What's Your Irrational Fear?


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who say we liming with ShawdowHunter when/if ebola reach? OCD meets germophobe thats good combination!!

i only got sick 1 time so far for the year, was sick for a week and thats it!! thats my record, 2015 coming, aim is to not get sick at all!
nah Steven if you getting sick plenty, you in quarantine by yourself eh we not taking any chances! shadowhunter grab the clorax , I'll get the disinfectant spray! time to clean!!!
Lmao. The weak ones are the first to go!
My irrational fear is not soo irrational...We hear the old people saying how much better life used to be in the old days, how they could leave their homes open and sleep or go out...but look at today? Look at how terrible crime has gotten! My fear is that 10-15-20 years from now, what kind of world would my son be living in! It's a terrible thought and it's one that I can't do anything about....
HAHAHAH steven dow worry bro , you'll survive , eat plenty paw paw and you good lmao

MangaAddict i dont think youre alone there man, alot of people now are wondering about the future and what kind of world and society their kids will be raised in, but then again, who allowed it to get so bad? didnt we?

we can make the change, just takes a few!
ahahahahaha alyuh wicked! I'm currently sick for the second time this month because my father-in-law cannot grasp the concept that when he's sick and coughing on ppl and their belongings and touching teething babies with fevers, everyone gets sick! Everyone is welcome to lime, just bring your gas masks and cleaning supplies! A couple bags of drips won't hurt either lol
Lmao. The weak ones are the first to go!
My irrational fear is not soo irrational...We hear the old people saying how much better life used to be in the old days, how they could leave their homes open and sleep or go out...but look at today? Look at how terrible crime has gotten! My fear is that 10-15-20 years from now, what kind of world would my son be living in! It's a terrible thought and it's one that I can't do anything about....
I think that's every parent's fear
HAHAHAH steven dow worry bro , you'll survive , eat plenty paw paw and you good lmao

MangaAddict i dont think youre alone there man, alot of people now are wondering about the future and what kind of world and society their kids will be raised in, but then again, who allowed it to get so bad? didnt we?

we can make the change, just takes a few!
Geed. Paw paw does taste like someone throw up in your mouth
Not sure if this is a fear or an intolerance but I don't like stuffed animals or dolls. They're weird and not human and they kind of creep me out. I will not touch them or buy them for anyone and I give away any that people buy for me or my son (but mostly because they harbor allergens).
No no no no no those are the worst. They're so weird and creepy! Why would you want a life-sized fake animal with beady eyes staring at you from any direction you look at it? *shudders*
O_O WTF bro 93 inches!!!!!!! (courtesy google) Remind me to never there
Even if:

1. It's big enough for a serial killer stalker person to hide in

2. The beady eyes will follow you around and watch you from any and all directions

3. It's big enough to be used as a weapon for your own gruesome asphyxiation

4. It's big enough for normal stalkers to hide behind

5. It's big and fluffy enough to hide techy stalking/spy devices in


6. It's fricking creepy!
- Nyctophobia gotta be my biggest one ..Hence i always from small sleep with my blanket over my head and a night light by my bed.
Nope, it's weird and creepy and unnatural. I will cuddle a dog or cat instead, thank you.

If I'm in a new place I like to put on all the lights, open all doors etc and get a good look around (make sure there are no shower stalker serial killers lol) before I get too comfy, otherwise I'll be jumpy and nervous the whole time. If I'm somewhere familiar I need total darkness to sleep. I get overheated easily too but I can't sleep without a blanket though.