What did you learn this past week?


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San fernando

New Member
Jul 3, 2008
The week has passed ..wha allyuh learn this past week?.....

I learn we have a PM or chooses to visit a radio sation to voice his disapproval of what is being said about him on air..

I learn we have men in here who willing to share dey suck ah bag with other women

I learn America are more willing than T&T to break racial barrier in politics.

I learn that it may take forever to put a sports frum in here :icon_cheesygrin:

wha allyuh learn?
I learned alot too bad I cant recall.
I learnt yes there are men willing to share.
I learnt Trinidad and Tobago bad at predicting the US elections outcome... or why people in america vote.
I learn I'll never have any close interpersonal relationships... ever..
I learnt within any small community there are always back biters and stabbers and other bad people.
I learn to stop trying to predict human behaviour and that i'm retarded to try.
I dunno what else...
Oh yeah facebook is AWESOME... I real late too...
I learn that no matter how good you feel someone could always ruin your mood.

And I learned that no matter how crappy you feel someone could always brighten up your day. :)
I learned I'm easy to read too :|
I learnt that there really are people watching everything I do...
I learned that I deserve to be happy..........
^ I still struggling with that.
I learned that some lecturers are very lax about when you could hand up your work.
I learn I could still scrape through and pass all the courses i doing this siemester even though exams is next week.
i learnt that Some girls are just so f*ed up :icon_cheesygrin:
I learned dat mummy's are earth born angels and God is good and knows who to send in times of distress
I've learned that you cannot make
someone love you. All you can do is
stalk them and hope they panic and give in.

I've learned that no matter how much I care,
some people are just assholes.

I've learned that it takes years
to build up trust, and it only takes
suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.

I've learned that you can get by
on charm for about fifteen minutes.
After that, you'd better have a big willy
or huge boobs.

I've learned that you shouldn't
compare yourself to others - they are
more screwed up than you think.

I've learned that you can keep vomiting
long after you think you're finished.

I've learned that we are responsible
for what we do, unless we are celebrities.

I've learned that regardless of
how hot and steamy a relationship is at
first, the passion fades, and there had better
be a lot of money to take its place!

I've learned that 99% of the time when
something isn't working in your house, one
of your kids did it.

I've learned that the people you care most
about in life are taken from you too soon
and all the less important ones just never go away.

To all of you who read this,
I hope you will appreciate it, who knows,
maybe you've learned something.

If not...tough shit.
Read alot about compression lol for the forum files, and ways in which to make the forum fast, so its all good
I learn that there's still hope for does who seek help for there future.
I learn when you sit around and do nothing you start to forget things