Weird food combinations we love

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So apparently roti and salt butter is a weird combo

As well as crix and ketchup?
Pelau with anything but beef tastes great to me.

I like eggs, rice and pigeon peas lol

I like moist pelau but I'm very picky about beef. I was an on again off again vegetarian/sometimes vegan for about 10 years and I still feel iffy about beef. Eggs, rice and pigeon peas is definitely weird to me lol

So apparently roti and salt butter is a weird combo

As well as crix and ketchup?

I've heard of roti and butter, but the crix and ketchup is weird to me. Never seen anyone do that.
Ikr Steven!!! You guys should try it, it tastes like pizza if you add cheese on top lmao it's actually not that bad
OKay I've made pizza bites with crix, tomato sauce/pasta sauce, cheese and veggies before and it was real good. But crix and I'll see if I can get someone to try that and tell me what they think as they're eating it.
Cause I'm allergic to wheat (like Crix) and dairy (like cheese). I'll have to ask someone else and take their word for it lol
Wow shadowhunter you missing out!! Sorry about your allergies but you really missing out on life here


Is vital supplies!
Yeah I know :( no crix, no bread, no ice cream, no cake, no cookies (recently found a workable peanut butter cookie recipe), no pasta, no pies, no milk punches, no roti, no fried or breaded chicken/shrimp/fish, no wheat flavored soy sauce or cereal fillers as an ingredient in food etc. Also allergic to dust, pollen, chamomile, cinnamon, and fragrance (and I'm sure I left one out) and I have sensitive skin so rashes, hives, and swelling are normal for me. I risk cross-contamination allergies with frosting but it's sooo good!!!! Can't remember the last time I had chocolate because all manufactured companies use MILK chocolate. At least fruits and nuts and soymilk are safe or Idk how I would survive lol
I can't eat normal stuff that even touches something with wheat or dairy or I'll have a reaction. The other allergies aren't as severe usually. I used to be able to eat wheat and dairy before though, those allergies kicked in from a problematic pregnancy and just got worse the more I continued eating like normal until I did an elimination diet realized what the problem was. I know what a lot of awesome stuff tastes like from before those days so I definitely know what I'm missing lol which kinda adds to the temptation real bad!!!!
I tried that once at my dad's request but didn't like it. I preferred just eating condensed milk straight out of the can.

I got another weird one though:

When my kid brother was a very young child he was obsessed with ketchup and coke. Have you ever seen anyone eating french fries dipped in ketchup and coke? ewwwwwwww. Just ewwww.
Ketchup and coke..
Interesting lol
I have to try that xD

Okay here's a really weird one I saw my mom eating this morning.

Zaboca ,fried plantain and roti.

I don't mind them separately eh but together it doesn't sound right
Ketchup and coke..
Interesting lol
I have to try that xD

Okay here's a really weird one I saw my mom eating this morning.

Zaboca ,fried plantain and roti.

I don't mind them separately eh but together it doesn't sound right

Ewww let me know if you collapse after trying the ketchup and coke lol

I've done the plantain and avocado thing before. DELICIOUS!!! Fried plantain can go with almost anything, so can avocado. YUM!!!!
And you think ketchup and coke is weird xD

We should have a cook off with everything we listen listed in this thread

Let's see who's willing to take a hit for the team lol
lol yes!!! I wanna see you try ketchup and coke with a straight face (until I look away because it's still gross lol)
I was told this is weird but I like to eat peanut butter mixed with brown sugar at a 1:1 ratio.