Child Abuse

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we need stricter penalties for child abusers in this country. too much children are being abused by the individuals who are supposed to care and protect them. little children have a right to be treated fairly.
Gosh i feel sorry for this little girl child in India ...She is 5 years old and was kidnapped and gangraped by men and had objects pushed in her. She was found eventually in a zombie like state walking around looking like she was dying...She had to undergo multiple surgeries to get her physically fixed but mentally there is nothing no one can do..This child has been thru the worse of it all . Gosh i prayed so hard for her just hope god makes her life easy in the future.
Her life is now ruined as some say she is tarnished and cannot get married ... so sorry
i heard about this. there was a facebook page dedicated to her and when i looked and read the story i cried. It really hurts to see what sickening things people does do to the innocent and defenseless. i hope that they kill these men !
R.I.P To the little boy who was dropped forcefully to the ground by his own father. What is this world coming to? i didn't know a little newborn can anger a person to the point of death! And is the man damn own son too eh! Some please kill this man and i do hope he is hanged or killed in jail