T&T Drivers License


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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
Do you think the age limit should be changed to acquire a license?? The government of Trinidad & Tobago are in works of discussing an age limit change from 17 to 21 years to be a holder of a driver's license to lessen accidents and reckless driving on the nation's roads. The road fatality numbers are increasing and so are youths death rate., then again, there are more mature people that are also loosing their lives. Do you agree?
No no no no no no no no no no no pleassseeeeeee noooo

I have been waiting for 9 years to get my drivers license , coming from a family involved a lot in racing and driving I have been waiting so long and finally I have just passed my regs today hoping to pass the driving test

I do understand your concerns however , a lot of road fatalities do include the age bracket of 17-25, but because of some few people that choose to disobey the law, I don't think the entire age limit should be raised

I need to get my license because of the distance and timing of my new classes and courses, my mother is a single parent, and I have a little brother preparing for SEA, we have 2 different timings and classes

I also have a very sickly grandmother ,so owning my license can really benefit us In emergencies!

Look I know and I have discussed the fact that there are a lot of road fatalities, what I do support however is a change in the laws, teens who are of the age of 17-20 should have specific laws to follow that include a restriction in times in which they can drive (even more restricted than it currently is) , the car has to be registered and insured under their name and a parent or guardian in order to drive it, as well as more regulations to which they cannot drive over the limit of 60km/h when the road is wet or slippery

They should also have a L in a distinct colour on the license plate to distinguish learner drivers, to which police can stop and inspect whenever they are driving

I don't mind abiding by those laws ,once it ensures my safety and safety to other drivers on the roadway
This is a discussion I've had before on many an occasion. Raising the age back to 21 would not help anything or anyone as they would be just as inexperienced. I believe an introduction of driver's education into either the school curriculum or at licensing office would be the best solution. Stipulations would require all drivers and vehicle owners to pass driver's ed classes at each class (1-7) before being issued a license in that class. Regulation of driving schools as well to facilitate these steps are also needed where the schools are responsible for those preparing for the actual exams at licensing. The theory should be more than just a few multiple choice questions but should include motor vehicle law (or at least some of it) to make drivers more knowledgeable about offenses. I also think that defensive driving be made mandatory as well ( theory and practical applications). This would ensure that persons coming into the driving world at least have more than 24-48hrs driving experience before regulations and driving test.
i very much agree with AnthoneMorris, if those implementations could be made, it might reduce the amount of people driving on the road currently, and also help with experience and the knowledge that is mandatory when owning and driving a car!
I agree with those in addition to retesting people who get a certain number of tickets.
I say raise the age to 18, which is when you are then able to consume alcohol legally. This in addition to the introduction of drivers education of some form and lengthier tests and schooling processes. Some people do three classes then go do a driving test. Then some people just do an 'L' turn and 3 point turn and that's it. Driving test is over. Day after that you are out on the roads which young/new/inexperienced drivers realise is nothing compared to what they thought it would be.
No. They need to cut down on the amount of corruption in the system. Raising the age won't be highly effective as compared to making a defensive driving course part of the "learning" phase prior to the test. That way proper practices are made aware off.
Further, while a lot of youths do drive terribly, I must admit that the majority of bad driving and times where fatal accidents could have occured have been due to somewhat older people in my experience during the day.

However, I believe there is an imbalance in the system, a lot of people who can actually drive well don't pass their tests due to the biasness they get from some of the officers and the disequilibrium lies here as they are wrongfully replaced with people who use alternative means to obtain their license without even being able to drive on their side of the road.
No. They need to cut down on the amount of corruption in the system. Raising the age won't be highly effective as compared to making a defensive driving course part of the "learning" phase prior to the test. That way proper practices are made aware off.
Further, while a lot of youths do drive terribly, I must admit that the majority of bad driving and times where fatal accidents could have occured have been due to somewhat older people in my experience during the day.

However, I believe there is an imbalance in the system, a lot of people who can actually drive well don't pass their tests due to the biasness they get from some of the officers and the disequilibrium lies here as they are wrongfully replaced with people who use alternative means to obtain their license without even being able to drive on their side of the road.

