Women drivers!


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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Now I know this topic may cause some bacchanal on Trinimotors but then again my middle name is bacchanal.
To me most women drivers are scared to make particular drives, can't reverse properly, driving slow on the roads, don't give any one a chance, does give you a bad drive plus a lot more. What are some of your views on women drivers?

i agree and disagree on the matter!

i agree with you totally on the entire statement you made there, women drivers (MOST NOT ALL) are afraid to drive in a certain manner , which does cause inconveniences for other road users

but at the same time there are other women drivers who can drive better than men! EG. My mother, who thinks she drives a racecar and handles it like a man, never slows down and actually cusses other women when they make stupid drives.

when people drive with her for the first time, they always come out of the car in some sort of fear, and the car also shows signs of this left from my friend who took a drop , his scrape marks from trying to hold on to the inner upholstery still remains!

There are some who can drive properly, not all, just the select few!
Like I said most women drivers which is can say is 90% are bad driver who pay for their drivers permit. My girlfriend can drive very good and she can drive heavy duty trucks and vans.
I started driving at age 14 on the road with a Nissan Navara and presently driving a new model daily. I even used to drive a 2004 Subaru Sti V-Limited not to long ago. My dad used to drag race back in the old days and has taught me all i know. I have a manual liscense and can drive cranes, trucks, vans...you name it! I have no fear on the road.

Other than myself, i hate women drivers with a passion. However, i think the reason why they drive slow, panicky and make alot of bad drives is because they never had proper practice before getting their license. All the experience they had was driving slow with an L in the back of a vehicle and a person in the passenger seat telling them what to do . Reverse parking is a next sad story. Some months ago in UWI car park i had to help a woman with an Audi reverse park. I felt so bad for her though.
Wow LadyDeath has alot of experience with driving, and I believe with experience, Confidence is built

But for some, still with all the experience they have, they still can't drive for hell!!
I think the majority of female drives are just not confident in themselves on the roads. The fear factor is always high. Why? I don't know.
OK let's start by saying women don't see cars as men do.
We know cars are not scary machines that can kill us, or things that cannot be controlled. We know we are the master of the car and it MUST obey or u die trying.
Personally I see my car as an extension of myself and drive in a similar way to how I walk and vice versa. Confidence for me was gained by spending enormous amounts of time in and around cars in general (washing, cleaning, sleeping, etc) before I could even drive.

Now as far as some women are concerned, a car is something they think and convince themselves that they will never understand. Sometimes they don't even want to try to learn. So with that preconceived notion, they then decide to go learn to steer it (not drive it, not handle it, not control it). So now that they can turn without hitting (much), they go out onto the roads and realize that they are afraid of others on the road and drive like frightened puppies, panicking and not remembering anything that they were taught.
I love women - they are the best drivers in the world - me ain't taking this chain up thread nah
anthonemorris said:
OK let's start by saying women don't see cars as men do.
We know cars are not scary machines that can kill us, or things that cannot be controlled. We know we are the master of the car and it MUST obey or u die trying.
Personally I see my car as an extension of myself and drive in a similar way to how I walk and vice versa. Confidence for me was gained by spending enormous amounts of time in and around cars in general (washing, cleaning, sleeping, etc) before I could even drive.

Now as far as some women are concerned, a car is something they think and convince themselves that they will never understand. Sometimes they don't even want to try to learn. So with that preconceived notion, they then decide to go learn to steer it (not drive it, not handle it, not control it). So now that they can turn without hitting (much), they go out onto the roads and realize that they are afraid of others on the road and drive like frightened puppies, panicking and not remembering anything that they were taught.

It's a very bad stigma that has fallen on all of us and i think women need to break out of this and realize that fear is only in your mind.
That might never happen, just yesterday a woman driver almost run me off the road around a corner. She was on my side coming straight at me wtf.
Do like me, when i spot them , i already have my hands ready to press the horn just incase they do something stupid LOL
V2nr 3.0 said:
I love women - they are the best drivers in the world - me ain't taking this chain up thread nah

HAHAHAH man didn't bite the hook yess

i DED :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D
First Thread Updated to include my evidence of the incredible driving of women drivers.

hahahahahahaahaha..........eenside for the lols have some women who could handle their car tho
I have nothing to say. I have seen these clips before. I won't lie though, I have gotten some very dangerous and idiotic bad drive from women more so men and it continues to happen where the women want to be more aggressive than the men especially behind the wheel of a 4wd. They tailgate like crazy and I will have none of it.
It's a very bad stigma that has fallen on all of us and i think women need to break out of this and realize that fear is only in your mind.

I want to just say, I think fear is not the issue with female drivers in Trinidad and Tobago, its their lack of fear that causes them more problems than anything. Lack of discretion, lack of judgement and lack of average is a major issue among not only female drivers but more often than not I continue to have to put them on their side of the road or I cannot pass in narrow roads while they are speeding toward me without discretion.... Something I don't get a lot off from men when they know they can end up in a drain.

Given that, there are a few good female drivers out there I've come across that are superior drivers to the average male driver in this country so its a double ended sword of a debate.
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^^^you not running rock crawlers lol they wont see any fear in those stock bumper
^^^you not running rock crawlers lol they wont see any fear in those stock bumper

Nothing to do with bumpers or fear. Its a simple fact of knowing your vehicle and having a good guess of where your left wheels are so you can drive on your side of the road. I always have to blow up my horn, cuss or hit the high beam for people to realise what stupidness they doing because I will not budge and go in no drain for something thats not my fault or something that can be 100% avoided if people spent more time concentrating on what matters when driving.

Just the other day I had to use a combination of stopping in front an x-trail and pointing to the other side of the road for the woman to pull more on her side so I could turn. On that same road I turn in with Macks at the stop line so why not an X-trail? Then lower down the road theres a truck parked and I have to drive approximately 10" away from the edge of the road with no pavement to pass because none of the dunce men driving they 626 want to wait in traffic behind the truck thats parked to let people pass in the oncoming lane.

That reminds me of something too, one day I was at a 3 way junction and the road was clear so I was about to turn. While I'm halfway in the turn, my front wheels are already on the destined road, a woman in a Matrix decides to speed up and stop in the middle of the road, as in, center of the car over the white line. Idk what do she but just so she start to talk extremely loud and watching me. My glass was up, my trance was playing. I didn't really like that so through the glass I shout she up Hush yuh f**king a** and she get dotish and sit down in the car for a few minutes before moving.
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