Recent content by madsuya

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  1. madsuya

    Stopped Cheating Because You Got Caught?

    interesting topic to get many persons take on cheating will get many reply....everybody have different views an topics like this brings out some steam in us coz i'm tell u guys wen we cheat dat will give them the chance to breakup with us...hooking up with someone behind your lovers...
  2. madsuya

    Bess Doubles In Trinidad And Tobago!

    The guy by fat's bar, his doubles is real nice... coconut chutney and lots of ideal afterwork meal....but I don't like to say the name
  3. madsuya

    N.I.S at age 65 years....

    Minister Colm Imbert talking about raising the N.I.S retirement benefits to 65years...but how will we live from age 60.....I was looking forward to my retirement...most people don't reach the age to retire... probably the government hoping we's so hard to make 750 contributions and now...
  4. madsuya

    Can money buy true happiness?

    I have been poor and sad for a long long time....I still say let me see if I can be happier with money ....I will always choose money in my life...and I'm sure I will be happy if I have more money.....
  5. madsuya

    what the singers up to..

    It's real bacannal in Trinidad theses days with the man with the teeths ans his wife calling people name...other chutney singers getting rich and it looks like teeths marketing strategy now working for a dull day in sweet trini...
  6. madsuya

    Friday Vibes

    Friday ...whats on the agenda guys...
  7. madsuya

    What are you eating?

    It's fasting time....only sada food these till Divali.....lots of prayers food and sweets ...but I'm not complaining...its all yummy...
  8. madsuya

    What's the best thing to help with itchy scalp.

    Use local coconut oil....soak your head and hair with oil...and put on a shower cap for a while and then wash out your long time treatment....
  9. madsuya

    Ramleela Council Seeks $3m For Events

    One of my favorite grounds for #Ramleela
  10. madsuya


    The murder rate worsens... remembering Dana Seetahal ...her assassination in 2014 and all the other defenceless individuals..when will be the starting point to get rid of these pest...where is the Minister of National Security... murder rate for 2022 was about 600... presently it's about 454 and...
  11. madsuya

    President of Trinidad and Tobago

    On Monday 20th March 2023 at the Grandstand Queen Savannah.....Trinidad and Tobago welcome our seventh President-Elect Christine Carla Kangaloo....
  12. madsuya

    OFFICIAL WASA TOPIC no waterrrr!

    WASA has put out a media release that Point Lisas Desalination Plant will be down for planned maintenance work from Monday 16th October to Tuesday 24th October this for this time of the year....this is not good...sad yes....
  13. madsuya

    Guilty Or Not Guilty?

    Guilty.... Have you ever called someone and hope they don't answer...just to show you called ring and hang up..1 hour ring again...just to show you called
  14. madsuya

    Ramleela Council Seeks $3m For Events

    It's about that time again guys..see the epic battle between good and evil.... #Ramleela2023 at recreation grounds all across Trinidad in 2 weeks's an #openairfestival
  15. madsuya

    wtf going on this place so hot

    I feel sorry for people who work in the's terrible...but it's good business for the a/c guys..its their season to smile....