What's Your Irrational Fear?


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Active Member
Nov 10, 2014
Every time I go to take a shower I open the shower door/curtain fully, turn on the water, and incorporate opening every door/curtain and walking around the bathroom to make sure the coast is clear. (The water is on to mask the sound of my footprints and distract my potential attacker as I clear the scene before getting in the shower). Once in the shower, I never turn my back to the door and I try to avoid closing my eyes otherwise the serial shower stalker killer will get me. I've done this as long as I know myself and I do this every single time I go to take a shower even if it's at someone else's house. Even if I'm setting up a bath for someone else I do it. If I wash my face at the bathroom sink throughout the course of the day though, it's no scene for my back to be at the door and eyes to be closed until I'm drying my face. I'm only in "danger" when heading for a shower. I've never been attacked by (or ever heard of) a serial shower stalker killer before, I know it's irrational, but it's still a fear. What irrational fears have you heard of? Do you have any? I can't be alone in this (right?)
That must be tough, but I'm sure you have nothing to worry about :) Doesn't sound like an isolated incident though, does it happen throughout your normal life?

My fear isn't soo irrational, but it is one that I wish I din't have to think about. I love food, I love meat, chocolates, you name it, but I'm not supposed to eat most of it. So my fear is that one day it'll catch up to me. Sucks, and it's really something I have to work on.....but it's soo hard..
That must be tough, but I'm sure you have nothing to worry about :) Doesn't sound like an isolated incident though, does it happen throughout your normal life?

My fear isn't soo irrational, but it is one that I wish I din't have to think about. I love food, I love meat, chocolates, you name it, but I'm not supposed to eat most of it. So my fear is that one day it'll catch up to me. Sucks, and it's really something I have to work on.....but it's soo hard..

Idk why...I'm just always on the lookout lol health issues are scary....but every little step counts!
My fear it's that a jep nest will fall on me and I'll look like a rolly Polly. Last time I got stung the jep fell on my foot and I couldn't walk for days because was almost twice it's original size

Don't wanna enhance your fear...but I was attacked by three jep nests one time.....I looked like mutated human bubble wrap for ages...bawled like a baby too lol When I see a jep now I either leave the room/house or lock myself in another room lol
Jeps don't bother me that much. We have a mutual understanding, don't sting me, I'll leave you alone, sting me and you dead. lol.
My deal is more like: you want the room? here, take it. I gone! *runs away like Flash*
my irrational fear is with alligators/caymans , i always fear that one will chase me down, or one always lurking somewhere ready to ambush me and kill me and eat my limbs , ive had countless dreams about that and so many times i get paranoid when i going river and ting because of that

when i was a kid, a pregnant cayman came up into our garage and ate my dog, my mom was pregnant with my little brother at the time, so the cayman was attracted to my mom, and i was behind her , and my dad went outside to try and kill it, the cayman was right outside our door, no more than a metre away, and snapping and getting on, and my mom was standing infront of me holding me, all that separated us was a metal door that was locked. eventually my dad got outside and dropped a old 280c diff from the garage ontop of its head and killed it, but that thing was seriously scary, it was as long as a datsun 120y! i was rell frightened!
As amazing as that story was...the part that stuck with me......your dad lifted a 280c diff.....by himself? Remind me not to get on his bad side. lol. Really freaky story though! I don't blame you.
Yikes! If that happened to me I would be traumatized for life! You brave to still go around rivers etc after that!
Hahhhha I always fraid ,I check the banks on rivers first before I go in the water! Anything suspicious and I not bathing!!

And @MangaAddict! Yea my dad is VERYYYY buff!! You've seen me before,just imagine me, bald headed ,twice the size and only muscle!!

That's my dad! :/

You ever collect lixx from a parent like that before? On top of everything he strict too eh! Discipline!
frogssssssss not me and no frog and them flying frog that like to battle you for the shower at night not me i leaving them to the shower
Hahhhha I always fraid ,I check the banks on rivers first before I go in the water! Anything suspicious and I not bathing!!

And @MangaAddict! Yea my dad is VERYYYY buff!! You've seen me before,just imagine me, bald headed ,twice the size and only muscle!!

That's my dad! :/

You ever collect lixx from a parent like that before? On top of everything he strict too eh! Discipline!

Lol. I think you should've put him as your irrational fear :p

frogssssssss not me and no frog and them flying frog that like to battle you for the shower at night not me i leaving them to the shower

Frogs don't do anything! They just look gross. lol.
This ons is kinda hard to explain......but it's basically getting sick from someone else. I avoid crowds (bumping into people) and touchy feely people because of the risk of contracting an illness or allergic reaction from them. Before a person shows signs of an illness, they are infectious for about a week before and after symptoms appear even though they look and feel perfectly fine. Something as simple as the common cold takes about 3-4 weeks to recover from fully so you can imagine for other illnesses. Before I go to meet anyone I load up on Vit C and immune boosting foods just in case. I spent more time being sick when I was younger than I liked, nearly fatally so, and I am honestly terrified of contracting something or being sick in general. Allergic reactions and a naturally low immune system add on to that. Plus my son's allergies are worse than mine and people LOVE touching random strangers' babies in Trinidad with all their secret sick germs and allergens crawling all over them. I sound psycho I know...can't get over it *shudders*
yep! I don't mind germs from my growbox but if a sick person touches anything in my home I have to sanitize everything lol
Yeah lol just soaking or wiping down in boiling hot water and lime/vinegar, no big deal