What's Your Irrational Fear?


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Hot or not i will never sleep without a blanket . You sweat in A/C? That's the first time i ever heard something like that
Hahahaha so what I've learnt from this thread is........

ShadowHunter is easily scared and we should not pull a prank on ShadowHunter lol

Other than that, everyone is afraid of something and there should be no shame of showing it

Anyone here afraid of clowns?
lol I didn't always used to be so! I was always the bravest of all my friends in school, idk what happened after I had my son :/ But I'm not scared of everything! I got over a fear of heights (and other stuff I won't tell you cuz you'll laugh lol) but if you're pulling praks I'm real good at returning the favor ;)

Not scared anything will grab my foot, I'm just certain there's a mosquito waiting to bite underneath my foot any time my soles are exposed. And probably for comfort too. When ppl put AC on at room temperature or higher (what's the sense for the AC then?) I sweat. My dad and bro had a bad habit of putting on AC to freeze ppl while they walk around bareback complaining it's too hot. It was so bad you see your breath in front of you and the mirrors would get frost. I'm not that bad lol
I've never met anyone afraid of clowns before. There's a group that does scary pranks on youtube, it's really freaky. I would've posted the killer clown prank here if you didn't say that. Anybody would run if they saw that coming lol
Definitely don't blame you there!
Hahahaha I actually got stung by a jep as a kid, I actually like them now, they're cool critters
Not me! My husband and his dad actually let them build nests all over the house and say they're "minding" them. Nuh-uh. I get lots of exercise running away whenever I see one enter a room.
For a reaction that bad you might be allergic dude. My first jep bite was on my ring finger and my entire hand straight up to the middle of my forearm swelled up so big I couldn't bend my fingers or use my hand at all, it was just like dead weight. Last bite was on my neck, I walked around looking like I was wearing a skin colored scarf and couldn't move my neck or turn my head for days.
Wow you guys had it baddd I got my sting on my pinky finger ,it was swollen for a while but it felt kinda good, it was all tingly lol so they're cool with me ,once they mind their business I'll do the same and mind mine
Mine starts out tingly and painful, then it's lots more pain, then I'm stiff and numb and looking like my hand or neck or wherever I got stung is wearing a giant fat suit. I would rather climb an ants-laden tree than go within a 80 foot radius of a jep nest.
lol I tried that once and the thing sat on my shoulder and started walking across my neck!!!! My husband hit it away and I ran away making unintelligible noises lol I never tried it again and don't plan to!
still not willing to take the risk of leaving it be to find out
Hahahhah I think the jep was more afraid of you shadowhunter xD have you ever seen the movie ,Bee movie?

You never know...they could just wanna be friends lmao
I loved that movie! I can be friends with them no problem....from far....very, very far away.