Women drivers!


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Lately I have noticed more careful women drivers driving nice vehicles as opposed to getting bad driven by women! +100 to that.
Lol oh man i can imagine. People in general need to put more care into how they reverse/park especially.
I pray to god i never see this in Trinidad because i will light up that driver lol

Seen that clip over the years and its difficult to begin to understand how that works...
My theory is that one of the main differences between male and female drivers is confidence.
Bad or good all male drivers feel they are the best (except me, I know I am the best :drum:). So fellas more likely to pull drives they can't handle and get into accidents for themselves. Whereas, bad women drivers end up causing others to crash by making hesitant movements on the road or focusing too much on where they going but not on what around them. I believe this is because they are unsure of themselves as drivers. I think this has to do with the stigma associated with women drivers. They start driving thinking that they would never be as good as men. Anyone that ever saw my mom drive while angry will know that this is far from true. Gives a whole new meaning to the term "speed bumps". Keep in mind my mom old school and driving manual for the past thirty something years.
Oh my god ! Women drivers in this country is the worst , i really wish i had a Dash Cam to record this woman.

The second to last Price Smart parking row by Superpharm. I had to stop for this woman to reverse out of the parking spot . She only gas/brakes/gas/brakes/abruptstop/open car door/ gas/ brakes/ try to lock / stop etc. The car looked like a video sticking. My aunt in our vehicle began to direct her to go back because she was very far away from the other cars and had place to reverse easily. The woman began to curse and stop for a good minute causing traffic as she didn't know what to do. She was getting vex at us trying to hurry her up .

I will never ever wait on a park from a woman again
You serious right now? I know some of the newer ones take extra care but that is really a case of bought license cause anybody who took driving lessons would not be that retarded.
not all bad eh...this morning i saw a woman handle her brand new rav4 like it was one of her body parts lol i was impressed
Well we won't dispute it, not all bad, its just that in the above scenario i dont think that has to do with gender but rather a case of buy license.