So I walked into the Trincity Mall washroom and was greeted by this......

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May 28, 2014
Warning, do not watch while eating, or if you have a weak stomach....This is disturbing on soo many levels!!!




WTHHH i always had higher standards for trincity mall inno, i thought they would be of a higher standard being the largest mall in the country! i cannot believe that things get this disgusting at trincity!
And it's the washroom closest to the food court. Very appetizing ....
Atleast the janitors were descent enough to put up the caution sign :/
And this is why I don't go to Trincity. To begin with, who'd make such a filthy mess...
Imagine if you walk into there, unsuspecting and skate and fall down.....I would need therapy!
Omg that's so GROSS!!!! Couldn't finish watching it. This is why I am terrified of using public bathrooms. I wasn't even going in there to get the bottom of my shoe dirty and germy and bringing back that filth everywhere I go.........can't believe that's next to the food court. Not gonna eat for awhile.....
Imagine if you walk into there, unsuspecting and skate and fall down.....I would need therapy!
I would need more than therapy!!! I'd burn my clothes and skin right there and then! You could imagine falling onto a wet slippery floor filled with someone's excrement? You don't even know what it is they eat self, how they carry about themselves, but it on display on the floor!

If I were you I was not even entering!

The bushy plain behind the mall more sanitary and the tp available nearly everywhere you turn!
Omg that's so GROSS!!!! Couldn't finish watching it. This is why I am terrified of using public bathrooms. I wasn't even going in there to get the bottom of my shoe dirty and germy and bringing back that filth everywhere I go.........can't believe that's next to the food court. Not gonna eat for awhile.....

I didn't even think about that...I'm going to burn my shoes now. lol

I would need more than therapy!!! I'd burn my clothes and skin right there and then! You could imagine falling onto a wet slippery floor filled with someone's excrement? You don't even know what it is they eat self, how they carry about themselves, but it on display on the floor!

If I were you I was not even entering!

The bushy plain behind the mall more sanitary and the tp available nearly everywhere you turn!

Desperate times boy....I sorry for people who were wearing those long, dragging pants....gross...
I didn't even think about that...I'm going to burn my shoes now. lol

Desperate times boy....I sorry for people who were wearing those long, dragging pants....gross...

What about guys in sandals though? :fear:
thank god there isnt 4d (smell ) that would just make this even worst!!!!! only MangaAddict holds that experience xD
hahahaha well it looking like Gulf City is the new flick now ent MangaAddict? cuz for sure you not coming up Movietowne chaguanas just to have a small lime! unless you up for it?
well I never really went up gulf city so much nah, last time I went was sometime last year September or so ,its been a while lol don't make style on me nah Steven boi
You'd be surprised at how different Gulf City is now. It's amazing! We can definitely make a lime! I like to suggest the new Caribbean Cinemas in South Park though, I'm dying to check them out :D
NICEEEE sounding like a plan for Jurassic World!! that movie gunna be bad! can't wait for it!

I'll definitely try to make it up there for that lime!