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  1. wesgen

    Diploma in Computing and Information Systems They are in the process of updating the undergrad programs on the site not much info right now in that regard...
  2. wesgen

    Smallville Fans

    well you can take in some episodes here: they streaming the seasons on that station sorry admin..not dialup friendly :(
  3. wesgen

    Smallville Fans

    whey boi admin! season 7? lol....i eagerly awaiting 9!!!...he better fly then
  4. wesgen

    Single Male Looking for Female Friends

    i continue to LOL at the progress of this i looking for female friends to lol -friends eh nuttin more...though is not like im gonna pass up an opppotunity
  5. wesgen

    :D Facebook couple share same name!!

    always wanted to see the pyramids lol
  6. wesgen

    :D Facebook couple share same name!!

    awwww.... and she really pretty too! wow! :D ...hmm i'll be doing a fb search for 'myself' later hmm lol
  7. wesgen

    Rate the display pic of the person above you

    lol avatar fail *runs out of this thread
  8. wesgen

    Rate the display pic of the person above you

    I give tiger15 an 8 because the glowing tattoo thingy reminds me of an old time cartoon called battletech! dread show! lol back in the day cartoons with 3D graphics like that was boss!..of course now 2009, the graphics looks like balls now
  9. wesgen

    Rate the display pic of the person above you

    I'll give Ariyah a 9 ...noice use of color scheming there..has a wow effect
  10. wesgen

    New Sci-Fi Movie: District 9

    This looks quite interesting!!...good find!.. will want to see this :evil:
  11. wesgen

    Happy Birthday Admin!!

    Happy Birthday Admin hope u had a blast today! :D
  12. wesgen

    Microsoft Surface

    actually its a custom version of vista..the multitouch apps just running on top of the OS the specs is an average pc 2day...i cant remember exactly but the current versions runnin on around: core2duo 2.13ghz 2gb ram 250gb hdd i think the minimum versions are like that graphix card cud just be...
  13. wesgen

    Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen

    OMG!!! it was badddd!! lol *drool @ megan fox......*bawls @ sandsucking robot and ...oh wait..ah cyar bust spoilers... lol... admin, karina go see it NOW lol
  14. wesgen

    Happy Birthday Wesgen!!!

    lol thanks again! :)
  15. wesgen

    Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen

  16. wesgen

    Project Y Part 1- Homemade Advances in HCI

    glad to know..i myself got reeeeellly excited when i saw this and 'some other stuff!'...who knows soon we may be making multitouch apps..and end up making trinidad another software powerhouse lol...wait till u hear about my Project Nebula...don't confuse it with Project Y lol...I havent posted...
  17. wesgen

    Happy Birthday Wesgen!!!

    lol i now seeing this yes ahahaha...THANKS PEEPS :) eh resha ...which lobby...lemme kno :rolleyes: :lmfao:
  18. wesgen

    Project Y Part 1- Homemade Advances in HCI

    So this visionary by the name of Johnny Chung Lee has been an advocate for more natural interaction between human and computer based systems. As it turns out he is part of the team that is building Project Natal for the Xbox 360 For those that do not know about Project Natal, check the video...
  19. wesgen

    Microsoft Surface

    Some of you may have seen this already but for those that havent Zxk_WywMTzc click above (until i figure out the embedded thing lol) Surface allows full hand to screen interaction via some relatively simple methods( 4 cameras that aim to the surface to pick up 'touch pressure' made on the...