Homosexuality In Trinidad


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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
I am aware that one of the laws in Trinidad does not allow the entrance of homosexuals in the country, what about local homosexuals? Is it against the law to be an open-homosexual? Is there homosexual organizations in Trinidad? Are they allowed to meet? I am interested in the legal aspect rather than the cultural aspect of the entire issue.
You serious lol Na dude but these days their are lot of homosexuality taking place and in malls, fetes and so on its like they came out of hiding and now it like its rampant in T&T
They are more public about their ways than before but i have never heard of any association or group that supports them.... But the guys are so so so handsome omg why they change!!!!
HUh eweee lol maybe they just want to be more like woman i don't know what causes homosexuality, and i don't what to know yes, them and their tight pants ewes
Peer pressure causes everything. lol not really.
Think about it, gay men dress like women- well some. Gay men do gay things in thier bed rooms- all do. lol. You know what buggery is, think its a fancy word for anal sex- illegal. ( unless they changed it recently)
So gay sex is illegal in trinidad. Not even women or straight couples would admit to it but its really supposed to refer to men doing it. The cross dressing is gray... entertainers do it i'm not too sure bout it. Gay partners can't claim legal marrige status- so thats illegal. They cant claim certain benefits like spouse insurance and stuff like that. I'm sure there is something about misrepresenting ones sex kinda along the lines of lying about ones identity.
I think that its good that they are comming out so we could be aware of the state at which the world has come to i dont blame most homosexuals for how they turn out but i dont support it and if they are opening up that is good so they would not go around fooling people and that something could be done about it.
What do you mean for how they turn out? Dude sexual orientation from birth is a myth society dictates what people should be like but biology shows what gender they really are. It was only when the gay rights movement started pushing their agenda that people started kidding themselves about being born in the wrong body and all that crap. People are gay because they choose it themselves- they like being gay but that doesnt mean they had to be. Just like not all jamaicans grow dreadlocks or all trinis jump on carnival. Gay people choose lifestyles based on what thier sick minds are into, just like some straight men are sex addicts. It's either they want to be gay or they've fallen for the crap that our modern society is starting to propagate. Sexual orientation and identity is determined by biology not by state of mind- but some people would prefer the latter just to justify thier perversions.
I think it is good and also it is bad. The good part is that they could come clean and stop going through society fooling people and that the society can see for themselves what it has come to but in another case when they start comming out from their hidding place and exposing themselves they are making people think that it is morally right to do so and hence we end up with a lot of gays.
I think its ok that people are becoming comfortable with the fact that is that common. Hiding anything whether good or bad is extremly hard on a person. I've met openly gay people and they seemed better off than people suspected of hiding it. At least this would allow people to weigh the option more clearly instead of having to assume what people make for them. Just because i dont agree with the choices doesnt mean i'd force it on some people. Especially since i belive some people are typecasted and channelled into being gay.
Homos are a blasphemy...and i dont support them...but i know that they should hav rights like anyother citizen of the country...I know eh Resha some of them quite are nice but they are Gay STRAINT PLAIN GAY lawd my friend did like one but she neva knew he was gay she went to talk to him and he asked her if she had a bro ROTFL
oo gay ppl are funny. really im afriad of them, y cuz the think im one of them :icon_cry2: it soo unfair, even when im wit my gf they bother me :icon_cry2: . im NOT gay lolzzzzzzzzzzzz. makin it klear here soo no gay ppl bugg me. :icon_cheesygrin:


oo not gay mee. that is bou and bill. guys yes, hott yesss. lolz me gay NO, lol just weird :icon_cheesygrin:
Lol it really have some personalities on trinispice lol but yea i was attacked by some gay people a few time suiting me and shit i had to cuss them up lol. My hair long so it does look to them that i gay actually they what every guys to be gay lol
i thought i was the only one people thought was gay. lol. well its my fault... i have long nails, rawr, like inyuasha. and i'm childish and outta timin. Gay people give us freaks bad names. eh brbk queer folk need to leave us weird folk alone!
Pics like that are gay. lol. I'm not into hot girls... i'm stickin to the plain ones.. that way i could be more sure they're real.
RauCous said:
i thought i was the only one people thought was gay. lol. well its my fault... i have long nails, rawr, like inyuasha. and i'm childish and outta timin. Gay people give us freaks bad names. eh brbk queer folk need to leave us weird folk alone!
Pics like that are gay. lol. I'm not into hot girls... i'm stickin to the plain ones.. that way i could be more sure they're real.

hehe dude they wont girlss they were boys :icon_cheesygrin:
Why do guys like to have longs nails, and long hair, ... ???????????
Lol well i have kinda long hair not log long to say like a womans one but its not short. I don't know about the nails part which guy will grow his nails lol thats just sad
admin said:
Lol well i have kinda long hair not log long to say like a womans one but its not short. I don't know about the nails part which guy will grow his nails lol thats just sad

You did not answer the question....Why do you want or like long hair???
Huh well i don't really like long hair but its that i just don't feel to cut it and i don't really like people touching my hair lol so i just don't cut it.