This!!! I failed my first driving test because the officer was looking for payoff. My instructor was pissed when i told her but didn't push it because she didn't want me targetted.
This!!! I failed my first driving test because the officer was looking for payoff. My instructor was pissed when i told her but didn't push it because she didn't want me targetted.

That's not the first time I've heard of people failing the tests because they didn't bribe. Now people say to consider bribing the officer a standard payment and part of the official process because otherwise even the best drivers won't get passed, and the bribery supposedly guarantees a pass whether or not you would pass the test without it. That's a fail on the officials, not the drivers as people are now being forced to pay bribes if they want a license at all and I highly doubt that comes with constructive criticism from the officers or whether they even pay attention at all once their pockets are full.
No. They need to cut down on the amount of corruption in the system. Raising the age won't be highly effective as compared to making a defensive driving course part of the "learning" phase prior to the test. That way proper practices are made aware off.
Further, while a lot of youths do drive terribly, I must admit that the majority of bad driving and times where fatal accidents could have occured have been due to somewhat older people in my experience during the day.

However, I believe there is an imbalance in the system, a lot of people who can actually drive well don't pass their tests due to the biasness they get from some of the officers and the disequilibrium lies here as they are wrongfully replaced with people who use alternative means to obtain their license without even being able to drive on their side of the road.


I want the process to be like in Germany:

  • an application form for a German driving license
  • a passport or ID card (and two extra photos)
  • a statement from your driving instructor that you have passed the written exam and/or the road test (if either test is required) - up to 40 hours of lessons registered
  • proof that you have taken a first-aid class recently
  • proof that you have passed a medical vision test


I want the process to be like in Germany:

  • an application form for a German driving license
  • a passport or ID card (and two extra photos)
  • a statement from your driving instructor that you have passed the written exam and/or the road test (if either test is required) - up to 40 hours of lessons registered
  • proof that you have taken a first-aid class recently
  • proof that you have passed a medical vision test


I completely agree with this! I wish there was some way to screen road ragers too though; I think that will cut down on a lot of accidents, make our roads feel safer, and provide a better example for future drivers (and even some experienced ones! lol).
:bolt:guilty @ road rage but i've learned to pull on the side and wait myself out.
:bolt:guilty @ road rage but i've learned to pull on the side and wait myself out.

I have to get there. I tend to use the van to pull on ppl when they doing crap sometimes.

A road rage exam wouldn't even be necessary if proper legislation and what not is enforced and order is restored to the roads.
At least you guys can admit when you do it, and want to improve on it. I've seen many accidents caused by some really bad road ragers who then come out of their car and totally rage on the person they targeted once they hit or swerve at them as if the accident or near accident was sheer dumb luck that they never saw coming while innocently driving.
At least you guys can admit when you do it, and want to improve on it. I've seen many accidents caused by some really bad road ragers who then come out of their car and totally rage on the person they targeted once they hit or swerve at them as if the accident or near accident was sheer dumb luck that they never saw coming while innocently driving.

When I do it it's not to cause accident it's to get them to wake up. It does exactly that without causing accidents or the like.
If they didn't pull a a-hole drive I wouldn't even think about pulling on them .
That's very different from the people who get in their vehicle intentionally looking out for the next guy to prey on. Not even in the same league. I would totally understand your reasons given the kinds of drivers I've seen on the road. The serious, dangerous road ragers are another thing entirely.
Ah I see what you mean Shadowhunter. Yes it is quite different and unfortunate. In that case then yes we can benefit from a stringent examination.
At least you guys can admit when you do it, and want to improve on it. I've seen many accidents caused by some really bad road ragers who then come out of their car and totally rage on the person they targeted once they hit or swerve at them as if the accident or near accident was sheer dumb luck that they never saw coming while innocently driving.

I have a friend who was in an acident a few weeks ago. Guy hit her car with her teenage daughter and pinned her in the car with the impact. The offending driver came out his car and CUSSES OUT the woman while she was pinned in her car...

Fortunately, justice was quickly served. When police arrived, he was arrested and charged for using obscene language. She herself is a police officer...:heh::heh:

Only minor injuries, thankfully.
Saxman how is it they arrived so promptly? If any of us here would do the same we would never receive such rapid response.