Child Abuse

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OK i hearing this thing about advice counsellers and psychiatrist Do not give advise i know this because thats the first teaching they get DON"T GIVE ADVICE. What they do is help the person to find out a way for HIM SELF. I did counseling and psychology and thats the first thing they teach. And you don't sympathize for the or a person you empathize
Na i know but its true trini's have a misconception about what a conseller does and a psychiatrist does but its ok to give a person advice only if they ask you too and you know what is right for the person not what you think is right because your perception maybe different from him/her's
Wow You surprise me sometimes admin!!!! Alot of people get emotionally envolve when they try to help others who most of the time falls under their close friends and family.... But one should be very very careful to what they say to someone who has a problem... Just remember they are looking up to you....
Lol Admin helps people alot thats true i know in some cases when someone needs counselling or has real problems and lets just say the some one of the opposite sex is helping them they get emotionally attached to that person and they end up dating because the person gott involved in his/her life i know alot of cases like that
I visited the Piparo Enpowerment Centre(One Of Dole Chadee House)and the experience was real good.... I know the first thing that comes to one mind is prison and gay men but it was nothing like that...It only consist of Men of all ages who want to change their life around. Most of the men were drug addicts .... The facility was clean and comfortable... Its free for anyone to join but must be commited... Few had tried to escaped but with the help of collegues and cousellors, they remained... i had the opportunity to actually talking to one of the guy...

He came from a spirtual family.. doing real good in school... but started to lime with the wrong crowd..
he eventually drop out of school... starting staying out at nights due to the drugs...and he experience all the drugs in the market...His family tried to help but to no avail.. His family let Trinidad and he stayed back... But they used to sent money for him but that stopped very soon too... He started committing robbery just to get fast cash for drugs...He sold everything inside his family's house, had lots of ladies friends... to him life was good... One night his friends were trying out a new drug... they started to seeing things that were not real ... one of his friend saw police and shot his next friend.. seeing this he knew it would soon affect him so he tried to get home to sleep it off... Before he could reach home,he ended up in the hospital with broken bones all over his body which he did to himself .. the drugs...
After that he changed his life around.. he's now sixy eight years old...he's now a trainned and certified counsellor at the Centre... Cleaned for almost ten years so you can see at what age he started and ended his life of drugs....
That shows that once you put your mind to something you can achive anythin possible...thats when you are comitted and hav faith and hope that you can change for the better
The punishment an individual gets when commited a crime like child abuse would never be good enough to the public eye... But to honest i do think justice does prevail to the best.... being in jail for ten years and more may be the best experience for a criminal... just imagine what the other criminals can do to someone who knows you are a child abuser.... im not supporting the criminals but when it comes to child abuse it hurts and touches everyone heart.....
Yeah and it's a cycle, abused people turn into abusers, people live what they learn. Once some people have the option to change for the better most will, it's the ones who deliberately stay sick are the ones who should have the more serious sentences. The ones who can be help should be given the opportunity to change. They may never be around children again but at least they'd be better people.
I was gonna say there should be a public sex offenders registry but i'm afraid people would take the law into thier own hands and attack these people. There are many types of sex crimes but not all of them are child abuse or rape, some are like soliciting prostitutes or public indecency, indecent exposure like urinating or streaking. lol. People in Trinidad dont quite understand how easy abuse can be dealt with and the fact that abusers can be helped as much as thier victims can.
"Sex offender registry" never thought about that idea.......... it has it's advantage and disadvantages...
Yes it will ruin someone reputtation but may be they can have a Presidential Pardon!!! This is where the President alone can clear any conviction against an individual.... Cool idea
^^Yeah i saw a lady on TV speaking about it today. It's one of those things that are always in development and never seem to be in deployment. Apparently its in parliment, hopefully they'll implement it soon. Alot of child abusers are repeat offenders, this way if they get convicted once the community will know to keep thier kids away from them. I'm sure once it's implemented repeat offenders will decline and those thinking about doing stuff will choose not too. Its about time the offenders feel shame for thier actions.
Yes that true a lot of them actually all of them have no shame its like they don't have a female loved one like a mother, sister etc
There is a email that's going around from Austrialia where this two year old and his mom had gone shopping.... then two ten year old boys lead him away from his mother ..... Took him for a 2 miles walk where they beat him, stuff battery up his anus, jus remember these are only ten year old boys doing these acts.... The boys left the two year old boy by the train tracks where he died....

How could children be abusing children? It brings back the case of Sean Luke but these were older boys..... Honestly i can't see how or what does be going through the minds of these kids....
OMG R.I.P Thats really sad look how these children already hav minds of criminals...what this world turning into
How much rage can one keep inside before falling through???? Many incident occur when we simply cannot take it anymore!!!! Its a saying "don't trust quite people" that is so true....We don't read people minds but some people are so outright that you know what going on with them but the quite ones are those who keep the rage inside until they cannot take it anymore... Note who are your friends like this and talk to them... You mit jus help them....
way sah...dat hard eh? Look at these kind of crimes committed by children almost still at the infant stage of their life, u dont even hear big ppl doin dem kinda ting except for Sunil Ali and Hope...Dat was crap but jah...wen will this kind of ting stop??
I guess it will start with u and me to make a difference.....
Some people would be suprised how easy it is to find broken people- it just sucks that those who do sometimes make the person feel even more of a victim. Sometimes all the hurting need is someone to listen to them. Someone to talk too, to know they aren't alone.
It may sound easy jus to get help but from an abuse person point of view, they would have to trust that person whom they are talking too..... Not any person can talk to them... Even their closest friend they would not trust... So it's difficult for an abuse person to open up....
Their is alot of child abuse on the internet especially on msn big hard back man posing as teens taking all kinda of sex take and aking them to do things online with them what you think about that