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  1. Sian

    Offical Talk Yuh Talk Old Talk Thread!

    hi ladydeath, i hope all is well with u! i hoping it pick up as well! how is everything with u tho?
  2. Sian

    Offical Talk Yuh Talk Old Talk Thread!

    i know i am missed on the forum! (lol) so how's everyone on the forum? i miss coming on the forum as well. work takes most of my time and by the time i get home i am soooo darn tired :omg: can't wait to see the updates admin!
  3. Sian

    Do you think cartoons from 90's were better?

    i love the cartoons of the 90s the only cartoon which is appealing to me now is sponge bob. :signlol:
  4. Sian


    Anyone upgraded their android os to kitkat as yet?
  5. Sian

    Do you beleive or have you encounterd SHADOW PEOPLE?

    oh my gosh!!!! reading your experiences here have made my pores raise. even though i have never had any encounters like those i strongly believe there is evil out there... i don't know how some people do it and i really don't know what they get out of doing it. god be with them!
  6. Sian

    Offical Talk Yuh Talk Old Talk Thread!

    i can't wait to have some time to my self admin. i am liking all the improvements you did to the site. very commendable. i hope all is well with ladydeath. good luck in ur exams ladydeath.
  7. Sian

    Offical Talk Yuh Talk Old Talk Thread!

    i am very busy these days :-\ i miss posting here :( i hope all is well with everyone and remember to keep posting peeps! have a productive week everyone!
  8. Sian

    How young is too young to get married?

    imo, one should not be getting married if they are unemployed! yes i know that sounds harsh...but what sense does it make to get married when u cannot support yourself and to make things worse what would happen if a child comes along? i just cannot see myself getting married if i cannot support...
  9. Sian

    Offical Talk Yuh Talk Old Talk Thread!

    i am super duper tired :wacko:
  10. Sian

    Silk Road admin got caught

    That's wonderful to hear that he was caught, I will never sanction the use of the internet for illegal operations!
  11. Sian

    Local General Elections Oct 21st, 2013

    What are your predictions? Will you be voting?
  12. Sian

    Rajin Dhanraj in a critical condition

    WOW! I hope the government gives some assistance!
  13. Sian

    H1N1 virus is in Trinidad

    Resha, Occupational Health Solutions Gaston Street Chaguanas :)
  14. Sian

    Offical Talk Yuh Talk Old Talk Thread!

    Why is it I does have tuh get stuck when I am doing an assignment :Throw:
  15. Sian


    Sheezy, nice to see you on here! :Yea: Welcome aboard :) and remember to like us on Facebook!
  16. Sian

    Offical Talk Yuh Talk Old Talk Thread!

    :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: Admin :haha:
  17. Sian

    Offical Talk Yuh Talk Old Talk Thread!

    Admin :Blink: i am appalled... well at least ladydeath's clouts working on yuh :icon_cheesygrin:
  18. Sian

    Offical Talk Yuh Talk Old Talk Thread!

    Good luck Ladydeath! I hope u feel better soon!
  19. Sian

    Permit now required for parrots, caged birds

    now where is the darn list? and nothing was mentioned about the associated fees in that article! #jokejournalism #shoddyjournalism #disgruntled!
  20. Sian

    Offical Talk Yuh Talk Old Talk Thread!

    I am feeling sooo frustrated! :icon_sad: