Simple Upgrades for your Nissan Car

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Active Member
May 27, 2014
hey guys, just wanted to know what are some of the simple Upgrades that you have in your Nissan Cars that make your car unique and very fun to drive?? :?:

currently looking to put a Universal Cold Air intake, some K&N long base air filters, some new NGK Iridium spark plugs and a Fuel regulator into a 1998 Nissan P11 Primera Wagon, currently running a foreign used SR20DE Engine (bought and installed in September 2013 and is completely stock) , also trying to acquire a Hyper CVT M6 tranny as my own is dying :lol: :cool:

so guys care to wade in on the matter?? :idea:
The K&N filter is a good choice... Also seeing as though you are running the SR20DE you could always change the engine oil you're currently using and switch to Amsoil oil... Its a bit more but gets the job done really well... Also there's a new product on the market called Nano Energizer... its an additive to put in after you added the oil....

Visit: for more info...
sweet! thanks for the info, i currently run Valvoline oil , but ill do an oil change in july ( recently changed it in april ) and switch over to amsoil! and give it a try , the nano energizer is new though i haven't heard of that before! i will check it out, since the car is becoming a bit sluggish on the pulloff, 1st and second just makes alot of noise but in 3rd the car pulls like a beast! hopefully the nano energizer will fix that up!

any upgrades in your car bro?
Upgrades... Bought chrome handles/LED tail lights/Rider grill/HID chrome headlights and a set of 20" ELEMENT wheels wrapped on 225/30 Nankang on the exterior... Interior i did a few screens and a decent audio install... As far as mechanical parts concerned i installed polyurethane bushings on the cradle/subframe etc... Did over suspension... The engine/tranny/exhaust is stock... But it suprisenly runs decent enough on the 20" wheels...
sweeeeeeeeet ! sounds like a nice project you got going. today i passed by the guy who has the stanced cube , and it got in an accident recently the entire front is destroyed :eek: :shock:
Yea ppl, cool site.
Simple Upgrades (Y12rider) - CAI , Nano E , 5 + point Grounding kit , premium oil , premium plugs , premium fuel , 8" wide rims , good tyres , brake pads , brembo covers (optional) , extra tail lights , Tein & Cusco coilovers suspension , upper sway bar , smoked out head and tail lights and smoked out all chrome handles and rear view covers and that's about it.
I did 90% on my ride and still have one thing to complete , thus far the car works real sweet.
PPL - shift lock , alarm , GPS , gas lock , electrical kill and other stuff some bandits still coming to get you yes.
WTF . I just confirm I am a gas head. Lol
^^^^^^ i can personally account for those mods, the ride looks sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when i saw it , i was totally amazed! never saw a y12 that looks so sick until yesterday!

Seedragon's ride is personally one of the best i've seen in trinidad and tobago, the Brembo clip ons were really well done, it fooled me there! bought my cold air intake from him yesterday , got the adapter for the MAF so im going to install today!

can't wait , im not going that full out on the p11 though, i have to save something for my car lol
Thanks man, hope all goes well with the cai.
PPL tell me the brembo real thief head yes and that's the intent . I does dream them suff when I sleeping. Lolol
hahahahha yea bro! it was a serious thief head! you did a fantastic job on those brakes! when you have time you could post pics! let the nation see your amazing car!
so guys i've just finished doing my repairs on the primera! honestly just gave it a small highway run and its noticeably better, the iridiums and the intake really brings the car alive, especially at higher RPMS , but i must say it was alot of work , especially unexpected work

changed : both left and right upper cradle arms, right side lower cradle arm bushings( did not expect that LOTS of fabrication due to the bushing being too large to fit in the plate for some retarded reason keep in mind it is a p11 upper cradle that was bought), tappet cover gasket (did not expect that), spark plug seals( did not expect that) , spark plugs that were soaked in oil because of the seals becoming hard and sweating, spark plugs, air intake (LOTS of fabrication there because the adapter plate did not fit the bolt pattern for the MAF on the Sr20DE highport)

all in all the car feels much better now, soon it shall be time to touch the back suspension, install lowering springs, better rims and tyres , and stiffen up the suspension with the aftermarket Energy Suspension poly bushings!


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gdevening guys. im a neebie seems we all got prims here so ill fit in. blacktop witstd tranny. gettin a fierce jerk when changing from 1 to 2. any recommendations as re additives? r i should look 4 another tranny?
hmm a jerking when changing gears from 1st to 2nd, well first of all, is your tranny filled to the correct amount of fluid? any warning lights or anything?

on first impressions of hearing that i would say its a solenoid problem, but thats my 2 cents, drop by a mechanic and check it out.

you getting it in reverse as well?
Roach, thank you very much for spreading the word --- we really do appreciate it. :)

Mr. Bollywood, Nano Energizer would work to improve your torque/take-off on all gears as well as smooths rough idle, gets rid of excessive noise and boost low horsepower. Overall you would get an overall improvement in performance. Please share your experience with us after trying it.

Step 1: Warm up the engine.
Step 2: Shake the Nano Energizer well before injection.
Step 3: Open oil filler cap and inject Nano Energizer slowly.
Step 4: Close oil filler cap.
Step 4: Let engine idle for at least 20 minutes or drive at least 30km immediately to start the coating process. That's it! Re-apply at 40,000km.

Thanks again Roach!

Nano Energizer Caribbean
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Nice, hope the cai working well.
Did a coilovers system I built for my y12, but did not like the stance and hight so it out.
I went back with the Tien and OEM shocks with minor mod.
Soon the system will be for sale.
Nissan or Toyota app with slight mod.
Holla if you guys want it for a project.


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If u ant know , now u do - 'Nano' it or go home walking ppl.
Amazing product, engineered to save your PoWeR PlAnt.
Holla the 'Nano' man he is real helpful.
hahahha wow yea i have to buy a can and throw it in!!!

CAI is not fully functional yet, the hose keeps slipping out of the adapter, but i'm working to fix that

btw seedragon you have some mad parts fs man! love how you custom built the coilovers! lol must try that someday, actually the next step is coilovers but we have to sort out some noise we are currently hearing in the gas tank lol
Wanted to know the simplest way to get disc brakes in rear of a b15. Heard p11 complete rear banjos are direct bolt up. Could anyone shed some light?
Hey man, yea the B15 rear brakes could be upgraded to the p11 rear disc brakes with some minor modifications, personally I've only heard about this being done years ago, but you might have to redrill the rotars to fit correctly, the spindle set up is a direct bolt up to the b14 /U14 etc and also the Q45 if I remember correctly, but with some minor modifications and a proper layout the P11 rear disc brakes would work!!!