one i always want another
I remember those! For some reason the ones from the states always tasted better than the ones in Trinidad lol
Aye glass pepsi... Have not seen that mini or the full sized glass pepsi since I was maybe 3 or 4. Talk about nostalgia.
Deciding between this and the N64 in 1998 shaped my gaming future....here's to making one of the best decisions ever! PS fanboy for life!

Man, long time used to have scalextrix competitions on TV. lol. Always wanted one...never got it :(
I remember when everyone wore this kind of stuff. Everyone. It was like an infectious disease lol I remember loving it at the time though, and thinking my parents were so cool when we all went out together "in style". Thankfully those days are over!


i actually participated in the scalextrix competition!! i still have my set from back in the day! unfortunately only one car works now :( but thats no problem, i hardly have any tracks for it to run on!

i found something that was definitely part of my childhood, but again ,the trinimotors app not succeeding to post my pics.
Anybody tried one of these? I didn't have one, but my cousin did and I was glued to it every time I visited :D it was like a lazier version of jumping rope lol

Who doesn't know what this is ..seriously needs to re-visit their childhood
