How Was Your Day Today?

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yay for having a license.

Yesterday was the wedding......i end up wukkin as security/usher :) den ah fill meh belly gud wit food
mrkinky said:
me day was aight....coulda do wid a woman to hug up and snuggle up wid :)

im sure everyone cud do with that ATM :(
oh oh Raucous make sure and walk with yuh umbrella and rain coat nex time lol :shock: my day was good wow i went and get my eye brows done lol and well jus Sing With My Hussy Over the phone and chill myself lol
hmmm today i had exam and lord oh i nearly pee mehself wen i see d questions.....
after exam ah walk the crush ah meh life to she van all the while fightin mehself from sayin aye yuh damn woman can t u see i liek u bad bad bad???and kiss she...
den i walk in a bar b4 i reach home to get me a small coke and dis drunk man vex cause he didn t get enuff puncheon as a drink....and d man arguin wid d bartender....and i right next to d man yuh know...nex ting drunkist pick up a bottle to pelt the barman.... ah say if to mehself if i cya drink dis small coke ah goh make a jail....buh d man woman calm him down
mrkinky hoss....doh stick wit the girl eh...doh rush it but doh stick either....u'll end up regrettin if yuh stick

Today was was AWESUMZ yo..Woke up went to the ATM got sum cash...cut my hair..went movietowne with sum "ppl" and rock bak in kungfupanda an hug up my "fren"....i din really take on the movie much but from what i saw it was gud~ish.....had lunch in Woodford then headed down to trincity mall to lime wit d fellas....ended up talkin to sum random girl til after 9.....came home and well im here now .....wonderfull day
hmm well today me modda wanted meh to go my cucumber and tomato fuh she....
i goin outthe road to get a ciggie and a fone card...

and i am procrastinatin with studin fuh me las exam
and i fightin d friggin urge to txt or call DAT GYUL and find out how she weekend was and day goin

and i hope i get bak me mojo for workin out...all las week i was gettin teh gymin spirit and my workouts were half dead
Today...i siddong an scratch whole day......gonna make a hustle in about ah hour...come bak home an scratch $700 richer
WOW lol good for you lol well i gone harry's water park and we cook and drink and lime lol and i come home still hungry lol it was great
Well amm it still hav my food home to eat so get to it lol ^^^^^^^^^
Today started out terrible... Late for work... traffic on the highway... three car smash up on de highway
But now the day looks better ... snacking on a piece of fruit cake and chilling on trinispice..
Well mines suck now update the forum just now lol ad well doing some house work with my mom here lord lol and place making hot and i can't take to my karrie omg
well i jus got up from sleep and i was roaming all over d house for food jus now. now i on d comp posting dis msgs. the end
Today was pretty cool. I went to a corn soup competition :) yayy for free soup. lol. It was cool 6 teams my dad's came second. Yeah the team that won cheated. Jk.. It was only by half a point!! Guess they needed a tie break half point lol.
woi kool if i go any food competition i wud win lol

ummm today was so boring i slept like 6 hours lol
today i went mall with my bro an sum food and cum bak home.....YAY for a boring day