Do you beleive or have you encounterd SHADOW PEOPLE?

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Jun 29, 2008
Sunday gone i was real tired and my lil brother (11 yrs) ask for me to stay in his room with him cuz he dont feel like being by himself, i found it strange but i went ahead. he spread a blanket on the ground and lay there as if hes camping i was on the bed lying down and we talked shit till we knocked out. now in a state beteen sleep and wake i felt like a body weight just came on top of me so i taught my brother decided to come in the bed but with he sleepy self he fell there and knock out but when i looked across my brother was asleep on the ground where he went, then i realised i couldn't move a muscle, it's when i looked up i realised there was a shadowy, sandy humanoid thing next to the bed up in my face. it didn't had a face all it had was grey eyes and looked like a cross breed of something out of harry potter and the mummy. i swear i wasn't dreaming i was wide awake & it really scared the shit out of me (not literally if thats what y'all were thinking) but like i said my body was frozen, couldn't move couldn't speak i just started to pray in my head, the weight on my body got lighter, the shadowy, sandy thing floated up and disapeared, i could have moved again, i flew up one time all my pores was raised, i saw my battery was gonna knock out so i went in my room to charge it. when i pluged it in i started to hear footsteps dragging out side, when i peeped out absolutely no1 was there. man that was a disturbing night, anyone out there ever had such experiences?
Yes it happened to me nearly every week for the past 3 years. I used to get up around 3 am and couldn't move and get a choking feeling..Sometimes i could even hear voices in a foreign language and smelling of sulphur or smoke like s stench. It stopped about 2 years ago after i got strong in my faith of Pure Christianity , smoked out my room and changed my bed to face the west. I absolutely believe in evil as i have experienced many things before and also my close relatives and family members. Some "atheists" and scientists believe that it is a sleep condition called sleep paralysis where the brain wakes up before your body and you hallucinate because your body cannot move.
i had another attack 3 days later, saw it in a dream, it was in the form of a lil child, black as tar, no face and 6 legs, i realised it was a next demon. it made my pores raised. i immedately woke up to realised i was under heavy paralysis i couldnt even open my eyes this time, farless move, i kept hearing growls and whispers right up in my ears, i started to pray and it got violent, i felt like something started pressing down on my belly and troath, it felt suffocating, i then lost all control of my hands, they were moving on its own my fingers kept bending by themselves and i just kept praying after a few minutes it left. this got me a lil worried cuz according to the testimonies of ppl who went through it was months to years apart mine was 3 days. i spoke to a co worker and what he said is it was a djinn. he advised to clean my place and mop with lime and lavender. how ever i looked up djinns and shadow people on google and they are 2 totally different spirts, the problem i'm having though is identifying which is persuing me.
oh my gosh!!!! reading your experiences here have made my pores raise. even though i have never had any encounters like those i strongly believe there is evil out there... i don't know how some people do it and i really don't know what they get out of doing it. god be with them!
i strongly suggest that you call someone who removes them..they come into your home and put them in a bottle and them burn them after.. make sure and keep your place clean at all times they live off the dirty environment
ok well like i said i seems like it attacks me physically every 3 days my last attack was sat gone getting some rest before work, it started off as a dream related to them then when i awoke i was under heavy paralysis when i looked the entity's body was see through and shadowy (yes some are see through some are solid) and it had the face of my own 11 yr old brother. when i prayed it got agitated i felt like a big hand squeezing my belly and a choking feeling but the attack wasnt as long as the 2nd one. but somehow i seemed to gain the ability to sense their presence, 1st it starts as a gust of wind blew in the room a split second, then the place is dead silent (like when you put in an ear plug headphone but nothings playing how it sounds muffled thats what i call dead silent), your pores raise, you feel a heavy vibes in the place, a sudden heat or coldness on your skin (for me when i feel the coldness it nightmares and when i feel the heat i awake to a physical attack). but one thing i noticed when i put my radio on the gospel stations 98.1 or 107.1 when worship is going on i dont detect their presence and my sleep is normal, no nightmares or paralysis or any forms of attack, tomorow is tuesday thats the 3rd day i'll leave the radio on while i sleep in the morning or evening before work, see what happens
you should say your prayers loud before you go to sleep..Yes the attack comes in the form of a kinda sleep thing like you are dreaming it but its real. I know it too good ! Sometimes i used to get up and sometimes it was so strong i used to sleep back right Yes the prayers do agitate them ! Try the radio and as i said get red lavender oil and pepper mint oil and lime and mop the floor with that and wipe everything in the house down.. see if it helps!
a co worker did mention the mopping with lime and lavender, but said nothing bout peppermint oil, any how this is day 3 since my last attack, lets see whats going on
ok well yesterday was tuesday aka the "third day" i had my rdio on 107.1 one of the gospel stations, i had no off dreams, no paralysis, no attacks what so ever. i didn't even sense their presence before bed. i did sense something 2 minutes after i woke but it was VERY SLIGHT, i cant help but think if the worship keep normal spirits at bay and i could have the presence of this one although it was weak this particular spirit would be really strong. though not much worship was playing on the radio but a lot of normal christmas tunes but its still gospel. if nothing was on i wonder what this one would have done?
This happened to me for the first time in a long while wednesday ..It was frightening but i held my ground and said my prayers in a minute after that i feel asleep again