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  1. kingfish

    Taxing of businesses in the Cunupia area.

    There are some people claiming to be from a mosque in enterprise demanding businesses pay them taxes every month. I default if you don't want to pay they will rob you and end your life. Too many people died from the criminals and the police just turns a blind eye to this. I'm so fedup of this...
  2. kingfish

    Testing on animals

    This video brought me to tears, how can us as humans be letting this happen to the worlds greatest creatures, it's inhumane, horrible, and down right cruel. Beware, the video contains shocking images.
  3. kingfish

    At what point can it not be fat shaming?

    Most of the time, if you make a comment about someone's weight it is seen as being rude and insensitive. But what if it's your partner or a family member that's getting to be grossly obese (500 - 900Lbs) and you're concerned about their over all health? Are we still allowed to voice concern or...
  4. kingfish

    Reincarnation: Real Or Not?

    One of my favorite subjects to debate about has to be reincarnation. There's been numerous cases documented online about kids remembering a past life, for example I watched a video where a boy kept telling his parents that he used to be a black woman named Pam who died in a fire in Chicago in...
  5. kingfish

    Do you believe in ghosts?

    I have experienced a few things in my life that make me believe ghosts exist, things like hearing a little girl crying for her mother but no one else could hear her. Seeing shadows and thought it was someone coming down the stairs but no one was there also had a door slammed but there was no way...
  6. kingfish

    # of people who pissed you off today

    The prime minister rowley pissing me off everyday now.
  7. kingfish

    Offical Talk Yuh Talk Old Talk Thread!

    Wow it been years now since I've been here. Things looking good but no so good for the country lol.
  8. kingfish

    When is Pay this month?

    When is pay this month, i done suffering already. Money does never last in my hands.
  9. kingfish

    Not Sure.....If TnT's hot spots or pnm corporations

    The PNM never attracts new votership except when the offspring of a pnm till ah ded turns 18. Thus a no vote is a pnm vote. Laventille will never not vote pnm because they just have that mind set . Pnm will barely do anything to raise the standard of living in Laventille and other govts try all...
  10. kingfish

    Not Sure.....If TnT's hot spots or pnm corporations

    This is really a sad day for T&T..first of all we had the lowest voter turn out in history..just under 20 % of the population..that says a lot..the majority of folks are disenfranchised witht he present government..secondly this map shows we have returned to tribal politics !! very very sad..we...
  11. kingfish

    Chuck E Cheese's coming to Trinidad.

    Great more greasy food to make us unhealthy, thanks to the authorities who are allowing this franchise to be set up.
  12. kingfish

    Divali/Diwali 2013 – the date and the controversy

    There has been a discussion brewing among the Hindu Community regarding the date of Divali in Trinidad and Tobago. While the rest of the world is celebrating this auspicious day on the 3rd of November 2013, according to an article from the Trinidad Express, the holiday is being declared as the...
  13. kingfish

    Relationship with someone who is HIV/AIDS Positive

    Okay guys you know I like asking weird questions that forces people to think so here goes.... What would you do if you feel in love with someone who was HIV/AIDS positive. Would you proceed with a relationship knowing that your partner is ill and you are not?
  14. kingfish

    Tobago Baby Dies In Mother's Arms

    I Heard about dis. and on the papers said that there was no foul play. If someone would of seen the child earlier this might of been prevented
  15. kingfish

    2Yr Old Toddler Murdered

    what de hell goin on with parents these days. Children dieing from child abuse and no one to save them. Parents if yuh kno that yuh cannot take care of children please don't make. R.I.P
  16. kingfish

    All governments are corrupt

    Let the truth be told ! all governments are corrupt ! all over the world it's the same shit ! That's why groups like #anonymous came into existence ! but to some we are hero's and to other we're Digital/Cyber Terrorist ! how many people has Anonymous killed on the net? How many people has the...
  17. kingfish

    All Trini should support the death penalty !

    All Trini should support the death penalty ! If a man has taken the life of another man then he deserves death. Some people just do not deserve to live after they have done dangerous and crazy things. The golden rule is that you should treat others as you would like them to treat you. Thus...
  18. kingfish

    Renaldo Dixon Stabbed

    i was now reading the article on the newspapers here and now the little form 2 girl saying she scared becuase she getting death threats from renaldo's friends. what yall think?