Child Abuse

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They do that with kids online???? Kids as in children???? As in babies????Online????
Yeah child porn is more prevalent than we like to think Resha. It's not that apparent to most casual net users but net police and anti child porn organisations will say that its alot. I've always hated cybersex but as it becomes more prevalent more and more kids get used to it and engage in it. They're too trusting and too stupid anyway. Tyra Banks showed how easy it is to find requests online, its so easy they come to you. thats retarded. But thats what happens when some people think the internet really is for porn. as in only.
OMG well most child porn i was reading comes from the home usually in families where a step-father or step-brother or step-mother is present. I was reading a documentary on it was really disturbing to watch that.
Do any one know any of those sites with child porn? I jus curious....I really have to see to believe that....
Have you guys been watching the news, on the path that some school girl got their faces burned by acid.
Just because they are going to school, Its some where in Pakistan, could you imagine that its wrong their for a girl or a woman to have a life
That sad. But dont you find it strange that they had a female prime minster once that Bhutto woman but she got assassinated earlier this year. Kinda like the first female indian prime minister was too but when she was still in office. Hmmm.. That weird. hmmm. I dont see what some men get from keeping women down. You'd think like the psychologists say, that its a sense of power and control but some do things too evil to think its only that.
admin said:
Have you guys been watching the news, on the path that some school girl got their faces burned by acid.
Just because they are going to school, Its some where in Pakistan, could you imagine that its wrong their for a girl or a woman to have a life

Thats really disturbing...You know all them indian people believe in is them religion and keeping their pride and following everything they hear....Its really keeping them back from seeing the true meaning of the world and their people.....
It's not Indian, it's Muslim people that doing this. They believe that men are God and women are their slaves and their should obey there every ruling. That is why there is a lot of terrorism in their country because of the amount of hatred in their heart
No Disrespect to Muslims but My dad was talking to a muslim man about religion on the whole..He told my father that women were made just to have babies.I was like WTF ...Women are humans just like men they are no lesser nor greater ..everyone are equal cuz we were borned the same way everyone did and will always die like everyone have to :icon_neutral:
No disrespect either but thats religion for you lol, Who ever believes that i'm really sorry for them
even in this day in age people still think like this... its really ashamed!!!
Yesterday while walking down town, I saw this guy beating a five year old boy.... The boy was crying so loud on the pavement...and more he cried, more licks.... People was jus watching in amazement how this grown man dress in soft pant and shirt beating this toddler on the pavement...Drivers slow down to see this too....He hit the child so hard he fell on the ground.... I was so shock to see this, i could not even say or do anything...
Wtf if i was their i would have sure said something i will and could never stand around and let that happen, If every one their is afraid i would have step up,
the man was a big man...It was the child's father....So i guess thats why no one wanted to say anything...Its not there place to say anything on how he should ttreat his child...
Big people fall hard, i would have not let that happen, people have to stop making excuses, if some one is beat their child in public its everyone business. If he did it in his home it was something else but in public in ever one's eyes na
I agree but i still believe its not my place to intervene....
True that..but i wudda cuss the man or something..Its a good thing to help and correct people when u see these things happening they mightnot listen to you but atleast u did the correct thin
Na you going too far by cursing when you do that he will only revolt at you, You should say some thing not to make him get more angry, Or look at him is a evil way lol
An arima man was charged for killing his wife and two sons, ages 5 & 7.... Why do children have to be the one to suffer!!!!
I head about this, i don't know whats going on with this case did he get charge with murder or the case is still in motion.